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TG799Vac Xtream 512MB: A deep dive by wuseman

Welcome to my in-depth README for the TG799Vac Xtream v3, a comprehensive document crafted through extensive reverse engineering and ethical hacking. This guide is the culmination of my personal efforts and contains a wealth of knowledge, including custom scripts, detailed tutorials, and unique insights into the router's functionalities.


This README is a personal document created solely based on my experiences and expertise. It is important to note that I do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided. The procedures and methods described herein reflect my individual approach and may not necessarily be applicable or safe for all users or systems. Anyone choosing to follow the instructions or use the information provided does so at their own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any consequences, damages, or losses resulting from the use of this guide.


The primary goal of this document is to serve as a personal repository of knowledge for my own reference. However, it's crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, making it a professional and serious guide for those with a deep interest in understanding or modifying the TG799Vac Xtream v3. While this README remains private and is intended for my use, it is structured to meet high standards of clarity and professionalism, should it be shared with select individuals.

Screenshots: WebUi Roles
  • Admin and Telia's role


  • SuperUser Role


Default Message Of The Day
  _______              __           __              __             
 |_     _|.-----.----.|  |--.-----.|__|.----.-----.|  |.-----.----.
   |   |  |  -__|  __||     |     ||  ||  __|  _  ||  ||  _  |   _|
   |___|  |_____|____||__|__|__|__||__||____|_____||__||_____|__|  
                 N E X T   G E N E R A T I O N   G A T E W A Y
  * 1 oz Vodka          Pour all ingredients into mixing
  * 1 oz Triple Sec     tin with ice, strain into glass.
  * 1 oz Orange juice

Software program:

Copyright © 2018 - Technicolor Delivery Technology SAS and/or its Group Company (Technicolor)

All Rights Reserved

This program contains proprietary information which is a trade secret of Technicolor
and also is protected by intellectual property as an unpublished work 
under applicable Copyright laws/right of authorship. 

This program is also subject to some patent and pending patent applications. 
Technicolor� is registered trademark and trade name of Technicolor group company,
and shall not be used in any manner without express written from Technicolor. 

The use of the program and documentation is strictly limited to your own internal
evaluation of the product embedding such program, unless expressly agreed otherwise
by Technicolor under a specific agreement. 

Recipient is to retain this program in confidence and is not permitted to use
or make copies thereof other than as permitted in a written agreement with Technicolor,
unless otherwise expressly allowed by applicable laws. 

Recipient is not allowed to make any copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble,
and attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or
create derivative works of the program, any update, or any part thereof. 

Any violation or attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of Technicolor.
If you or any person under your control or authority breach this restriction,
you may be subject to prosecution and damages.

Product: vbnt-h_telia
Release: Cobalt (18.3)
Version: 18.3.0757

Hash config:         0e40118246e7a2eb96aab3050c1c837e68b20f47
Hash openwrt:        c6326301fa38a5e28268f3dc7eb105b0a75a3abd
Hash kernel:         09ad1d8d5603153f9e8f1e012921154a00b68234
Hash lte:            52a9c84ec91bc70036bfeb31303f3c66d237346f
Hash custo:          c48d042d7929b370d33dc8f41e2f3bfef8c70879
Hash technicolor:    68edd48ae506458dbe721d4ab061c13056c5e101
Hash routing:        04d61c791cd5ce3f30da2e380f5f95d4829b699b
Hash packages:       a39e1a0ff853c65f60cfe25e63d8112897fe10e7
Find shell commands excluded filename
find / -type f  ! -path "/tmp/mvfs/meta/.*" ! -path "/proc/*" ! -path "/sys/*" ! -path "/dev/*" \( -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.lua" \) -exec grep -Ein '(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])eval\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])exec\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])system\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])shell_exec\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])passthru\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])proc_open\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])popen\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])loadfile\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])dofile\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])os.execute\s*\(' {} +
Find shell commands incl. filename
  find /usr/ -type f \
    ! -path "/tmp/mvfs/meta/*" \
    ! -path "/proc/*" \
    ! -path "/sys/*" \
    ! -path "/dev/*" \
    \( -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.lua" \) \
    -exec grep -HEn '(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])eval\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])exec\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])system\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])shell_exec\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])passthru\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])proc_open\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])popen\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])loadfile\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])dofile\s*\(|(^|[^-\w$&@#%/])os.execute\s*\(' {} +
Example: Decryption key

Technicolor TG799Vac - VBNT-H v2023

Warning: This will overwrite bank_1 and bank_2

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# - iNFO -------------------------------------------------
#   Author....: wuseman <>
#  Created....: 2023-12-16 (23:10:05)
#  Version....: 1.0
#  License....: MIT
# --------------------------------------------------------

get_first_line_hex() {
    hexdump -C /dev/mtd3 -n 100 | head -n 1

echo "Checking initial state..."
echo "Initial: $initial_hex"

echo "Starting dd command..."
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mtd3 &
sleep 3
kill $DD_PID
echo "dd command completed."

echo "Checking final state..."
echo "Final: $final_hex"

if [ "$initial_hex" != "$final_hex" ]; then
    echo -e "[\e[1;32m*\e[0m] - /dev/mtd3 been successfully overwritten.."
    echo -e "[\e[1;31m*\e[0m] - /dev/mtd3 has not been overwritten, exiting.."
  • Overwrite bank_2 with random data for 3 seconds
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# - iNFO -------------------------------------------------
#   Author....: wuseman <>
#  Created....: 2023-12-16 (23:10:05)
#  Version....: 1.0
#  License....: MIT
# --------------------------------------------------------

get_first_line_hex() {
    hexdump -C /dev/mtd4 -n 100 | head -n 1

echo "Checking initial state..."
echo "Initial: $initial_hex"

echo "Starting dd command..."
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mtd4 &
sleep 3
kill $DD_PID
echo "dd command completed."

echo "Checking final state..."
echo "Final: $final_hex"

if [ "$initial_hex" != "$final_hex" ]; then
    echo -e "[\e[1;32m*\e[0m] - /dev/mtd4 been successfully overwritten.."
    echo -e "[\e[1;31m*\e[0m] - /dev/mtd4 has not been overwritten, exiting.."

Write firmware file

mtd -e bank_1 write VBNT-H.bin bank_1
mtd -e bank_2 write VBNT-H.bin bank_2

Unseal and Extract firmware file if needed

cat VBNT-H.rbi  | (bli_parser && echo "Please wait..." && (bli_unseal | dd bs=4 skip=1 seek=1 of="VBNT-H.bin"))

Wipe /overlay/* directories

rm -rf /overlay/*

Preserve Root Access

export COLUMNS=200
mkdir -p /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/booted)/etc
chmod 755 /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/booted) /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/booted)/etc
echo -e "echo root:root | chpasswd
sed -i 's#/root:.*\$#/root:/bin/ash#' /etc/passwd
sed -i -e 's/#//' -e 's#askconsole:.*\$#askconsole:/bin/ash#' /etc/inittab
uci -q set \$(uci show firewall | grep -m 1 \$(fw3 -q print | \
egrep 'iptables -t filter -A zone_lan_input -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment \"!fw3: .+\" -j DROP' | \
sed -n -e 's/^iptables.\+fw3: \(.\+\)\".\+/\1/p') | \
sed -n -e \"s/\(.\+\).name='.\+'$/\1/p\").target='ACCEPT'
uci add dropbear dropbear
uci rename dropbear.@dropbear[-1]=afg
uci set dropbear.afg.enable='1'
uci set dropbear.afg.Interface='lan'
uci set dropbear.afg.Port='22'
uci set dropbear.afg.IdleTimeout='600'
uci set dropbear.afg.PasswordAuth='on'
uci set dropbear.afg.RootPasswordAuth='on'
uci set dropbear.afg.RootLogin='1'
uci set dropbear.lan.enable='0'
uci set web.usr_Administrator.role='superuser'
uci commit web
uci commit dropbear
uci set system.@system[0].log_host=''
uci set system.@system[0].log_port='514'
uci set system.@system[0].conloglevel='5'
uci set system.@coredump[0].reboot='0'
uci commit system
uci set upnpd.config.log_output='1'
uci commit upnpd
uci set'1'
uci set'1'
uci set'1'
sed -i 's/^/#/g' /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.state='0'
uci commit cwmpd
uci set system.cfg01e48a.network_timezone='1'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_filter_ip=''
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_port='514'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_buffer_size='64'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_size='1024'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_file='/etc/log/messages'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.hw_reboot_count='1'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.sw_reboot_count='1'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_host=''
uci set system.cfg01e48a.conloglevel='5'
uci commit system 
dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ed25519_host_key -s 2048
/etc/init.d/dropbear enable
/etc/init.d/dropbear restart
rm /overlay/\$(cat /proc/banktable/booted)/etc/rc.local
source /rom/etc/rc.local
" > /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/booted)/etc/rc.local
chmod +x /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/booted)/etc/rc.local
mkdir -p /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted)/etc
chmod 755 /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted) /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted)/etc
echo -e "echo root:root | chpasswd
sed -i 's#/root:.*\$#/root:/bin/ash#' /etc/passwd
sed -i -e 's/#//' -e 's#askconsole:.*\$#askconsole:/bin/ash#' /etc/inittab
uci -q set \$(uci show firewall | grep -m 1 \$(fw3 -q print | \
egrep 'iptables -t filter -A zone_lan_input -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment \"!fw3: .+\" -j DROP' | \
sed -n -e 's/^iptables.\+fw3: \(.\+\)\".\+/\1/p') | \
sed -n -e \"s/\(.\+\).name='.\+'$/\1/p\").target='ACCEPT'
uci add dropbear dropbear
uci rename dropbear.@dropbear[-1]=afg
uci set dropbear.afg.enable='1'
uci set dropbear.afg.Interface='lan'
uci set dropbear.afg.Port='22'
uci set dropbear.afg.IdleTimeout='600'
uci set dropbear.afg.PasswordAuth='on'
uci set dropbear.afg.RootPasswordAuth='on'
uci set dropbear.afg.RootLogin='1'
uci set dropbear.lan.enable='0'
uci set web.usr_Administrator.role='superuser'
uci commit web
uci commit dropbear
uci set system.@system[0].log_host=''
uci set system.@system[0].log_port='514'
uci set system.@system[0].conloglevel='5'
uci set system.@coredump[0].reboot='0'
uci commit system
uci set upnpd.config.log_output='1'
uci commit upnpd
uci set'1'
uci set'1'
uci set'1'
sed -i 's/^/#/g' /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.state='0'
uci commit cwmpd
uci set system.cfg01e48a.network_timezone='1'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_filter_ip=''
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_port='514'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_buffer_size='64'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_size='1024'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_file='/etc/log/messages'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.hw_reboot_count='1'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.sw_reboot_count='1'
uci set system.cfg01e48a.log_host=''
uci set system.cfg01e48a.conloglevel='5'
uci commit system 
dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ed25519_host_key -s 2048
/etc/init.d/dropbear enable
/etc/init.d/dropbear restart
rm /overlay/\$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted)/etc/rc.local
source /rom/etc/rc.local
" > /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted)/etc/rc.local
chmod +x /overlay/$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted)/etc/rc.local

Write firmware to Bank_1 and Bank_2

# Author: wuseman

# Define variables for the firmware file and its path

# Assign the currently booted partition to a variable
booted_partition=$(cat /proc/banktable/booted)

# Check if the variable is not empty and the firmware file exists
if [ -n "$booted_partition" ] && [ -f "$full_firmware_path" ]; then
    # Write the firmware to the booted partition
    /sbin/mtd -e "$booted_partition" write "$full_firmware_path" "$booted_partition"
    echo "Error: Booted partition is not set or firmware file does not exist."
# Author: wuseman

# Define variables for the firmware file and its path

# Assign the currently booted partition to a variable
not_booted_partition=$(cat /proc/banktable/notbooted)

# Check if the variable is not empty and the firmware file exists
if [ -n "$not_booted_partition" ] && [ -f "$full_firmware_path" ]; then
    # Write the firmware to the booted partition
    /sbin/mtd -e "$not_booted_partition" write "$full_firmware_path" "$not_booted_partition"
    echo "Error: Non-booted partition is not set or firmware file does not exist."

