Ncurses Direct Connect Client
Transfer Window
Press Ctrl+Q
to get the Queue list up and when we have an active connection then press C
to get transfer window showing up as a new tab
Key Mapping
Key bindings for: queue - Download queue.
Up/Down Select one item up/down.
k/j Select one item up/down.
PgUp/PgDown Select one page of items up/down.
End/Home Select last/first item in the list.
K/J Select one user up/down.
f Find user in user list.
c Find connection in the connection list.
a Search for alternative download sources.
d Remove selected file from the queue.
+/- Increase/decrease priority.
i/Return Toggle user list.
r Remove selected user for this file.
R Remove selected user from all files in the download queue.
x Clear error state for the selected user for this file.
X Clear error state for the selected user for all files.
04:03:38 = true
04:03:38 global.active_ip =,::
04:03:38 global.active_port = 33444
04:03:38 global.active_udp_port = 33444
04:03:38 global.adc_blom = false
04:03:38 global.autorefresh = 0s (disabled)
04:03:38 global.backlog = 0 (disabled)
04:03:38 global.chat_only = false
04:03:38 global.color_list_default = default
04:03:38 global.color_list_header = default,bold
04:03:38 global.color_list_select = green,bold
04:03:38 global.color_log_default = default
04:03:38 global.color_log_highlight = yellow,bold
04:03:38 global.color_log_join = green,bold
04:03:38 global.color_log_nick = default,bold
04:03:38 global.color_log_ownnick = green,bold
04:03:38 global.color_log_quit = red
04:03:38 global.color_log_time = black,bold
04:03:38 global.color_separator = default
04:03:38 global.color_tab_active = green,bold
04:03:38 global.color_tabprio_high = magenta,bold
04:03:38 global.color_tabprio_low = black,bold
04:03:38 global.color_tabprio_med = cyan,bold
04:03:38 global.color_title = default,bold
04:03:38 global.connection is not set.
04:03:38 global.description = telia
04:03:38 global.disconnect_offline = true
04:03:38 global.download_dir = /mnt/usb/glftpd/site/incoming/
04:03:38 global.download_exclude is not set.
04:03:38 global.download_rate is not set.
04:03:38 global.download_segment = 0 (disable segmented downloading)
04:03:38 global.download_shared = true
04:03:38 global.download_slots = 100
04:03:38 =
04:03:38 global.encoding = UTF-8
04:03:38 global.filelist_maxage = 7d
04:03:38 global.flush_file_cache = none
04:03:38 global.geoip_cc is not set.
04:03:38 global.hash_rate is not set.
04:03:38 global.incoming_dir = /mnt/usb/backup/ncdc/inc
04:03:38 global.local_address is not set.
04:03:38 global.log_debug = false
04:03:38 global.log_downloads = true
04:03:38 global.log_hubchat = true
04:03:38 global.log_uploads = true
04:03:38 global.max_ul_per_user = 10
04:03:38 global.minislots = 3
04:03:38 global.minislot_size = 64 KiB
04:03:38 global.nick = [1000]wuseman
04:03:38 global.notify_bell = disabled
04:03:38 global.reconnect_timeout = 10s
04:03:38 global.sendfile = true
04:03:38 global.share_emptydirs = false
04:03:38 global.share_exclude is not set.
04:03:38 global.share_hidden = false
04:03:38 global.share_symlinks = false
04:03:38 global.show_free_slots = false
04:03:38 global.show_joinquit = false
04:03:38 global.slots = 8
04:03:38 global.sudp_policy = prefer
04:03:38 global.tls_policy = prefer
04:03:38 global.tls_priority = NORMAL:-ARCFOUR-128
04:03:38 global.ui_time_format = [%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S]
04:03:38 global.upload_rate is not set.
Example Settings
/set upload_rate 1024M
/set max_ul_per_user 6
/set connection 10000
/set log_downloads true
/set log_uploads true
/set nick [1000]wuseman
/set share_emptydirs false
/set share show_free_slots true
/set show_joinquit true
Available commands for /help
19:34:12 Available commands:
19:34:12 /accept - Accept the TLS certificate of a hub.
19:34:12 /browse - Download and browse someone's file list.
19:34:12 /clear - Clear the display.
19:34:12 /close - Close the current tab.
19:34:12 /connect - Connect to a hub.
19:34:12 /connections - Open the connections tab.
19:34:12 /delhub - Remove a hub from the configuration
19:34:12 /disconnect - Disconnect from a hub.
19:34:12 /gc - Perform some garbage collection.
19:34:12 /grant - Grant someone a slot.
19:34:12 /help - Request information on commands.
19:34:12 /hset - Get or set per-hub configuration variables.
19:34:12 /hunset - Unset a per-hub configuration variable.
19:34:12 /kick - Kick a user from the hub.
19:34:12 /listen - List currently opened ports.
19:34:12 /me - Chat in third person.
19:34:12 /msg - Send a private message.
19:34:12 /nick - Alias for `/hset nick' on hub tabs, and `/set nick' otherwise.
19:34:12 /open - Open a new hub tab and connect to the hub.
19:34:12 /password - Send your password to the hub.
19:34:12 /pm - Alias for /msg
19:34:12 /queue - Open the download queue.
19:34:12 /quit - Quit ncdc.
19:34:12 /reconnect - Shortcut for /disconnect and /connect
19:34:12 /refresh - Refresh file list.
19:34:12 /say - Send a chat message.
19:34:12 /search - Search for files.
19:34:12 /set - Get or set global configuration variables.
19:34:12 /share - Add a directory to your share.
19:34:12 /ungrant - Revoke a granted slot.
19:34:12 /unset - Unset a global configuration variable.
19:34:12 /unshare - Remove a directory from your share.
19:34:12 /userlist - Open the user list.
19:34:12 /version - Display version information.
19:34:12 /whois - Locate a user in the user list.
When an item in the queue has ERR
indicated in the
Priority column, you have two choices: You can remove the item from the queue using d
, or attempt to continue the download by increasing its priority using +
and -
(Prio +2
is max and 0
is default.