GTKTerm Installation and Usage
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install and use GTKTerm, a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop. Follow the methods below to set up GTKTerm on your system.
Installing from Source (Using Meson and Ninja)
# Clone the repository or download the source code
git clone
cd gtkterm
# Create a separate build directory
mkdir gtkterm_build
cd gtkterm_build
# Setup build system with Meson
meson setup ..
# Compile the source
# Install the application (requires root privileges)
sudo ninja install
Starting GTKTerm
# Once installed, you can start GTKTerm from the terminal
Removing GTKTerm
# To remove GTKTerm from your system, you can use the following commands
cd /path/to/gtkterm_build
sudo ninja uninstall