Send Crash SysResq command for reboot

echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

That's it, if you have foollowed this guide you have successfully upgraded your router to latest firmwares for both banks and root belongs to you..

Technicolor Configurations

Configuration File: /etc/opkg.conf
cat << "EOF" > /etc/opkg.conf
# Destinations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay

arch all 100
arch arm_cortex-a9 200
arch arm_cortex-a9_neon 300

# Repositories
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
src/gz chaos_calmer_base
src/gz chaos_calmer_packages
src/gz chaos_calmer_luci
src/gz chaos_calmer_routing
src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony
src/gz chaos_calmer_core

# We are not allowed to download any files until we get whitelisted it seems
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# src/gz chaos_calmer_base_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_packages_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_luci_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_routing_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_core_macoers

# Telia/Technicolors default repository, it is down or we are simply not allowed to enter the repo
# src/gz chaos_calmer
Configuration File For /overlay: /etc/opkg.conf
cat << "EOF" > /overlay/bank_1/etc/opkg.conf
# Destinations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay

arch all 100
arch arm_cortex-a9 200
arch arm_cortex-a9_neon 300

# Repositories
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
src/gz chaos_calmer_base
src/gz chaos_calmer_packages
src/gz chaos_calmer_luci
src/gz chaos_calmer_routing
src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony
src/gz chaos_calmer_core

# We are not allowed to download any files until we get whitelisted it seems
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# src/gz chaos_calmer_base_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_packages_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_luci_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_routing_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_core_macoers

# Telia/Technicolors default repository, it is down or we are simply not allowed to enter the repo
# src/gz chaos_calmer
cat << "EOF" > /overlay/bank_2/etc/opkg.conf
# Destinations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay

arch all 100
arch arm_cortex-a9 200
arch arm_cortex-a9_neon 300

# Repositories
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
src/gz chaos_calmer_base
src/gz chaos_calmer_packages
src/gz chaos_calmer_luci
src/gz chaos_calmer_routing
src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony
src/gz chaos_calmer_core

# We are not allowed to download any files until we get whitelisted it seems
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# src/gz chaos_calmer_base_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_packages_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_luci_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_routing_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_telephony_macoers
# src/gz chaos_calmer_core_macoers

# Telia/Technicolors default repository, it is down or we are simply not allowed to enter the repo
# src/gz chaos_calmer
Delete default /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf

We use /etc/opkg.conf instead for store everything

rm /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf
Note: Required to be updated for wget-ssl to work properly
opkg install $packages/libopenssl_1.0.2t-1_arm_cortex-a9_neon.ipk 
opkg install $packages/openssl-util_1.0.2t-1_arm_cortex-a9_neon.ipk
Install Packages (Optional)
opkg update
opkg install vim-full unrar unzip terminfo rsync quantenna bash nano zip gnupg-utils mutt xz-utils
opkg install openssl-util lzmainfo libssh2 libopenssl libncurses-dev libncurses liblzma libgnutls libgcrypt kmod-keymanager
opkg install kmod-crypto-sha512 kmod-crypto-sha256 dropbear kmod-usb-serial-ftdi zip bsdtar 
opkg install coreutils-comm coreutils-dircolors coreutils-du coreutils-expand coreutils-env coreutils-fold 
opkg install coreutils-join coreutils-kill coreutils-paste coreutils-who coreutils-whoami libusb-1.0
opkg install coreutils-tee coreutils-users coreutils-tty bzip2 ccrypt cryptsetup-openssl wireguard  kmod-wireguard kmod-fs-ext4 
opkg install kmod-crypto-core kmod-crypto-aes kmod-crypto-user 
opkg install luci-app-commands iptables iptables-mod-ipsec


opkg install luci-app-qos luci-app-ddns luci-app-minidlna luci-app-unbound luci-app-upnp luci-app-wol luci-i18n-base-en luci-i18n-adblock-sv
opkg install luci-lib-jsonc luci-ssl-openssl luci-lib-nixio luci-lib-ip luci-app-samba luci-app-firewall luci-app-commands luci-app-upnp luci-mod-admin-full 
opkg install luci-theme-openwrt luci-theme-bootstrap luci-ssl-openssl 
Configure ~/.bashrc
cat << "EOF" > ~/.bashrc
# Bash PS1: Prompt
# ---------------------------------------------------------
bash_prompt() {
    # Colors

    parse_git_branch() {
        git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'

    if [[ $HOSTNAME = "server" ]]; then
    elif [[ $HOSTNAME = "p3s" ]]; then
    elif [[ $HOSTNAME = "OpenWrt" ]]; then
    elif [[ $HOSTNAME = "elitedesk" ]]; then

    PS1="\[$NORMAL\](\A)-[\[$HOST_COLOR\]\u@\h\[$RESET\]] \w\$(parse_git_branch) \$ "

Configure inittab
sed -i 's/askconsole/respawn/g' /etc/inittab 
sed -i 's/login/ash/' /etc/inittab 
Set default shell for root in /etc/passwd
sed -i '1s/ash/bash/g' /etc/passwd

Add . ~/.bashrc``to/etc/profile`

chmod +x .bashrc
echo -e "\n\n. ~/.bashrc" >> /etc/profile
Configuration File: /etc/config/system
cat << "EOF" > /etc/config/system
config system
    option hostname 'OpenWrt'
    option zonename 'Europe/Stockholm'

    option timezone 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3'
    option network_timezone '1'
    option log_filter_ip ''
    option log_port '514'

    option log_buffer_size '64'
    option log_size '1024'
    option log_file '/etc/log/messages'

    option conloglevel '5'
    option hw_reboot_count '1'
    option sw_reboot_count '1'

    list log_filter 'Everything'
    list log_filter 'warmboot'
    list log_filter 'cwmp'
    list log_filter 'cwmpd'
    list log_filter 'crond'
    list log_filter 'Critical'
    list log_filter 'Zonewatcher'
    list log_filter 'wifiinfo'
    list log_filter 'wifi'
    list log_filter 'mmpbxd'
    list log_filter 'transformer'
    list log_filter 'zoneredird'
    list log_filter 'zone_daemon'
    list log_filter 'syslog'
    list log_filter 'root'
    list log_filter 'premiumd'
    list log_filter 'lua'
    list log_filter 'nginx'
    list log_filter 'kernel'
    list log_filter 'ipks'
    list log_filter 'ipk'
    list log_filter 'root'
    list log_filter 'user'
    list log_filter 'mwan'
    list log_filter 'lan'
    list log_filter 'vlan'
    list log_filter 'opkg'
    list log_filter 'hostmanager'
    list log_filter 'hostapd'
    list log_filter 'fseventd'
    list log_filter 'dnsmasq-dhcp'
    list log_filter 'dnsmasq'
    list log_filter 'ddns-scripts'
    list log_filter 'awk'
    list log_filter 'assist.remote'
    list log_filter 'assist'
    list log_filter 'ash'
    list log_filter 'bash'
    list log_filter 'sh'
    list log_filter 'clash'
    list log_filter 'user.notice'
    list log_filter 'auth'
    list log_filter 'pppoe-relay-hotplug'
    list log_filter 'odhcpd'
    list log_filter 'ipsec_starter'
    list log_filter 'ipsec'
    list log_filter 'insmod'
    list log_filter 'modprobe'
    list log_filter 'rmmod'
    list log_filter 'vpn'
    list log_filter 'openvpn'
    list log_filter 'netifd'
    list log_filter 'wansensing'
    list log_filter 'miniupnpd'
    list log_filter ''
    list log_filter 'guest'
    list log_filter 'wget'
    list log_filter 'curl'
    list log_filter 'ssh'
    list log_filter 'sshd'
    list log_filter 'telnet'
    list log_filter 'http'
    list log_filter 'https'
    list log_filter 'ftp'
    list log_filter 'ftpd'
    list log_filter 'uci'
    list log_filter 'postmortem'
    list log_filter 'trafficmon.voip'

config timeserver 'ntp'
    option use_dhcp '1'
    list dhcp_interface 'wan'
    option enable_server '0'

config time 'time'

config config 'config'
    option export_plaintext '0'
    option export_unsigned '0'
    option import_plaintext '1'
    option import_unsigned '0'

config coredump
    option reboot '1'
    option path '/root'
    option action 'compress'
    option url ''

config kernel_crash
    option url ''
    option action 'compress'
    option path '/root'

config log 'logread'
    option path 'logread'

config trafficmon
    option interface 'wan'
    option minute '*/720'

config trafficmon
    option interface 'mgmt'
    option minute '*/720'

config trafficmon
    option interface 'voip'
    option minute '*/720'

config trafficmon
    option interface 'iptv'
    option minute '*/720'

config wan-service 'remoteassistance'
    option proto 'tcp'
    option ports '60443'
Restart system For Send Logs
/etc/init.d/system restart
Configuraiton File /etc/config/cwmpd
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/cwmpd 

config single_config 'cwmpd_config'
        option upgradesmanaged '1'
        option connectionrequest_auth '0'
        option periodicinform_enable '1'
        option periodicinform_interval '99000'
        option interface6 'none'
        option connectionrequest_port '51005'
        option upgrade_switchovertype '0'
        option upgrade_rollback_timeout '600'
        option state '1'
        option ssl_hostnamecheck '1'
        option rollback_unknown '1'
        option ssl_verifypeer '1'
        option ssl_datecheck '1'
        option enforce_https '1'
        option ssl_clientcert '/proc/rip/011a.cert'
        option ssl_clientkey 'engine:keystore:/proc/keys/0x11A'
        option use_dhcp '1'
        option delay_upgrade_vod '1'
        option connectionrequest_allowedips ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list allowed_dhcp_acs_url ''
        list forcedinforms 'Device.IP.Interface.3.IPv4Address.1.IPAddress'
        option datamodel 'Device'
        option acs_url ''
        option interface 'mgmt'
        option firstusedate '2019-12-19T18:44:15Z'
Configuraiton File /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa 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 TeliaCompany RGW key v2
ssh-rsa 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 TeliaDK-RGW-MGM-Key
ssh-rsa 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 .FC*****.
ssh-rsa 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 ACS
ssh-rsa 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 kvallu@cpepoller
ssh-rsa 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 GrafDragon
ssh-rsa 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 FreeZer
ssh-rsa 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 CHC
Update internet-modal.lp
sed -i 's/\(if (v\["wan"\] == "1" and v\["name"\]\) ~= "mgmt"/\1/' /www/docroot/modals/internet-modal.lp
Install Luci

wget --output /tmp/tg-luci.tar.gz
mkdir /tmp/tg-luci
tar -xzf /tmp/tg-luci.tar.gz -C /tmp/tg-luci
mv /usr/lib/lua/ /usr/lib/lua/uci.so_bak
rm /tmp/tg-luci.tar.gz
opkg --force-reinstall --force-overwrite --force-checksum install /tmp/tg-luci/*/*.ipk
rm -rf /tmp/tg-luci
rm /usr/lib/lua/
mv /usr/lib/lua/uci.so_bak /usr/lib/lua/
opkg install luci luci-lib-json luci-lib-jsonc luci-lib-nixio luci-mod-rpc
sed -i 's/require "uci"/require "uci_luci"/g' /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/uci.lua
mkdir /www_luci
mv /www/cgi-bin /www_luci/
mv /www/luci-static /www_luci/
mv /www/index.html /www_luci/

uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=''
uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_http=''
uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_http='[::]:80'
uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_http='[::]:9080'
uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_https=''
uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_https=''
uci del_list uhttpd.main.listen_https='[::]:443'
uci add_list uhttpd.main.listen_https='[::]:9443'
uci set uhttpd.main.home='/www_luci'

