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Advanced JavaScript Scroll Techniques

Explore advanced JavaScript scroll techniques for smooth, fast, and continuous scrolling. Learn how to scroll to the top or bottom of a page, scroll left or right indefinitely, and create infinite scroll loops.

Scroll to Bottom of Page
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
Scroll to Top of Page
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
Scroll to Left Side of Page
window.scrollTo(0, window.pageXOffset);
Scroll to Right Side of Page
window.scrollTo(document.body.scrollWidth, window.pageYOffset);
Smooth Scrolling to Bottom
  top: document.body.scrollHeight,
  behavior: 'smooth'
Fast Scroll to Bottom
const superScroll = (scrollStep = 50, scrollSpeed = 5) => setInterval(() => (document.documentElement.scrollTop += scrollStep) >= document.   documentElement.scrollHeight && clearInterval(scrollInterval), scrollSpeed);

Super-Fast Scroll to Bottom
const superScroll = (scrollStep = 200, scrollSpeed = 10) => setInterval(() => (document.documentElement.scrollTop += scrollStep) >= document.   documentElement.scrollHeight && clearInterval(scrollInterval), scrollSpeed);

Super-Fastest Scroll to Bottom

```javascript const superScroll = (scrollStep = 5000, scrollSpeed = 5) => { const scrollToBottom = () => { document.documentElement.scrollTop += scrollStep; if ( document.documentElement.scrollTop < document.documentElement.scrollHeight) requestAnimationFrame(scrollToBottom); }; scrollToBottom(); };



Autoscroll to Bottom with Timeout
function autoScrollToBottom() {
  window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);

var scrollInterval = setInterval(autoScrollToBottom, 1000);

setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
Scroll to Top of Page
function scrollToTop() {
  window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });

Autoscroll to Bottom
function autoScrollToBottom() {
  window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);

var scrollInterval = setInterval(autoScrollToBottom, 1000);

setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
Autoscroll Smoothly to Bottom
function autoScrollSmooth() {
  var scrollStep = 50; 
  var scrollSpeed = 10;
  var scrollDelay = 2000; 

  var scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
    window.scrollBy(0, scrollStep);

    if (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset >= document.body.offsetHeight) {
      setTimeout(autoScrollSmooth, scrollDelay);
  }, scrollSpeed);

Autoscroll with Infinite Loop
const autoScrollInfiniteLoop = (scrollStep = 50, scrollSpeed = 1) => setInterval(() => (window.scrollBy(0, scrollStep), window.innerHeight + window.    pageYOffset >= document.body.offsetHeight && window.scrollTo(0, 0)), scrollSpeed);

Scroll Up and Down Forever
function scrollUpDownForever() {
  var scrollStep = 10; 
  var scrollSpeed = 5; 
  var scrollDirection = 1; 

  var scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
    window.scrollBy(0, scrollStep * scrollDirection);

    if (
      (scrollDirection === -1 && window.pageYOffset <= 0) ||
      (scrollDirection === 1 && window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset >= document.body.offsetHeight)
    ) {
      scrollDirection *= -1; // Reverse the scroll direction
  }, scrollSpeed);

Scroll Right Forever
function scrollRightForever() {
  var scrollStep = 10; 
  var scrollSpeed = 5; 

  var scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
    window.scrollBy(scrollStep, 0);

    if (window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset

 >= document.body.offsetWidth) {
      window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset);
  }, scrollSpeed);

Scroll Left Forever
function scrollLeftForever() {
  var scrollStep = 10;
  var scrollSpeed = 5;

  var scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
    window.scrollBy(-scrollStep, 0);

    if (window.pageXOffset <= 0) {
      window.scrollTo(document.body.offsetWidth, window.pageYOffset);
  }, scrollSpeed);

Scroll One-Third Forever
function scrollOneThirdForever() {
  var scrollStep = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 3); 
  var scrollSpeed = 5; 
  var scrollDirection = 1; 

  var scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
    window.scrollBy(scrollStep * scrollDirection, 0);

    // Check if reached the end or beginning of the page
    if (
      (scrollDirection === 1 && window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset >= document.body.offsetWidth) ||
      (scrollDirection === -1 && window.pageXOffset <= 0)
    ) {
      scrollDirection *= -1; // Reverse the scroll direction
  }, scrollSpeed);
