Install tcllib
and tls
and pycryptodome
emerge -av dev-tcltk/tcllib dev-tcltk/tls dev-python/pycryptodome
Install Eggrop From Source
git clone
cd eggdrop
make config
make $(nproc)
make install DEST=/mnt/usb/eggdrop
Configure Eggdrop: Carefully
vim eggdrop.conf
Launch Eggdrop
./eggdrop -m yourbot.conf
Send Hello Message to Your Bot
/msg <yourbot> hello
pass <yourpass> (when replied)
Send DCC Commands (net-irc/weechat
/dcc chat <yourbot> .help
Set Eggdrop Settings
.+chan #<channel>
.chanset #channel chanmode +k <password>
.chanset #channel +autoop
Set FishKey for Eggdrop To Read Encrypted Messages
/joín #channel
/blowkey set s8#G%pn#%iam*l#w$VZLGki5#e0AWalU
Example script for rehashing the bot by using the cmd !rehash
# Simple Eggdrop TCL script to allow rehash with a public !rehash command
# Usage: !rehash in the channel will trigger the rehash
# WARNING: No security checks are implemented; this script assumes a trusted environment.
bind pub - "!rehash" pub_rehash
proc pub_rehash {nick uhost hand chan text} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Rehashing the bot, please wait..."
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Rehash complete!"