/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart

Technicolor Misc

Proc File: /proc/cmdline
console=ttyS0,115200 irqaffinity=0 debug root=/dev/mtdblock1 rootfstype=squashfs coherent_pool=1M tbbt_addr=0x7d20000 btab=0xa100c btab_bootid=1 bl_version=16.08.1012-0000000-20160223092730-b1e3a8bf47e1a71b98a3833ba22607458f03b06b board=VBNT-H platform.prozone_addr=0x1ffe0000 bl_oid=unofficialbuildOID0000 
Proc File: /proc/version
Linux version 4.1.38 (repowrt-builder@104a04aa2fce) (gcc version 5.3.0 (OpenWrt GCC 5.3.0 unknown) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Aug 7 22:51:00 UTC 2021
Proc File: /proc/filesystems
nodev   sysfs
nodev   rootfs
nodev   ramfs
nodev   bdev
nodev   proc
nodev   cpuset
nodev   cgroup
nodev   tmpfs
nodev   debugfs
nodev   sockfs
nodev   pipefs
nodev   devpts
nodev   jffs2
nodev   fuse
nodev   fusectl
nodev   overlay
nodev   mqueue
nodev   autofs
Proc File: /proc/devices
 cat /proc/devices 
Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 ttyS
  5 /dev/tty
  5 /dev/console
  5 /dev/ptmx
 10 misc
 13 input
 90 mtd
108 ppp
128 ptm
136 pts
166 ttyACM
180 usb
188 ttyUSB
189 usb_device
3000 pwrmngt
3002 fcache
3003 ingqos
3004 bpm
3009 pktrunner
3010 otp
3028 spdsvc
3029 bcmxtmcfg
3033 adsl
229 wl_event
3037 bcmrdpa
3038 blog
253 spu
254 brcmboard

Block devices:
259 blkext
  8 sd
 31 mtdblock
 65 sd
 66 sd
 67 sd
 68 sd
 69 sd
 70 sd
 71 sd
128 sd
129 sd
130 sd
131 sd
132 sd
133 sd
134 sd
135 sd
Proc File: /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 08000000 00020000 "brcmnand.0"
mtd1: 02c50000 00020000 "rootfs"
mtd2: 01f20000 00020000 "rootfs_data"
mtd3: 02e60000 00020000 "bank_1"
mtd4: 02e60000 00020000 "bank_2"
mtd5: 00020000 00020000 "eripv2"
mtd6: 00040000 00020000 "rawstorage"
Proc File: /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

