Show all available icons we can use from default that is stored local
Parse all available icons from
- With a nice graphical output in ascii, via
elinks -dump -dump-width 190 "$url"
* We can also use curl
, sed
, awk
and grep
for testing all icons #!/bin/bash
# Author: wuseman <>
curl -sL ${notifyIcons} |sed '/</{ :loop s/<[^<]*>//g
/</{N; b loop }}' |grep -v '^[A-Za-z0-9]' |sed 's/^.* //g;s/^/notify-send -i /;
s/$/ "New Message/g'|sed 's/$/"/g'|grep '^[a-z]'
All icons that can be used by default
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionaddress-book-new "New Message"
notify-send -i application-exit "New Message"
notify-send -i appointment-new "New Message"
notify-send -i call-start "New Message"
notify-send -i call-stop "New Message"
notify-send -i contact-new "New Message"
notify-send -i document-new "New Message"
notify-send -i document-open "New Message"
notify-send -i document-open-recent "New Message"
notify-send -i document-page-setup "New Message"
notify-send -i document-print "New Message"
notify-send -i document-print-preview "New Message"
notify-send -i document-properties "New Message"
notify-send -i document-revert "New Message"
notify-send -i document-save "New Message"
notify-send -i document-save-as "New Message"
notify-send -i document-send "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-clear "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-copy "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-cut "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-delete "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-find "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-find-replace "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-paste "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-redo "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-select-all "New Message"
notify-send -i edit-undo "New Message"
notify-send -i folder-new "New Message"
notify-send -i format-indent-less "New Message"
notify-send -i format-indent-more "New Message"
notify-send -i format-justify-center "New Message"
notify-send -i format-justify-fill "New Message"
notify-send -i format-justify-left "New Message"
notify-send -i format-justify-right "New Message"
notify-send -i format-text-direction-ltr "New Message"
notify-send -i format-text-direction-rtl "New Message"
notify-send -i format-text-bold "New Message"
notify-send -i format-text-italic "New Message"
notify-send -i format-text-underline "New Message"
notify-send -i format-text-strikethrough "New Message"
notify-send -i go-bottom "New Message"
notify-send -i go-down "New Message"
notify-send -i go-first "New Message"
notify-send -i go-home "New Message"
notify-send -i go-jump "New Message"
notify-send -i go-last "New Message"
notify-send -i go-next "New Message"
notify-send -i go-previous "New Message"
notify-send -i go-top "New Message"
notify-send -i go-up "New Message"
notify-send -i help-about "New Message"
notify-send -i help-contents "New Message"
notify-send -i help-faq "New Message"
notify-send -i insert-image "New Message"
notify-send -i insert-link "New Message"
notify-send -i insert-object "New Message"
notify-send -i insert-text "New Message"
notify-send -i list-add "New Message"
notify-send -i list-remove "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-forward "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-mark-important "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-mark-junk "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-mark-notjunk "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-mark-read "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-mark-unread "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-message-new "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-reply-all "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-reply-sender "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-send "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-send-receive "New Message"
notify-send -i media-eject "New Message"
notify-send -i media-playback-pause "New Message"
notify-send -i media-playback-start "New Message"
notify-send -i media-playback-stop "New Message"
notify-send -i media-record "New Message"
notify-send -i media-seek-backward "New Message"
notify-send -i media-seek-forward "New Message"
notify-send -i media-skip-backward "New Message"
notify-send -i media-skip-forward "New Message"
notify-send -i object-flip-horizontal "New Message"
notify-send -i object-flip-vertical "New Message"
notify-send -i object-rotate-left "New Message"
notify-send -i object-rotate-right "New Message"
notify-send -i process-stop "New Message"
notify-send -i system-lock-screen "New Message"
notify-send -i system-log-out "New Message"
notify-send -i system-run "New Message"
notify-send -i system-search "New Message"
notify-send -i system-reboot "New Message"
notify-send -i system-shutdown "New Message"
notify-send -i tools-check-spelling "New Message"
notify-send -i view-fullscreen "New Message"
notify-send -i view-refresh "New Message"
notify-send -i view-restore "New Message"
notify-send -i view-sort-ascending "New Message"
notify-send -i view-sort-descending "New Message"
notify-send -i window-close "New Message"
notify-send -i window-new "New Message"
notify-send -i zoom-fit-best "New Message"
notify-send -i zoom-in "New Message"
notify-send -i zoom-original "New Message"
notify-send -i zoom-out "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionprocess-working "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionaccessories-calculator "New Message"
notify-send -i accessories-character-map "New Message"
notify-send -i accessories-dictionary "New Message"
notify-send -i accessories-text-editor "New Message"
notify-send -i help-browser "New Message"
notify-send -i multimedia-volume-control "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-accessibility "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-font "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-keyboard "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-locale "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-multimedia "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-screensaver "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-theme "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-wallpaper "New Message"
notify-send -i system-file-manager "New Message"
notify-send -i system-software-install "New Message"
notify-send -i system-software-update "New Message"
notify-send -i utilities-system-monitor "New Message"
notify-send -i utilities-terminal "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionapplications-accessories "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-development "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-engineering "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-games "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-graphics "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-internet "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-multimedia "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-office "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-other "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-science "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-system "New Message"
