LFTP Cheat Sheet: Enhance Your File Transfer Capabilities
Explore the full potential of LFTP with this detailed cheat sheet. From setting up torrent options, SSH key configurations, to mastering FXP transfers and multi-segment downloading, this guide provides all you need for efficient file management and transfer.
Whether you're looking to optimize your downloads, manage files across servers, or secure your connections, this cheat sheet is your go-to resource for all things LFTP.
List all files in a tarball 'on-the-fly'
lftp -e "cat debootstrap_1.0.119~bpo10+1.tar.gz | tar -tzvf -" https://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/
Torrent settings
set torrent:ip ""
set torrent:ipv6 ""
set torrent:max-peers 60
set torrent:port-range 6881-6889
set torrent:retracker ""
set torrent:seed-max-time 30d
set torrent:seed-min-peers 3
set torrent:stop-on-ratio 2.0
set torrent:use-dht yes
Add ssh key in either way in lftprc
set ssl:key-file ~/.ssh
set sftp:connect-program "ssh -a -x -i yourprivatekeyfile"
FXP: Server A
> Server B
lftp -c 'open -e "mirror <server-A_dir_path> <server-B_url>" <server-A_site>'
Dump current settings
lftp -e "set;exit"
Dump all settings
lftp -e "set -a ;exit"
Multi-segment file downloading with lftp
lftp -u user,pass ftp://site.com -e 'pget -c -n 6 file'
Multi-segment directory downloading with lftp
lftp -u user,pass ftp://site.com/ -e 'mirror -c --parallel=3 --use-pget-n=5 "Some folder"'
Upload a File
lftp -e 'put /local/path/yourfile.mp4; bye' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Connection Timeout
lftp -e 'set net:timeout 10; put /local/path/yourfile.mp4; bye' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Active Mode
For what it's worth, Active mode – older, stinkier, and won't go through your firewall:
lftp -e 'set ftp:passive-mode false; set net:timeout 10; put /local/path/yourfile.mp4; bye' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
lftp -e 'set net:timeout 10; get yourfile.mp4; bye' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
If you need to put it in a specific local directory
lftp -e 'set net:timeout 10; get yourfile.mp4 -o /local/path/yourfile.mp4; bye' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Recursive Upload
lftp -e 'mirror -R /local/path/ /' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Recursive Download
lftp -e 'mirror / /local/path/' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Regular-Expression–Match Upload
lftp -e 'mirror -R -i "\.(html?|css|js)$" /local/path/ /' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Deploy only root-level files, not the entire directory tree. The -r
switch disables recursion. In this example, we are also only deploying HTML
, and JavaScript
lftp -e 'mirror -R -r -i "\.(html?|css|js)$" /local/path/ /' -u user,password ftp.foo.com
Special Characters in Username or Password
lftp -e 'put /local/path/yourfile.mp4; bye' -u user,password\!\! ftp.foo.com
FXP Transfer: site 1 > site2
lftp -d -c open -e "mirror -P15 \
"ftp://user:password@host:port/path" \
FXP Transfer: site 1 > site2
lftp -e "mirror -I googleAnalytics-master-dfd9155.tar.gz \
https://extdist.wmflabs.org/dist/extensions ftp://wuseman:odemnn@localhost:65005/site/"
Download all files from server in 20 parallel transfers
lftp -d -e open https://extdist.wmflabs.org/dist/extensions/ -e "mirror -P 20 ."
Disable notification check
mkdir ~/.lftp
echo "set ssl:verify-certificate no" >> ~/.lftp/rc
Download all folders inside /mp3/* on ftp to mp3
lftp -e open ftp://user1:pass1:site1:port -e "mirror -c -P1 remote/path /local/path" -d
FXP Between SITE 1 and SITE 2 with 20 threads at same time
lftp -e "set ftp:use-fxp true ;mirror -R -P20 ftp://user1:pass1:site1:port:/path \
ftp://user1:pass1:site1:port:/path" -d
Use lftp to multi-threaded download files from websites
lftp -c "pget -n 10 http://example.com/foo.bar"
Mirrors directory to a ftp server
lftp -u login,passwd" -e "mirror reverse /my/from/dir/ /ftp/target/dir/" ftp://site.com/
Mirror a directory structure from websites with an Apache-generated file indexes
lftp -e "mirror -c" http://example.com/foobar/
Multi-segment file downloading with lftp
lftp -u "user,pass" ftp://site.com -e 'pget -c -n 6 file'
Mirror a directory structure from websites with an Apache-generated file indexes
lftp -e "mirror -c" http://example.com/foobar/
Backup sda partition to ftp ( using pipes and gziped backup )
dd if=/dev/sda bs=2048 conv=noerror,sync | gzip -fc | lftp -u user,passwd domain.tld -e "put /dev/stdin -o backup-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).gz; quit"
Fastest segmented parallel sync of a remote directory over ssh
lftp -u user,pwd -e "set sftp:connect-program 'ssh -a -x -T -c arcfour -o Compression=no'; mirror -v -c --loop --use-pget-n=3 -P 2 /remote/dir/ /local/dir/; quit" sftp://remotehost:22
Multi-segment directory downloading with lftp
lftp -u "user,pass" ftp://site.com/ -e 'mirror -c parallel=3 use-pget-n=5 "Some folder"'
Gets directory and files tree listing from a FTP-server
lftp -u "user,pass" ftp://site.com/ -e "du -a;exit" > server-listing.txt
- http://lftp.yar.ru/lftp-man.html
- http://mewbies.com/lftp/lftp.html#scripts
- https://web.archive.org/web/20220331040412/http://www.russbrooks.com/2010/11/19/lftp-cheetsheet
- https://dade2.net/kb/complete-lftp-command-tutorial/
- https://www.nr1.nu/linux-shell/network/lftp/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20080309195640/http://tutorials.papamike.ca/pub/lftp.html
- https://www.mail-archive.com/lftp@uniyar.ac.ru/