  31        0     131072 mtdblock0
  31        1      45376 mtdblock1
  31        2      31872 mtdblock2
  31        3      47488 mtdblock3
  31        4      47488 mtdblock4
  31        5        128 mtdblock5
  31        6        256 mtdblock6
   8        0    7566844 sda
   8        1    6845885 sda1
   8        2     718673 sda2    
Proc File: /proc/socinfo
SoC Name        :BCM63137
Revision        :B0
Proc File: /proc/cgroups
#subsys_name    hierarchy       num_cgroups     enabled
cpuset  2       3       1
cpu     2       3       1
cpuacct 0       1       1
blkio   2       3       1
memory  2       3       1
debug   0       1       1
Proc File: /proc/modules
technicolor_led 14998 0 - Live 0xbfb24000 (O)
ohci_pci 2219 0 - Live 0xbfb20000
ohci_platform 3508 0 - Live 0xbfb1c000
ohci_hcd 24759 2 ohci_pci,ohci_platform, Live 0xbfb11000
ehci_pci 2826 0 - Live 0xbfb0d000
ehci_platform 4052 0 - Live 0xbfb09000
ehci_hcd 34178 2 ehci_pci,ehci_platform, Live 0xbfafc000
xhci_plat_hcd 3446 0 - Live 0xbfaf8000
xhci_hcd 82534 1 xhci_plat_hcd, Live 0xbfadd000
bcm_usb 1353 0 - Live 0xbfad9000
qcserial 4417 0 - Live 0xbfad4000
option 31159 0 - Live 0xbfac9000
usb_wwan 4204 2 qcserial,option, Live 0xbfac4000
sierra_net 6022 0 - Live 0xbfabf000
sierra 6412 0 - Live 0xbfaba000
rndis_host 4712 0 - Live 0xbfab5000
qmi_wwan 10814 0 - Live 0xbfaaf000
nf_nat_pptp 1902 0 - Live 0xbfaab000
nf_conntrack_pptp 3520 2 nf_nat_pptp, Live 0xbfaa7000
nf_conntrack_ipv6 6540 23 - Live 0xbfaa2000
iptable_nat 1134 1 - Live 0xbfa99000
ipt_REJECT 962 2 - Live 0xbfa95000
ipt_MASQUERADE 738 7 - Live 0xbfa91000
huawei_cdc_ncm 1687 0 - Live 0xbfa8d000
cdc_ncm 13279 1 huawei_cdc_ncm, Live 0xbfa85000
cdc_ether 3865 1 rndis_host, Live 0xbfa81000
xt_time 1702 0 - Live 0xbfa7d000
xt_tcpmss 1026 0 - Live 0xbfa79000
xt_string 796 0 - Live 0xbfa75000
xt_statistic 889 0 - Live 0xbfa71000
xt_state 809 0 - Live 0xbfa6d000
xt_socket 2954 0 - Live 0xbfa69000
xt_recent 6924 0 - Live 0xbfa64000
xt_quota 805 0 - Live 0xbfa60000
xt_policy 2070 0 - Live 0xbfa5c000
xt_pkttype 667 0 - Live 0xbfa58000
xt_physdev 1376 0 - Live 0xbfa54000
xt_owner 953 0 - Live 0xbfa50000
xt_nat 2721 0 - Live 0xbfa4c000
xt_multiport 1336 25 - Live 0xbfa48000
xt_mark 724 260 - Live 0xbfa44000
xt_mac 647 10 - Live 0xbfa40000
xt_limit 1277 41 - Live 0xbfa3c000
xt_length2 2387 0 - Live 0xbfa38000 (O)
xt_length 785 0 - Live 0xbfa34000
xt_iprange 1160 8 - Live 0xbfa30000
xt_hl 906 0 - Live 0xbfa2c000
xt_helper 896 4 - Live 0xbfa28000
xt_hashlimit 6593 0 - Live 0xbfa23000
xt_esp 832 0 - Live 0xbfa1f000
xt_ecn 1404 0 - Live 0xbfa1b000
xt_dscp 1166 4 - Live 0xbfa17000
xt_conntrack 2504 43 - Live 0xbfa13000
xt_connmark 1204 18 - Live 0xbfa0f000
xt_connlimit 4473 0 - Live 0xbfa0a000
xt_connbytes 1397 0 - Live 0xbfa06000
xt_comment 527 470 - Live 0xbfa02000
xt_bpf 747 0 - Live 0xbf9fe000
xt_addrtype 2256 2 - Live 0xbf9fa000
xt_TRACE 545 0 - Live 0xbf9f6000
xt_TPROXY 3996 0 - Live 0xbf9f2000
xt_TCPMSS 2744 19 - Live 0xbf9ee000
xt_REDIRECT 821 11 - Live 0xbf9ea000
xt_NFQUEUE 2642 0 - Live 0xbf9e6000
xt_NETMAP 1273 0 - Live 0xbf9e2000
xt_LOG 871 0 - Live 0xbf9de000
xt_HL 1376 0 - Live 0xbf9da000
xt_DSCP 1502 0 - Live 0xbf9d6000
xt_CT 2693 15 - Live 0xbf9d2000
xt_CLASSIFY 616 2 - Live 0xbf9ce000
usbserial 17272 4 qcserial,option,usb_wwan,sierra, Live 0xbf9c4000
usbnet 16985 6 sierra_net,rndis_host,qmi_wwan,huawei_cdc_ncm,cdc_ncm,cdc_ether, Live 0xbf9bb000
ts_fsm 2642 0 - Live 0xbf9b3000
ts_bm 1474 0 - Live 0xbf9af000
nfnetlink_queue 9041 2 - Live 0xbf9a9000
nf_reject_ipv4 1991 1 ipt_REJECT, Live 0xbf9a5000
nf_nat_tftp 617 0 - Live 0xbf9a1000
nf_nat_snmp_basic 6667 0 - Live 0xbf99c000
nf_nat_sip 7655 0 - Live 0xbf997000
nf_nat_rtsp 4681 0 - Live 0xbf992000 (O)
nf_nat_redirect 975 1 xt_REDIRECT, Live 0xbf98e000
nf_nat_proto_gre 875 1 nf_nat_pptp, Live 0xbf98a000
nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 2969 1 ipt_MASQUERADE, Live 0xbf986000
nf_nat_irc 1066 0 - Live 0xbf982000
nf_conntrack_ipv4 6281 58 - Live 0xbf97d000
nf_nat_ipv4 4022 1 iptable_nat, Live 0xbf979000
nf_nat_huawei_fcc 1369 0 - Live 0xbf975000 (O)
nf_nat_h323 5769 0 - Live 0xbf970000
nf_nat_ftp 1300 0 - Live 0xbf96c000
nf_nat_amanda 825 0 - Live 0xbf968000
nf_nat 10668 15 nf_nat_pptp,xt_nat,xt_NETMAP,nf_nat_tftp,nf_nat_sip,nf_nat_rtsp,nf_nat_redirect,nf_nat_proto_gre,nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4,nf_nat_irc,nf_nat_ipv4,nf_nat_huawei_fcc,nf_nat_h323,nf_nat_ftp,nf_nat_amanda, Live 0xbf961000
nf_log_ipv4 3339 0 - Live 0xbf95d000
nf_defrag_ipv6 13454 3 nf_conntrack_ipv6,xt_socket,xt_TPROXY, Live 0xbf956000
nf_defrag_ipv4 980 3 xt_socket,xt_TPROXY,nf_conntrack_ipv4, Live 0xbf952000
nf_conntrack_tftp 2825 3 nf_nat_tftp, Live 0xbf94e000
nf_conntrack_snmp 764 2 nf_nat_snmp_basic, Live 0xbf94a000
nf_conntrack_sip 19070 5 nf_nat_sip, Live 0xbf941000
nf_conntrack_rtsp 7274 3 nf_nat_rtsp, Live 0xbf93c000 (O)
nf_conntrack_rtcache 2513 0 - Live 0xbf938000
nf_conntrack_proto_gre 3199 1 nf_conntrack_pptp, Live 0xbf934000
nf_conntrack_netlink 18204 0 - Live 0xbf92b000
nf_conntrack_irc 3027 2 nf_nat_irc, Live 0xbf927000
nf_conntrack_huawei_fcc 2458 1 nf_nat_huawei_fcc, Live 0xbf923000 (O)
nf_conntrack_h323 34783 1 nf_nat_h323, Live 0xbf917000
nf_conntrack_ftp 5843 3 nf_nat_ftp, Live 0xbf912000
nf_conntrack_broadcast 853 1 nf_conntrack_snmp, Live 0xbf90e000
ts_kmp 1394 5 - Live 0xbf90a000
nf_conntrack_amanda 1696 3 nf_nat_amanda, Live 0xbf906000
nf_conntrack 63504 37 nf_nat_pptp,nf_conntrack_pptp,nf_conntrack_ipv6,xt_state,xt_nat,xt_helper,xt_conntrack,xt_connmark,xt_connlimit,xt_connbytes,xt_CT,nf_nat_tftp,nf_nat_snmp_basic,nf_nat_sip,nf_nat_rtsp,nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4,nf_nat_irc,nf_ conntrack_ipv4,nf_nat_ipv4,nf_nat_huawei_fcc,nf_nat_h323,nf_nat_ftp,nf_nat_amanda,nf_nat,nf_conntrack_tftp,nf_conntrack_snmp,nf_conntrack_sip,nf_conntrack_rtsp,nf_conntrack_rtcache,nf_conntrack_proto_gre,nf_conntrack_netlink,nf_conntrack_   irc,nf_conntrack_huawei_fcc,nf_conntrack_h323,nf_conntrack_ftp,nf_conntrack_broadcast,nf_conntrack_amanda, Live 0xbf8ef000
l2tp_ppp 14547 0 - Live 0xbf8e7000
iptable_raw 851 1 - Live 0xbf8e3000
iptable_mangle 1052 1 - Live 0xbf8df000
iptable_filter 916 1 - Live 0xbf8db000
ipt_rpfilter 1287 0 - Live 0xbf8d7000
ipt_ah 754 0 - Live 0xbf8d3000
ipt_ECN 1404 0 - Live 0xbf8cf000
ip6t_rpfilter 1231 0 - Live 0xbf8cb000
ip_tables 10458 4 iptable_nat,iptable_raw,iptable_mangle,iptable_filter, Live 0xbf8c5000
ebt_stp 1880 0 - Live 0xbf8c1000
ebt_redirect 842 0 - Live 0xbf8bd000
ebt_pkttype 636 0 - Live 0xbf8b9000
ebt_limit 1156 0 - Live 0xbf8b5000
ebt_among 2296 0 - Live 0xbf8b1000
ebt_802_3 780 0 - Live 0xbf8ad000
compat_xtables 507 0 - Live 0xbf8a9000 (O)
cdc_wdm 7598 2 qmi_wwan,huawei_cdc_ncm, Live 0xbf8a4000
cdc_acm 13983 0 - Live 0xbf89c000
dect 968487 0 - Live 0xbf78d000 (PO)
ufsd 418410 0 - Live 0xbf713000 (PO)
jnl 43631 1 ufsd, Live 0xbf704000 (O)
xt_SKIPLOG 539 4 - Live 0xbf700000
pwrmngtd 2320 0 - Live 0xbf6fc000 (P)
adsldd 523084 0 - Live 0xbf670000 (P)
bcmxtmcfg 85222 1 adsldd, Live 0xbf654000 (P)
wl 4020703 0 - Live 0xbf242000 (P)
wlemf 66697 1 wl, Live 0xbf22b000 (P)
wlcsm 4946 2 wl,wlemf, Live 0xbf226000 (P)
wfd 15128 1 wl, Live 0xbf21e000
bcmmcast 32072 3 wlemf,wfd, Live 0xbf211000
bcm_enet 149246 1 wl, Live 0xbf1e1000
pktrunner 204820 0 - Live 0xbf1a8000 (P)
pktflow 153163 1 pktrunner, Live 0xbf17c000 (P)
rdpa_gpl_ext 817 0 - Live 0xbf178000
bcm_ingqos 9958 0 - Live 0xbf172000 (P)
sch_qos_tch 2601 9 - Live 0xbf16e000 (PO)
ledtrig_netdev 4346 0 - Live 0xbf169000
keymanager 1364 0 - Live 0xbf165000 (PO)
bcmxtmrtdrv 33373 2 bcmxtmcfg,pktflow, Live 0xbf158000
bcmspu 19533 0 - Live 0xbf14f000
xt_set 6459 1 - Live 0xbf14a000
ip_set_list_set 7941 0 - Live 0xbf145000
ip_set_hash_netiface 20777 0 - Live 0xbf13c000
ip_set_hash_netport 20292 0 - Live 0xbf134000
ip_set_hash_netnet 21615 0 - Live 0xbf12b000
ip_set_hash_net 18628 0 - Live 0xbf123000
ip_set_hash_netportnet 22955 0 - Live 0xbf11a000
ip_set_hash_mac 8534 0 - Live 0xbf114000
ip_set_hash_ipportnet 21734 0 - Live 0xbf10b000
ip_set_hash_ipportip 17273 0 - Live 0xbf103000
ip_set_hash_ipport 16427 0 - Live 0xbf0fb000
ip_set_hash_ipmark 15675 0 - Live 0xbf0f4000
ip_set_hash_ip 16179 4 - Live 0xbf0ed000
ip_set_bitmap_port 5978 0 - Live 0xbf0e8000
ip_set_bitmap_ipmac 6710 0 - Live 0xbf0e3000
ip_set_bitmap_ip 6754 0 - Live 0xbf0de000
ip_set 21140 16 xt_set,ip_set_list_set,ip_set_hash_netiface,ip_set_hash_netport,ip_set_hash_netnet,ip_set_hash_net,ip_set_hash_netportnet,ip_set_hash_mac,ip_set_hash_ipportnet,ip_set_hash_ipportip,ip_set_hash_ipport,ip_set_hash_ipmark,ip_set_  hash_ip,ip_set_bitmap_port,ip_set_bitmap_ipmac,ip_set_bitmap_ip, Live 0xbf0d4000
nfnetlink 4482 11 nfnetlink_queue,nf_conntrack_netlink,ip_set, Live 0xbf0cf000
bcm_spdsvc 18427 0 - Live 0xbf0c6000 (P)
ncrmod 149690 2 keymanager, Live 0xbf09b000 (O)
ip6t_REJECT 1084 2 - Live 0xbf097000
nf_reject_ipv6 2292 1 ip6t_REJECT, Live 0xbf093000
nf_log_ipv6 3756 0 - Live 0xbf08f000
nf_log_common 2503 2 nf_log_ipv4,nf_log_ipv6, Live 0xbf08b000
ip6table_raw 798 1 - Live 0xbf087000
ip6table_mangle 1267 1 - Live 0xbf083000
ip6table_filter 863 1 - Live 0xbf07f000
ip6_tables 10361 3 ip6table_raw,ip6table_mangle,ip6table_filter, Live 0xbf079000
ip6_gre 16205 0 - Live 0xbf071000
ip_gre 8317 0 - Live 0xbf06b000
gre 3179 1 ip_gre, Live 0xbf067000
nat46 22690 0 - Live 0xbf05d000 (O)
l2tp_netlink 7228 1 l2tp_ppp, Live 0xbf058000
l2tp_core 15264 2 l2tp_ppp,l2tp_netlink, Live 0xbf050000
udp_tunnel 1392 1 l2tp_core, Live 0xbf04c000
ip6_udp_tunnel 1487 1 l2tp_core, Live 0xbf048000
ipcomp6 1686 0 - Live 0xbf044000
xfrm6_tunnel 2503 1 ipcomp6, Live 0xbf040000
xfrm6_mode_tunnel 1337 0 - Live 0xbf03c000
xfrm6_mode_transport 945 0 - Live 0xbf038000
xfrm6_mode_beet 1347 0 - Live 0xbf034000
esp6 4941 0 - Live 0xbf02f000
ah6 4750 0 - Live 0xbf02a000
ipcomp 1666 0 - Live 0xbf026000
xfrm4_tunnel 1339 0 - Live 0xbf022000
xfrm4_mode_tunnel 1389 0 - Live 0xbf01e000
xfrm4_mode_transport 889 0 - Live 0xbf01a000
xfrm4_mode_beet 1559 0 - Live 0xbf016000
esp4 5429 0 - Live 0xbf011000
ah4 4816 0 - Live 0xbf00c000
ipip 4030 0 - Live 0xbf008000
af_key 24323 0 - Live 0xbeffe000
xfrm_user 20916 2 - Live 0xbeff4000
xfrm_ipcomp 3197 2 ipcomp6,ipcomp, Live 0xbeff0000
xfrm_algo 3688 7 esp6,ah6,esp4,ah4,af_key,xfrm_user,xfrm_ipcomp, Live 0xbefec000
autofs4 20331 1 - Live 0xbefe3000
nls_utf8 890 0 - Live 0xbefdf000
sha512_generic 8404 0 - Live 0xbefd9000
sha256_generic 8424 0 - Live 0xbefd3000
seqiv 2471 0 - Live 0xbefcf000
ghash_generic 1428 0 - Live 0xbefcb000
gf128mul 5480 1 ghash_generic, Live 0xbefc6000
gcm 10738 0 - Live 0xbefc0000
ecb 1449 0 - Live 0xbefbc000
deflate 1350 0 - Live 0xbefb8000
ctr 2936 0 - Live 0xbefb4000
ccm 6430 0 - Live 0xbefaf000
technicolor_button 3482 0 - Live 0xbefab000 (O)
rdpa_cmd 68383 0 - Live 0xbef95000
rdpa_mw 23189 0 - Live 0xbef8b000
rdpa 1138834 3 wfd,bcm_enet,bcmxtmrtdrv, Live 0xbee43000 (P)
rdpa_gpl 15152 10 wfd,bcm_enet,pktrunner,bcm_ingqos,bcmxtmrtdrv,bcmspu,bcm_spdsvc,rdpa_cmd,rdpa_mw,rdpa, Live 0xbee39000
bdmf 1231222 10 wfd,bcm_enet,pktrunner,bcmxtmrtdrv,bcmspu,bcm_spdsvc,rdpa_cmd,rdpa_mw,rdpa,rdpa_gpl, Live 0xbed02000
ripdrv 24639 1 keymanager, Live 0xbecf7000 (O)
platform 12531 1 ripdrv, Live 0xbecef000 (PO)
platform_gpl 2890 1 platform, Live 0xbeceb000 (O)
otp 2008 1 platform, Live 0xbece7000 (P)
tomcrypt 101979 1 ripdrv, Live 0xbecc8000 (PO)
tommath 40573 2 ripdrv,tomcrypt, Live 0xbecba000 (PO)
gpio_keys_polled 3166 0 - Live 0xbecb6000
usb_storage 37180 2 - Live 0xbeca8000
input_polldev 2649 1 gpio_keys_polled, Live 0xbeca4000
leds_gpio 2709 0 - Live 0xbeca0000
ledtrig_timer 1166 0 - Live 0xbec9c000
ledtrig_pattern 1767 0 - Live 0xbec98000
ledtrig_default_on 528 0 - Live 0xbec94000
bankmgr 15400 0 - Live 0xbec8c000 (O)
ext4 324156 2 - Live 0xbec30000
