Exploring APK with aapt2: Android Resource Management Tool
Discover the capabilities of aapt2, the Android Asset Packaging Tool version 2, for analyzing APK files. Learn how to extract information from APKs, including manifest details, resource configurations, permissions, string pools, and more, using a variety of commands provided by aapt2.
Print the contents of the AAPT2 Container (APC) generated fom compilation
aapt2 dump apc base.apk
Print information extracted from the manifest of the APK
aapt2 dump badging base.apk
Print every configuration used by a resource in the APK
aapt2 dump configurations base.apk
Print the permissions extracted from the manifest of the APK
aapt2 dump permissions base.apk
Print the contents of the resource table string pool in the APK
aapt2 dump strings base.apk
Print the parents of a style in an APK
aapt2 dump styleparents base.apk
Print the contents of the resource table from the APK
aapt2 dump resources base.apk
Print the chunk information of the compiled resources.arsc in the APK
aapt2 dump chunks base.apk
Print the string pool of a compiled xml in an APK
aapt dump xmltree base.apk AndroidManifest.xml > AndroidManifest.txt
Print the tree of a compiled xml in an APK
aapt2 dump xmltree base.apk
Print the resources of an APK
aapt2 dump overlayable base.apk