notify-send -i applications-utilities "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-peripherals "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-desktop-personal "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-other "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-system "New Message"
notify-send -i preferences-system-network "New Message"
notify-send -i system-help "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionaudio-card "New Message"
notify-send -i audio-input-microphone "New Message"
notify-send -i battery "New Message"
notify-send -i camera-photo "New Message"
notify-send -i camera-video "New Message"
notify-send -i camera-web "New Message"
notify-send -i computer "New Message"
notify-send -i drive-harddisk "New Message"
notify-send -i drive-optical "New Message"
notify-send -i drive-removable-media "New Message"
notify-send -i input-gaming "New Message"
notify-send -i input-keyboard "New Message"
notify-send -i input-mouse "New Message"
notify-send -i input-tablet "New Message"
notify-send -i media-flash "New Message"
notify-send -i media-floppy "New Message"
notify-send -i media-optical "New Message"
notify-send -i media-tape "New Message"
notify-send -i modem "New Message"
notify-send -i multimedia-player "New Message"
notify-send -i network-wired "New Message"
notify-send -i network-wireless "New Message"
notify-send -i pda "New Message"
notify-send -i phone "New Message"
notify-send -i printer "New Message"
notify-send -i scanner "New Message"
notify-send -i video-display "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionemblem-default "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-documents "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-downloads "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-favorite "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-important "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-mail "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-photos "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-readonly "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-shared "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-symbolic-link "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-synchronized "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-system "New Message"
notify-send -i emblem-unreadable "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionface-angel "New Message"
notify-send -i face-angry "New Message"
notify-send -i face-cool "New Message"
notify-send -i face-crying "New Message"
notify-send -i face-devilish "New Message"
notify-send -i face-embarrassed "New Message"
notify-send -i face-kiss "New Message"
notify-send -i face-laugh "New Message"
notify-send -i face-monkey "New Message"
notify-send -i face-plain "New Message"
notify-send -i face-raspberry "New Message"
notify-send -i face-sad "New Message"
notify-send -i face-sick "New Message"
notify-send -i face-smile "New Message"
notify-send -i face-smile-big "New Message"
notify-send -i face-smirk "New Message"
notify-send -i face-surprise "New Message"
notify-send -i face-tired "New Message"
notify-send -i face-uncertain "New Message"
notify-send -i face-wink "New Message"
notify-send -i face-worried "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionflag-aa "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionapplication-x-executable "New Message"
notify-send -i audio-x-generic "New Message"
notify-send -i font-x-generic "New Message"
notify-send -i image-x-generic "New Message"
notify-send -i package-x-generic "New Message"
notify-send -i text-html "New Message"
notify-send -i text-x-generic "New Message"
notify-send -i text-x-generic-template "New Message"
notify-send -i text-x-script "New Message"
notify-send -i video-x-generic "New Message"
notify-send -i x-office-address-book "New Message"
notify-send -i x-office-calendar "New Message"
notify-send -i x-office-document "New Message"
notify-send -i x-office-presentation "New Message"
notify-send -i x-office-spreadsheet "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionfolder "New Message"
notify-send -i folder-remote "New Message"
notify-send -i network-server "New Message"
notify-send -i manager. "New Message"
notify-send -i network-workgroup "New Message"
notify-send -i start-here "New Message"
notify-send -i user-bookmarks "New Message"
notify-send -i user-desktop "New Message"
notify-send -i user-home "New Message"
notify-send -i user-trash "New Message"
notify-send -i IconsNameDescriptionappointment-missed "New Message"
notify-send -i appointment-soon "New Message"
notify-send -i audio-volume-high "New Message"
notify-send -i audio-volume-low "New Message"
notify-send -i audio-volume-medium "New Message"
notify-send -i audio-volume-muted "New Message"
notify-send -i battery-caution "New Message"
notify-send -i battery-low "New Message"
notify-send -i dialog-error "New Message"
notify-send -i dialog-information "New Message"
notify-send -i dialog-password "New Message"
notify-send -i dialog-question "New Message"
notify-send -i user. "New Message"
notify-send -i dialog-warning "New Message"
notify-send -i folder-drag-accept "New Message"
notify-send -i folder-open "New Message"
notify-send -i folder-visiting "New Message"
notify-send -i image-loading "New Message"
notify-send -i image-missing "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-attachment "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-unread "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-read "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-replied "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-signed "New Message"
notify-send -i mail-signed-verified "New Message"
notify-send -i media-playlist-repeat "New Message"
notify-send -i media-playlist-shuffle "New Message"
notify-send -i network-error "New Message"
notify-send -i network-idle "New Message"
notify-send -i network-offline "New Message"
notify-send -i network-receive "New Message"
notify-send -i network-transmit "New Message"
notify-send -i "New Message"
notify-send -i network-transmit-receive "New Message"
notify-send -i printer-error "New Message"
notify-send -i printer-printing "New Message"
notify-send -i security-high "New Message"
notify-send -i security-medium "New Message"
notify-send -i security-low "New Message"
notify-send -i software-update-available "New Message"
notify-send -i software-update-urgent "New Message"
notify-send -i sync-error "New Message"
notify-send -i sync-synchronizing "New Message"
notify-send -i task-due "New Message"
notify-send -i task-past-due "New Message"
notify-send -i user-available "New Message"
notify-send -i user-away "New Message"
notify-send -i user-idle "New Message"
notify-send -i user-offline "New Message"
notify-send -i user-trash-full "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-clear "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-clear-night "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-few-clouds "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-few-clouds-night "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-fog "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-overcast "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-severe-alert "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-showers "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-showers-scattered "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-snow "New Message"
notify-send -i weather-storm "New Message"
notify-send -i History "New Message"