jbd2 57009 1 ext4, Live 0xbec1c000
button_hotplug 2934 0 - Live 0xbec18000 (O)
input_core 24823 4 gpio_keys_polled,input_polldev,button_hotplug, Live 0xbec0c000
crc16 987 1 ext4, Live 0xbec08000
mii 3500 1 usbnet, Live 0xbec04000
bcm963xx_wdt 2325 1 - Live 0xbec00000 (O)
root@OpenWrt:/proc# cat /proc/modules |sort
adsldd 523084 0 - Live 0xbf670000 (P)
af_key 24323 0 - Live 0xbeffe000
ah4 4816 0 - Live 0xbf00c000
ah6 4750 0 - Live 0xbf02a000
autofs4 20331 1 - Live 0xbefe3000
bankmgr 15400 0 - Live 0xbec8c000 (O)
bcm963xx_wdt 2325 1 - Live 0xbec00000 (O)
bcm_enet 149246 1 wl, Live 0xbf1e1000
bcm_ingqos 9958 0 - Live 0xbf172000 (P)
bcm_spdsvc 18427 0 - Live 0xbf0c6000 (P)
bcm_usb 1353 0 - Live 0xbfad9000
bcmmcast 32072 3 wlemf,wfd, Live 0xbf211000
bcmspu 19533 0 - Live 0xbf14f000
bcmxtmcfg 85222 1 adsldd, Live 0xbf654000 (P)
bcmxtmrtdrv 33373 2 bcmxtmcfg,pktflow, Live 0xbf158000
bdmf 1231222 10 wfd,bcm_enet,pktrunner,bcmxtmrtdrv,bcmspu,bcm_spdsvc,rdpa_cmd,rdpa_mw,rdpa,rdpa_gpl, Live 0xbed02000
button_hotplug 2934 0 - Live 0xbec18000 (O)
ccm 6430 0 - Live 0xbefaf000
cdc_acm 13983 0 - Live 0xbf89c000
cdc_ether 3865 1 rndis_host, Live 0xbfa81000
cdc_ncm 13279 1 huawei_cdc_ncm, Live 0xbfa85000
cdc_wdm 7598 2 qmi_wwan,huawei_cdc_ncm, Live 0xbf8a4000
compat_xtables 507 0 - Live 0xbf8a9000 (O)
crc16 987 1 ext4, Live 0xbec08000
ctr 2936 0 - Live 0xbefb4000
dect 968487 0 - Live 0xbf78d000 (PO)
deflate 1350 0 - Live 0xbefb8000
ebt_802_3 780 0 - Live 0xbf8ad000
ebt_among 2296 0 - Live 0xbf8b1000
ebt_limit 1156 0 - Live 0xbf8b5000
ebt_pkttype 636 0 - Live 0xbf8b9000
ebt_redirect 842 0 - Live 0xbf8bd000
ebt_stp 1880 0 - Live 0xbf8c1000
ecb 1449 0 - Live 0xbefbc000
ehci_hcd 34178 2 ehci_pci,ehci_platform, Live 0xbfafc000
ehci_pci 2826 0 - Live 0xbfb0d000
ehci_platform 4052 0 - Live 0xbfb09000
esp4 5429 0 - Live 0xbf011000
esp6 4941 0 - Live 0xbf02f000
ext4 324156 2 - Live 0xbec30000
gcm 10738 0 - Live 0xbefc0000
gf128mul 5480 1 ghash_generic, Live 0xbefc6000
ghash_generic 1428 0 - Live 0xbefcb000
gpio_keys_polled 3166 0 - Live 0xbecb6000
gre 3179 1 ip_gre, Live 0xbf067000
huawei_cdc_ncm 1687 0 - Live 0xbfa8d000
input_core 24823 4 gpio_keys_polled,input_polldev,button_hotplug, Live 0xbec0c000
input_polldev 2649 1 gpio_keys_polled, Live 0xbeca4000
ip6_gre 16205 0 - Live 0xbf071000
ip6_tables 10361 3 ip6table_raw,ip6table_mangle,ip6table_filter, Live 0xbf079000
ip6_udp_tunnel 1487 1 l2tp_core, Live 0xbf048000
ip6t_REJECT 1084 2 - Live 0xbf097000
ip6t_rpfilter 1231 0 - Live 0xbf8cb000
ip6table_filter 863 1 - Live 0xbf07f000
ip6table_mangle 1267 1 - Live 0xbf083000
ip6table_raw 798 1 - Live 0xbf087000
ip_gre 8317 0 - Live 0xbf06b000
ip_set 21140 16 xt_set,ip_set_list_set,ip_set_hash_netiface,ip_set_hash_netport,ip_set_hash_netnet,ip_set_hash_net,ip_set_hash_netportnet,ip_set_hash_mac,ip_set_hash_ipportnet,ip_set_hash_ipportip,ip_set_hash_ipport,ip_set_hash_ipmark,ip_set_  hash_ip,ip_set_bitmap_port,ip_set_bitmap_ipmac,ip_set_bitmap_ip, Live 0xbf0d4000
ip_set_bitmap_ip 6754 0 - Live 0xbf0de000
ip_set_bitmap_ipmac 6710 0 - Live 0xbf0e3000
ip_set_bitmap_port 5978 0 - Live 0xbf0e8000
ip_set_hash_ip 16179 4 - Live 0xbf0ed000
ip_set_hash_ipmark 15675 0 - Live 0xbf0f4000
ip_set_hash_ipport 16427 0 - Live 0xbf0fb000
ip_set_hash_ipportip 17273 0 - Live 0xbf103000
ip_set_hash_ipportnet 21734 0 - Live 0xbf10b000
ip_set_hash_mac 8534 0 - Live 0xbf114000
ip_set_hash_net 18628 0 - Live 0xbf123000
ip_set_hash_netiface 20777 0 - Live 0xbf13c000
ip_set_hash_netnet 21615 0 - Live 0xbf12b000
ip_set_hash_netport 20292 0 - Live 0xbf134000
ip_set_hash_netportnet 22955 0 - Live 0xbf11a000
ip_set_list_set 7941 0 - Live 0xbf145000
ip_tables 10458 4 iptable_nat,iptable_raw,iptable_mangle,iptable_filter, Live 0xbf8c5000
ipcomp 1666 0 - Live 0xbf026000
ipcomp6 1686 0 - Live 0xbf044000
ipip 4030 0 - Live 0xbf008000
ipt_ECN 1404 0 - Live 0xbf8cf000
ipt_MASQUERADE 738 7 - Live 0xbfa91000
ipt_REJECT 962 2 - Live 0xbfa95000
ipt_ah 754 0 - Live 0xbf8d3000
ipt_rpfilter 1287 0 - Live 0xbf8d7000
iptable_filter 916 1 - Live 0xbf8db000
iptable_mangle 1052 1 - Live 0xbf8df000
iptable_nat 1134 1 - Live 0xbfa99000
iptable_raw 851 1 - Live 0xbf8e3000
jbd2 57009 1 ext4, Live 0xbec1c000
jnl 43631 1 ufsd, Live 0xbf704000 (O)
keymanager 1364 0 - Live 0xbf165000 (PO)
l2tp_core 15264 2 l2tp_ppp,l2tp_netlink, Live 0xbf050000
l2tp_netlink 7228 1 l2tp_ppp, Live 0xbf058000
l2tp_ppp 14547 0 - Live 0xbf8e7000
leds_gpio 2709 0 - Live 0xbeca0000
ledtrig_default_on 528 0 - Live 0xbec94000
ledtrig_netdev 4346 0 - Live 0xbf169000
ledtrig_pattern 1767 0 - Live 0xbec98000
ledtrig_timer 1166 0 - Live 0xbec9c000
mii 3500 1 usbnet, Live 0xbec04000
nat46 22690 0 - Live 0xbf05d000 (O)
ncrmod 149690 2 keymanager, Live 0xbf09b000 (O)
nf_conntrack 63504 37 nf_nat_pptp,nf_conntrack_pptp,nf_conntrack_ipv6,xt_state,xt_nat,xt_helper,xt_conntrack,xt_connmark,xt_connlimit,xt_connbytes,xt_CT,nf_nat_tftp,nf_nat_snmp_basic,nf_nat_sip,nf_nat_rtsp,nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4,nf_nat_irc,nf_ conntrack_ipv4,nf_nat_ipv4,nf_nat_huawei_fcc,nf_nat_h323,nf_nat_ftp,nf_nat_amanda,nf_nat,nf_conntrack_tftp,nf_conntrack_snmp,nf_conntrack_sip,nf_conntrack_rtsp,nf_conntrack_rtcache,nf_conntrack_proto_gre,nf_conntrack_netlink,nf_conntrack_   irc,nf_conntrack_huawei_fcc,nf_conntrack_h323,nf_conntrack_ftp,nf_conntrack_broadcast,nf_conntrack_amanda, Live 0xbf8ef000
nf_conntrack_amanda 1696 3 nf_nat_amanda, Live 0xbf906000
nf_conntrack_broadcast 853 1 nf_conntrack_snmp, Live 0xbf90e000
nf_conntrack_ftp 5843 3 nf_nat_ftp, Live 0xbf912000
nf_conntrack_h323 34783 1 nf_nat_h323, Live 0xbf917000
nf_conntrack_huawei_fcc 2458 1 nf_nat_huawei_fcc, Live 0xbf923000 (O)
nf_conntrack_ipv4 6281 58 - Live 0xbf97d000
nf_conntrack_ipv6 6540 23 - Live 0xbfaa2000
nf_conntrack_irc 3027 2 nf_nat_irc, Live 0xbf927000
nf_conntrack_netlink 18204 0 - Live 0xbf92b000
nf_conntrack_pptp 3520 2 nf_nat_pptp, Live 0xbfaa7000
nf_conntrack_proto_gre 3199 1 nf_conntrack_pptp, Live 0xbf934000
nf_conntrack_rtcache 2513 0 - Live 0xbf938000
nf_conntrack_rtsp 7274 3 nf_nat_rtsp, Live 0xbf93c000 (O)
nf_conntrack_sip 19070 5 nf_nat_sip, Live 0xbf941000
nf_conntrack_snmp 764 2 nf_nat_snmp_basic, Live 0xbf94a000
nf_conntrack_tftp 2825 3 nf_nat_tftp, Live 0xbf94e000
nf_defrag_ipv4 980 3 xt_socket,xt_TPROXY,nf_conntrack_ipv4, Live 0xbf952000
nf_defrag_ipv6 13454 3 nf_conntrack_ipv6,xt_socket,xt_TPROXY, Live 0xbf956000
nf_log_common 2503 2 nf_log_ipv4,nf_log_ipv6, Live 0xbf08b000
nf_log_ipv4 3339 0 - Live 0xbf95d000
nf_log_ipv6 3756 0 - Live 0xbf08f000
nf_nat 10668 15 nf_nat_pptp,xt_nat,xt_NETMAP,nf_nat_tftp,nf_nat_sip,nf_nat_rtsp,nf_nat_redirect,nf_nat_proto_gre,nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4,nf_nat_irc,nf_nat_ipv4,nf_nat_huawei_fcc,nf_nat_h323,nf_nat_ftp,nf_nat_amanda, Live 0xbf961000
nf_nat_amanda 825 0 - Live 0xbf968000
nf_nat_ftp 1300 0 - Live 0xbf96c000
nf_nat_h323 5769 0 - Live 0xbf970000
nf_nat_huawei_fcc 1369 0 - Live 0xbf975000 (O)
nf_nat_ipv4 4022 1 iptable_nat, Live 0xbf979000
nf_nat_irc 1066 0 - Live 0xbf982000
nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 2969 1 ipt_MASQUERADE, Live 0xbf986000
nf_nat_pptp 1902 0 - Live 0xbfaab000
nf_nat_proto_gre 875 1 nf_nat_pptp, Live 0xbf98a000
nf_nat_redirect 975 1 xt_REDIRECT, Live 0xbf98e000
nf_nat_rtsp 4681 0 - Live 0xbf992000 (O)
nf_nat_sip 7655 0 - Live 0xbf997000
nf_nat_snmp_basic 6667 0 - Live 0xbf99c000
nf_nat_tftp 617 0 - Live 0xbf9a1000
nf_reject_ipv4 1991 1 ipt_REJECT, Live 0xbf9a5000
nf_reject_ipv6 2292 1 ip6t_REJECT, Live 0xbf093000
nfnetlink 4482 11 nfnetlink_queue,nf_conntrack_netlink,ip_set, Live 0xbf0cf000
nfnetlink_queue 9041 2 - Live 0xbf9a9000
nls_utf8 890 0 - Live 0xbefdf000
ohci_hcd 24759 2 ohci_pci,ohci_platform, Live 0xbfb11000
ohci_pci 2219 0 - Live 0xbfb20000
ohci_platform 3508 0 - Live 0xbfb1c000
option 31159 0 - Live 0xbfac9000
otp 2008 1 platform, Live 0xbece7000 (P)
pktflow 153163 1 pktrunner, Live 0xbf17c000 (P)
pktrunner 204820 0 - Live 0xbf1a8000 (P)
platform 12531 1 ripdrv, Live 0xbecef000 (PO)
platform_gpl 2890 1 platform, Live 0xbeceb000 (O)
pwrmngtd 2320 0 - Live 0xbf6fc000 (P)
qcserial 4417 0 - Live 0xbfad4000
qmi_wwan 10814 0 - Live 0xbfaaf000
rdpa 1138834 3 wfd,bcm_enet,bcmxtmrtdrv, Live 0xbee43000 (P)
rdpa_cmd 68383 0 - Live 0xbef95000
rdpa_gpl 15152 10 wfd,bcm_enet,pktrunner,bcm_ingqos,bcmxtmrtdrv,bcmspu,bcm_spdsvc,rdpa_cmd,rdpa_mw,rdpa, Live 0xbee39000
rdpa_gpl_ext 817 0 - Live 0xbf178000
rdpa_mw 23189 0 - Live 0xbef8b000
ripdrv 24639 1 keymanager, Live 0xbecf7000 (O)
rndis_host 4712 0 - Live 0xbfab5000
sch_qos_tch 2601 9 - Live 0xbf16e000 (PO)
seqiv 2471 0 - Live 0xbefcf000
sha256_generic 8424 0 - Live 0xbefd3000
sha512_generic 8404 0 - Live 0xbefd9000
sierra 6412 0 - Live 0xbfaba000
sierra_net 6022 0 - Live 0xbfabf000
technicolor_button 3482 0 - Live 0xbefab000 (O)
technicolor_led 14998 0 - Live 0xbfb24000 (O)
tomcrypt 101979 1 ripdrv, Live 0xbecc8000 (PO)
tommath 40573 2 ripdrv,tomcrypt, Live 0xbecba000 (PO)
ts_bm 1474 0 - Live 0xbf9af000
ts_fsm 2642 0 - Live 0xbf9b3000
ts_kmp 1394 5 - Live 0xbf90a000
udp_tunnel 1392 1 l2tp_core, Live 0xbf04c000
ufsd 418410 0 - Live 0xbf713000 (PO)
usb_storage 37180 2 - Live 0xbeca8000
usb_wwan 4204 2 qcserial,option, Live 0xbfac4000
usbnet 16985 6 sierra_net,rndis_host,qmi_wwan,huawei_cdc_ncm,cdc_ncm,cdc_ether, Live 0xbf9bb000
usbserial 17272 4 qcserial,option,usb_wwan,sierra, Live 0xbf9c4000
wfd 15128 1 wl, Live 0xbf21e000
wl 4020703 0 - Live 0xbf242000 (P)
wlcsm 4946 2 wl,wlemf, Live 0xbf226000 (P)
wlemf 66697 1 wl, Live 0xbf22b000 (P)
xfrm4_mode_beet 1559 0 - Live 0xbf016000
xfrm4_mode_transport 889 0 - Live 0xbf01a000
xfrm4_mode_tunnel 1389 0 - Live 0xbf01e000
xfrm4_tunnel 1339 0 - Live 0xbf022000
xfrm6_mode_beet 1347 0 - Live 0xbf034000
xfrm6_mode_transport 945 0 - Live 0xbf038000
xfrm6_mode_tunnel 1337 0 - Live 0xbf03c000
xfrm6_tunnel 2503 1 ipcomp6, Live 0xbf040000
xfrm_algo 3688 7 esp6,ah6,esp4,ah4,af_key,xfrm_user,xfrm_ipcomp, Live 0xbefec000
xfrm_ipcomp 3197 2 ipcomp6,ipcomp, Live 0xbeff0000
xfrm_user 20916 2 - Live 0xbeff4000
xhci_hcd 82534 1 xhci_plat_hcd, Live 0xbfadd000
xhci_plat_hcd 3446 0 - Live 0xbfaf8000
xt_CLASSIFY 616 2 - Live 0xbf9ce000
xt_CT 2693 15 - Live 0xbf9d2000
xt_DSCP 1502 0 - Live 0xbf9d6000
xt_HL 1376 0 - Live 0xbf9da000
xt_LOG 871 0 - Live 0xbf9de000
xt_NETMAP 1273 0 - Live 0xbf9e2000
xt_NFQUEUE 2642 0 - Live 0xbf9e6000
xt_REDIRECT 821 11 - Live 0xbf9ea000
xt_SKIPLOG 539 4 - Live 0xbf700000
xt_TCPMSS 2744 19 - Live 0xbf9ee000
xt_TPROXY 3996 0 - Live 0xbf9f2000
xt_TRACE 545 0 - Live 0xbf9f6000
xt_addrtype 2256 2 - Live 0xbf9fa000
xt_bpf 747 0 - Live 0xbf9fe000
xt_comment 527 470 - Live 0xbfa02000
xt_connbytes 1397 0 - Live 0xbfa06000
xt_connlimit 4473 0 - Live 0xbfa0a000
xt_connmark 1204 18 - Live 0xbfa0f000
xt_conntrack 2504 43 - Live 0xbfa13000
xt_dscp 1166 4 - Live 0xbfa17000
xt_ecn 1404 0 - Live 0xbfa1b000
xt_esp 832 0 - Live 0xbfa1f000
xt_hashlimit 6593 0 - Live 0xbfa23000
xt_helper 896 4 - Live 0xbfa28000
xt_hl 906 0 - Live 0xbfa2c000
xt_iprange 1160 8 - Live 0xbfa30000
xt_length 785 0 - Live 0xbfa34000
xt_length2 2387 0 - Live 0xbfa38000 (O)
xt_limit 1277 41 - Live 0xbfa3c000
xt_mac 647 10 - Live 0xbfa40000
xt_mark 724 260 - Live 0xbfa44000
xt_multiport 1336 25 - Live 0xbfa48000
xt_nat 2721 0 - Live 0xbfa4c000
xt_owner 953 0 - Live 0xbfa50000
xt_physdev 1376 0 - Live 0xbfa54000
xt_pkttype 667 0 - Live 0xbfa58000
xt_policy 2070 0 - Live 0xbfa5c000
xt_quota 805 0 - Live 0xbfa60000
xt_recent 6924 0 - Live 0xbfa64000
xt_set 6459 1 - Live 0xbf14a000
xt_socket 2954 0 - Live 0xbfa69000
xt_state 809 0 - Live 0xbfa6d000
xt_statistic 889 0 - Live 0xbfa71000
xt_string 796 0 - Live 0xbfa75000
xt_tcpmss 1026 0 - Live 0xbfa79000
xt_time 1702 0 - Live 0xbfa7d000
Proc File: /proc/keys/0x11A
Proc File: /proc/keys/0x121


