Efficient Compression and Archiving with tar Command
Unlock the full potential of the tar command for efficient compression and archiving of your files and directories. Discover how to compress with maximum compression using Gzip or XZ, create archives with different compression levels, utilize multi-core processing for faster compression, and more. Streamline your file management workflows with these advanced tar command usages.
Compress with max compression
env GZIP=-9 tar cvzf file.tar.gz /path/to/directory
Use Gzip instead of tar
tar -cvf files.tar /path/to/file0 /path/to/file1; gzip -9 files.tar
Create xz archive
XZ_OPT=-9 tar -Jcvf file.tar.xz /path/to/directory
Create a gzip archive
tar cv /path/to/directory | gzip --best > file.tar.g
Create xz with max compression
tar cv path/to/data | xz -9 > file.tar.xz
Create gzip with multi cores
tar cf - paths-to-archive | pigz -9 -p 32 > archive.tar.gz
Compress multiple folders
for folders in ./*;
tar cv $folders|xz -9 > $folders.tar.gz;
Compress with pigz
tar --use-compress-program="pigz --best --recursive" -cf archive.tar.gz YourData
Fastest extraction
tar -I pigz -xf /mnt/sd/current/backup/bigbackup_web.tar.gz -C /tmp