Proc File: /proc/prozone/bootbank
Proc File: /proc/prozone/bootcounter
Proc File: /proc/prozone/bootfail
Proc File: /proc/prozone/bootp
Proc File: /proc/prozone/panic
  • Empty File

Proc File: /proc/prozone/reboot


All Rip Files
ls -1 /proc/rip/
Rip File: /proc/rip/004
Rip File: /proc/rip/011a.cert
Bag Attributes: <No Attributes>
subject=/C=US/O=Technicolor/OU=Home Gateway/CN=Gateway Certificate Authority
issuer=/C=US/O=Technicolor/CN=Root Certificate Authority
Bag Attributes: <No Attributes>
subject=/C=US/O=Technicolor/CN=Root Certificate Authority
issuer=/C=US/O=Technicolor/CN=Root Certificate Authority
Rip File: /proc/rip/0088
Rip File: /proc/rip/0048
Rip File: /proc/rip/0010
Rip File: /proc/rip/0012
1803RA8AM # (they add CP to begin of this for env.var.serial)
Rip File: /proc/rip/0018
180210 #


Banktable File: /proc/banktable/active
$ root@OpenWrt:/proc# grep -r . /proc/banktable/


Default Shadow File: /etc/shadow

Notice the ! in tchroot per default, simply remove it to enable tchroot and login with tchroot:support


Technicolor Scripts

Script: Realtime monitor
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# - iNFO -------------------------------------------------
#   Author....: wuseman <>
# FileName....:
#  Created....: 2023-12-16 (23:10:05)
# Modified....: 
#  Version....: 1.0
#  License....: MIT
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Description: 
# This script is designed to list all individual processes
# running on the router, providing precise insights into how
# the router executes its commands and the specific order in
# which all scripts are executed.
# The script was developed to comprehensively understand the
# router's operations, especially to identify any commands
# that may remain inaccessible during boot-up. This objective
# has been successfully achieved.
# For optimal utilization of this script, place it in an early
# init startup location, such as /etc/rc.d. Ensure you mount
# the disks before running the script. It is imperative to
# append '&' after adding " &" to the init
# file. Placing it before the system mounts may result in
# system instability, particularly if numerous commands are
# executed and the disk becomes full.
# The easiest way to run this script is via serial_console.
# As soon as you observe that the root is mounted, execute
# the script, for example, using `/root/`.
# Doing so will provide a real-time log of all scripts
# executing on the router, from the initial stages until it
# becomes fully operational.
# ------------------------------------------------------------

routerBoard="$(uci get"
currentDate="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
randmString="$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 4 | head -n 1)"

until [ -d "$usbPath" ]; do
    sleep 1

if [ ! -d "$usbPath" ]; then
    echo "USB drive is not mounted. Exiting script."
    exit 1

while true; do
    NEW_PROCESSES=$(ps ww | awk -v highest="$HIGHEST_PID" '$1 > highest && !/awk/ && !/ps ww/ && !/sh -c/ && !/^ *PID/ && !/[[:space:]]-ash$/ && $3 != "Z"')
    if [ ! -z "$NEW_PROCESSES" ]; then
        echo "$NEW_PROCESSES" | grep -v "/root/q" | tee -a $usbPath-$routerBoard-$currentDate-$randmString.log
        NEW_HIGHEST_PID=$(echo "$NEW_PROCESSES" | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | tail -n 1)
        if [ ! -z "$NEW_HIGHEST_PID" ]; then
    sleep .1
The best approach is to incorporate the script within an S<early_init> script, 
as explained in the script description. Here is a brief preview video demonstrating 
how it operates during router boot-up, allowing us to observe the sequential execution of processes.

Once we gain SSH access, we can execute the script and closely monitor the proceedings. 
Since 'inotifywait' is not available, I have devised my own method for this purpose.

Additionally, you have the option to run it during a reboot to gain insight 
into the exact sequence of events, should you desire


Embedded Firmware Utility

All EFU Files
find / -type d \( -path /proc -o -path /sys -o -path /tmp/mvfs \) -prune -o -type f -name '*efu*' -print|sort
Proc File: /etc/efu_handler/efu_tchdev_key
        "efu_feature" : "allow_root_shell_access",
        "unlock": [ ],
        "store" : [ ],
        "exec" : "/lib/tchdev/"
Proc File: /lib/functions/

# EFU handler framework
# This script is used in association with the "unlock tag".
# Based on this tag, the configuration of some services will be modified to be open.
# Example:
#    If the unlock tag has the root shell access bit set, this script will
#    make sure the root account is enabled for both serial and ssh access.
# More info:

. /usr/share/libubox/

# Path definition

# EFU file

# JSON file keyword definition

        logger -t "efu-handler" "$*"

# Function: store_default_package_state
#    Execute the command that retrieves the state of the current package and store this state into file
# Input:
#    1: configuration file (package name only) in json format
# Output:
#    none
store_default_package_state() {
        local _js_config_file
        local _js_state_file
        local _type
        local _uci_param
        local _uci_value

        # Package config file must be present
        [[ ! -f "$_js_config_file" ]] && return

        # Create directory where to store the default package state file
        mkdir -p "$state_file_dir"

        # Initialise the file where to store parameter state
        if [[ -f "$_js_state_file" ]]; then
                # Do not store the default parameter state twice
                # Create an empty JSON file
                echo '{ }' > "$_js_state_file"

        # Initialise JSON context for both state and config file
        local _js_namespace_config="config"
        local _js_namespace_state="state"

        # Load the file where parameter state will be written to
        json_set_namespace "$_js_namespace_state"
        json_load "$(cat "$_js_state_file")"
        json_add_array "$1"

        # Load the json package config file
        json_set_namespace "$_js_namespace_config"
        json_load "$(cat "$_js_config_file")"

        # Select the "store" object and loop through all elements
        json_select "store"
        local _index="1"
        local _js_obj_type
        while json_get_type _js_obj_type "$_index" && [[ "$_js_obj_type" == "object" ]]; do

                json_select "$_index"                           # inner array element
                json_get_var _type "$js_cmd_type"       # Select the parameter type
                case "$_type" in

                                # Get the current state of the selected parameter
                                json_get_var _uci_param "$js_uci_param"
                                _uci_value="$(uci get -q "$_uci_param")"

                                # Store this state into state file
                                json_set_namespace "$_js_namespace_state"
                                json_add_string "$js_cmd_type" "$_type"
                                json_add_string "$js_uci_param" "$_uci_param"
                                if [[ -z "$_uci_value" ]]; then
                                        # Parameter is not part of UCI tree,
                                        # so it must be deleted when restoring the configuration
                                        json_add_string "$js_uci_cmd" "delete"
                                        json_add_string "$js_uci_cmd" "set"
                                        json_add_string "$js_uci_value" "$_uci_value"

                                log "unknown object type '$_type'"
                                exit 1

                # Back to config file array element
                json_set_namespace "$_js_namespace_config"
                json_select ".."
                let _index++


        json_set_namespace "$_js_namespace_state"
        json_dump > "$_js_state_file"

# Function: restore_default_state
#   Restore the state of the services that were changed by the unlock tag
#   based on the file storing the state of the package name given as input
# Input:
#    1: configuration file (package name only) in json format
# Output:
#    none
restore_default_state() {
        local _js_state_file
        local _type
        local _uci_cmd
        local _uci_param
        local _uci_value
        local _index
        local _js_obj_type


        [[ ! -f "$_js_state_file" ]] && return

        json_load "$(cat "$_js_state_file")"

        json_select "$1" # Select array

        # Loop through all parameter for that package (array elements)
        local _index="1"
        while json_get_type _js_obj_type "$_index" && [[ "$_js_obj_type" == "object" ]]; do

                json_select "$_index"                           # inner array element
                json_get_var _type "$js_cmd_type"       # Select the parameter type

                case "$_type" in

                                json_get_var _uci_cmd "$js_uci_cmd"
                                json_get_var _uci_param "$js_uci_param"
                                if [[ "$_uci_cmd" == "set" ]]; then
                                        json_get_var _uci_value "$js_uci_value"
                                uci "$_uci_cmd" "${_uci_param}${_uci_value:+=$_uci_value}"
                                log "Lock: Parameter ${_uci_param} restored"

                                log "unknown object type '$_type'" >/dev/stderr
                                return 1

                json_select ".."
                let _index++


        uci commit
        rm -f "$_js_state_file" # Restore the state only once

# Function: unlock
#    Retrieve the unlock action from config file and execute it
# Input:
#    $1 : package config file
# Output:
#    none
unlock() {

        local _js_config_file
        local _type
        local _uci_cmd
        local _uci_param
        local _uci_value


        # Package config file must be present
        [[ ! -f "$_js_config_file" ]] && return 1

        # Initialise the JSON context
        json_load "$(cat "$_js_config_file")"

        json_select "unlock" || { json_cleanup; return 1; }

        # Loop through all elements
        local _index="1"
        local _js_obj_type
        while json_get_type _js_obj_type "$_index" && [[ "$_js_obj_type" == "object" ]]; do

                json_select "$_index"                           # inner array element
                json_get_var _type "$js_cmd_type"       # Select the parameter type

                case "$_type" in

                                json_get_var _uci_cmd "$js_uci_cmd"
                                json_get_var _uci_param "$js_uci_param"
                                json_get_var _uci_value "$js_uci_value"
                                uci "$_uci_cmd" "${_uci_param}${_uci_value:+=$_uci_value}"
                                log "Unlock: Parameter ${_uci_param} updated"

                                log "unknown object type '$_type'"
                                exit 1

                json_select ".."
                let _index++



# Function: _adapt_banner
#    Change banner file in case the EFU has any bit set
# Input:
#    $1: 0=remove banner, 1=add banner
# Output:
#    none
        local _banner="/etc/banner"
        local _warning_msg="WARNING: Development board (EFU tag present)"

        [[ ! -f "$_banner" ]] && return
        # Remove any previous message from banner
        awk '/\x1B\[1;30m\x1B\[43m /{p=1}/\x1B\[0m /{p=0;next}!p' "$_banner" >> /tmp/banner
        mv /tmp/banner "$_banner"
        if [[ "$1" == "1" ]]; then # Add a new message to banner
                if grep -q . /proc/efu/allowed; then
                        echo -ne "\n\e[1;30m\e[43m" >> "$_banner"
                        echo " " | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,49\}$/& /;ta' >> "$_banner"
                        echo "$_warning_msg" | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,49\}$/ & /;ta' >> "$_banner"
                        echo " " | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,49\}$/ &/;ta' >> "$_banner"
                        echo "Features enabled:" | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,49\}$/& /;ta' >> "$_banner"
                        echo "$(cat /proc/efu/allowed)" | sed -e 's/^/   /' | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,49\}$/& /;ta' >> "$_banner"
                        echo " " | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,49\}$/ &/;ta' >> "$_banner"
                        echo -ne "\e[0m " >> "$_banner"

# Function: efu_handler_is_unlocked
#    Get the state to be applied to the package based on the unlock
#    tag feature list
# Input:
#    $1 : package config file
# Output:
#    none
# Return value:
#    0 if unlock feature is set, 1 otherwise
        local _efu_feature
        local _js_config_file="$config_dir/$1"
        local _is_unlocked=1

        # Exit in case if the efu kernel module isn't present
        [[ -f "$allowed_efu_feature_file" ]] || return 1

        # Load configuration file to get the efu feature
        json_load "$(cat "$_js_config_file")"
        json_get_var _efu_feature "efu_feature"

        if [[ -n "$_efu_feature" ]]; then
                if grep -q "$_efu_feature" "$allowed_efu_feature_file"; then
        return "$_is_unlocked"

efu_run_execute_handler() {
        local config_file="$config_dir/$1"
        local action="$2"
        local command

        json_load_file "$config_file"
        json_get_var command "exec"

        if [[ -n "$command" ]]; then
                $command $action

# Function: efu_handler_apply_config
#    Loop through all packages to unlock them or restore their states
#    before the unlock action.
# Input:
#    none
# Output:
#    none
efu_handler_apply_config() {
        local _packages
        local _efu_active=0

        # Exit in case if the efu kernel module isn't present
        if [[ -f "$allowed_efu_feature_file" ]]; then

                # Get the list of files that must be processed
                [[ -d ${config_dir} ]] && _packages="$(find ${config_dir} -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec basename {} \;)"

                local _pkg
                local action
                for _pkg in $_packages; do

                        if efu_handler_is_unlocked "$_pkg"; then
                                store_default_package_state "$_pkg" && unlock "$_pkg"
                                restore_default_state "$_pkg"
                        efu_run_execute_handler "$_pkg" "$action"
                uci commit

        adapt_banner "$_efu_active"
. /lib/functions/

boot_hook_add preinit_main efu_handler_apply_config
Package: efu-handler
Version: 1.0
Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, kmod-ripdrv, libubox
Source: feeds/technicolor/efu-handler
Section: efu-handler
Maintainer: Technicolor <>
Architecture: arm_cortex-a9
Installed-Size: 3018
Description:  The EFU handler is providing a framework for applying a different package configuration
 based on the unlock tag provisioned on the gateway.
 More info:


SERIAL="$(uci get$(uci get"
[ -e "${RIP_PATH}/${RIP_ID_CHIPID}" ] && CHIPID="0x$(hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02X"' "${RIP_PATH}/${RIP_ID_CHIPID}")"

determine_signature_key() {
  [ -e "${RIP_PATH}/${RIP_ID_OSIK}" ] || return 1

  local md5_Technicolor="ada4cbd2a8e9d3c1175035e0fdf18399"

  local md5_signkey="$(md5sum "${RIP_PATH}/${RIP_ID_OSIK}" | sed 's/ .*//')"

  case "${md5_signkey}" in
      SIGNKEY="Unknown (${md5_signkey})"


echo "Serial Number : ${SERIAL}"
echo "Chip ID       : ${CHIPID:-'0x0'}"
echo "Signature Key : ${SIGNKEY:-'Not present'}"



find_program() {
  if ! which "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    echo "Error: program '$1' not found"
    exit 1

find_program base64
find_program dd
find_program md5sum

print_usage() {
  BIN=$(basename $0)
  echo ""
  echo "  usage: $BIN <tagfile>"
  echo ""

tag_is_valid() {
  base64 -d "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
  local numbytes=$(base64 -d "$1" | wc -c)
  [ "$numbytes" -eq $EFU_TAG_LENGTH ] || return 1

rip_create_entry() {
  [ -e "$RIP_PATH/new" ] || return 1
  echo $1 > "$RIP_PATH/new"
  [ -e "$RIP_PATH/$1" ] || return 1

rip_write_tag() {
  base64 -d "$1" > $EFU_RIP_PATH

rip_verify_tag() {
  local numbytes=$(cat "$EFU_RIP_PATH" | wc -c)
  [ "$numbytes" -eq $(($EFU_TAG_LENGTH + 1)) ] || return 1

  local tag_hash=$(base64 -d "$1" | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
  local rip_hash=$(dd if="$EFU_RIP_PATH" bs=$EFU_TAG_LENGTH count=1 2>/dev/null | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
  [ $tag_hash = $rip_hash ]

if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
  echo "Missing argument"
  exit 1

if [ ! -e "$TAGFILE" ] ; then
  echo "File not found"
  exit 1
if ! tag_is_valid "$TAGFILE" ; then
  echo "Invalid tag"

if [ ! -e $EFU_RIP_PATH ] && ! rip_create_entry $RIP_ID_EFU ; then
  echo "Error: create EFU RIP entry failed"
  exit 1

echo "Writing tag to RIP ($TAGLENGTH bytes).."
if ! rip_write_tag "$TAGFILE" ; then
  echo "Error: writing to RIP failed"
  exit 1

echo "Verifying.."
if ! rip_verify_tag "$TAGFILE" ; then
  echo "Error: verification failed"
  exit 1

echo "Success"


Proc File: /proc/efu/allowed
  • Empty File

Proc File: /proc/efu/allowed_bootloader
  • Empty File

Proc File: /proc/efu/
Serial: CP<serial>
ChipID: 0x<hex_id>
Key   : <key>...

Permanent tag: not present
Temporal tag: not present
Proc File: /proc/efu/temporal_tag
cat: read error: Input/output error
Configuration File: /etc/shadow
root@TeliaLXC:/etc# cat group 
root@TeliaLXC:/etc# cat shadow 
Configuration File: /etc/config/dropbear
config dropbear 'mgmt'
  option PasswordAuth 'off'
  option RootPasswordAuth 'off'
  option Port '22'
  option Interface 'mgmt'
  option AllowedClientIPs ' 2001:2011:c001::/48 2001:7d0:d000:0003::/64'
  option enable '1'
  option IdleTimeout '3600'
  option RootLogin '1'
  option AllowLocalForwarding '0'

config dropbear 'wan'
  option PasswordAuth 'off'
  option RootPasswordAuth 'off'
  option Port '60022'
  option Interface 'wan'
  option AllowedClientIPs ''
  option IdleTimeout '3600'
  option RootLogin '1'
  option AllowLocalForwarding '0'
  option enable '0'

config dropbear 'wan6'
  option PasswordAuth 'off'
  option RootPasswordAuth 'off'
  option Port '60022'
  option Interface 'wan6'
  option AllowedClientIPs '2001:2011:c001::/48 2001:7d0:d000:0003::/64'
  option IdleTimeout '3600'
  option RootLogin '1'
  option AllowLocalForwarding '0'
  option enable '0'

config dropbear 'lan'
  option PasswordAuth 'on'
  option RootPasswordAuth 'on'
  option Port '60022'
  option Interface 'lan'
  option enable '0'
  option IdleTimeout '3600'
  option AllowLocalForwarding '0'

config dropbear 'afg'
  option enable '1'
  option Interface 'lan'
  option Port '22'
  option IdleTimeout '600'
  option PasswordAuth 'on'
  option RootPasswordAuth 'on'
  option RootLogin '1'
Restriced Shell

This script seems to be designed for handling user access on our router, differentiating between SSH, telnet, and serial connections. It performs various checks to determine the connection type and whether the user is authorized to access certain features, like a shell or specific applications.

Here’s a breakdown of the key parts of the script:

  1. Function Definitions:

    • __log: A helper function for logging messages using the logger command.
    • __check_parent_process: Checks if the current process was forked by a specific parent process (like telnetd or dropbear for SSH).
    • _is_telnet, _is_ssh, _is_serial: These functions check if the current session is established via telnet, SSH, or a serial connection, respectively.
    • _is_clash_user_allowed_on_serial: Checks if a clash user is allowed on the serial connection.
    • _is_any_clash_serial_user: Returns true if there is at least one clash user allowed on serial.
    • _verify_clash_access: Verifies if the user has access to the clash application over the specified interface.
    • _verify_shell_access: Checks if the user is allowed shell access.
    • _is_scp: Determines if the current session is established by an SCP command.
  2. Connection Type Determination:

    • The script first determines the type of connection (serial, SSH, or telnet) using the _is_serial, _is_ssh, and _is_telnet functions.
  3. Access Verification:

    • For each connection type, it verifies if the user is allowed to access specific features (like the clash application or the shell) using _verify_clash_access and _verify_shell_access.
  4. Executing the Appropriate Action:

    • Depending on the verification results and the connection type, the script either starts the clash application, grants shell access, or initiates a login prompt. For instance, if the user is connecting via serial and is allowed shell access, the script executes /bin/login.
  5. Handling Special Cases:

    • The script has specific conditions for SCP commands and SSH connections, ensuring that only authorized actions are allowed.
  6. Exit if No Conditions are Met:

    • If none of the conditions for granting access are met, the script logs a message and exits.
To bypass this behavior you can simply change askconsole to respawn in /etc/inittab
cat << "EOF" > /etc/inittab
::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS S boot
::shutdown:/etc/init.d/rcS K shutdown
# ::askconsole:/bin/ash 

Verify that the file was written properly

cat /etc/inittab
Script: /bin/restricted_shell

. /lib/
[[ -f /lib/functions/ ]] && . /lib/functions/

# Helper function for logging
__log() {
        logger -t "$(basename "$0")" "$*"

__check_parent_process() { # parent_name protocol_name
  local parent_name="${1}"
  local protocol_name="${2}"
  local curr="self"
  local Name=""
  local PPid=""

  # Test if I'm forked by the expected parent process
  until [ "$Name" = "${parent_name}" ] || [ "$PPid" = "1" ]
    Name=$(awk '/Name:/{print $2}' /proc/$curr/status)
    PPid=$(awk '/PPid:/{print $2}' /proc/$curr/status)

  if [ "$Name" = "${parent_name}" ]; then
    __log "User $USER is connecting through ${protocol_name}..."
    return 0

  return 1

# Check if the current session is established by a Telnet connection
_is_telnet() {
  # Test if user is connecting through telnet
  readlink -f /proc/self/fd/0 | grep -q pts
  if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
    return 1
  __check_parent_process "telnetd" "Telnet"
  return $?

# Check if the current session is established by a SSH connection
_is_ssh() {
  __check_parent_process "dropbear" "SSH"
  return $?

# Check if the current session is established over a serial connection
_is_serial() {

  # Test if user is connecting through serial
  readlink -f /proc/self/fd/0 | grep -q tty

  if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
    __log "User $USER is connecting through tty..."
    return 0

  return 1

# UCI function used for returning the value of clash.<user>.serial
_is_clash_user_allowed_on_serial() {
        [ "$serial_clash_user_found" -eq 1 ] && return
        config_get serial "$1" serial

# Return 0 if there is at least 1 clash user allowed on serial
        config_load clash
        config_foreach _is_clash_user_allowed_on_serial user

        return $((! serial_clash_user_found))

# Verify if specified user has access to clash over the specified interface.
#   * SSH: on any interface `uci.clash.user.ssh` or list of interfaces `uci.clash.user.ssh_interface`
#   * Serial: `uci.clash.user.serial`
#   * Telnet: `uci.clash.user.telnet`
# 1: the connection type; should be `serial`, `ssh` or `telnet`
_verify_clash_access() {
  local access
  access=$(lua - "$1" <<EOF
    local acc
    local lib_loaded, lib = pcall(require, 'clash-access-control')
    if lib_loaded then
        acc = lib.check(...)
    print(acc and "1" or "")
  if [ ! -z "$access" ]; then
    return 0
  return 1

# Verify if the user has shell access.
_verify_shell_access() {
  if [[ "$USER" == "root" ]]; then
    if type efu_handler_is_unlocked | grep -q "is a shell function"; then
      efu_handler_is_unlocked "root_shell_access" && return 0
  return 1

# Check if the current session is established by a SCP command
_is_scp() {
  if [ $# -gt 0 -a "${1}" = "-c" ]; then
    # Drop the argument added by SSH
    shift 1
  if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
    # There are still arguments, check that the first one doesn't start with scp
    first_word=$(echo "${1}" | cut -d " " -f 1)
    if [ "${first_word}" = "scp" ]; then
      return 0
  return 1

# Check all pre-conditions before starting the shell:
#   (1) Connection must be through serial or SSH or telnet, nothing else.
#   (2) User must have access over that respective connection.
# Anything else is not allowed or supported.
local interface

_is_serial && interface="serial"
[[ -z "$interface" ]] && _is_ssh && interface="ssh"
[[ -z "$interface" ]] && _is_telnet && interface="telnet"
[[ -z "$interface" ]] && exit 1

if _verify_clash_access "$interface"; then
        __log "User $USER is allowed to run clash on $interface"
        [[ "$interface" == "ssh"  ]] && { _is_scp "$@" && exit 1; } # clash doesn't support scp
        [[ $# -gt 0 && "${1}" = "-c" ]] && shift 1; # Drop the argument added by SSH
        exec /usr/bin/clash "$@"
if _verify_shell_access && [[ -n "$USER" ]]; then
        if _is_scp "$@"; then
                __log "User $USER is allowed to run scp on $interface"
                exec /bin/ash "$@"
        elif [[ "$interface" == "ssh" && $# -gt 1 ]]; then
                __log "User $USER is allowed to run a specific command on ssh"
                exec /bin/ash "$@"
                __log "User $USER is allowed to get a shell on $interface"
                exec /bin/ash --login "$@"
if [[ "$interface" == "serial" ]]; then
        local show_login="0"
        # Show login on serial if root shell access is allowed OR any clash user is allowed
        _is_any_clash_serial_user && show_login="1"
        [[ "$show_login" == "0" ]] && [[ -z "$USER" ]] && USER="root" && _verify_shell_access && show_login="1"
        if [[ "$show_login" == "1" ]]; then
                __log "Connection on serial, start login"
                exec /bin/login

__log "No suitable login found for $USER on $interface"
exit 1

Router Normal Behavior

Full process list after a full factory reset to default configuration and this happens when it booted and before it just suddenly reboots first time

Process List First Reboot
    1 root      2836 S    /sbin/procd
    2 root         0 SW   [kthreadd]
    3 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
    4 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
    5 root         0 SW<  [kworker/0:0H]
    6 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
    7 root         0 SW   [rcu_preempt]
    8 root         0 SW   [rcu_sched]
    9 root         0 SW   [rcu_bh]
   10 root         0 SW   [migration/0]
   11 root         0 SW   [migration/1]
   12 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/1]
   13 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:0]
   14 root         0 SW<  [kworker/1:0H]
   15 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
   16 root         0 SW<  [netns]
   17 root         0 SW<  [writeback]
   18 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
   19 root         0 SW<  [crypto]
   20 root         0 SW<  [bioset]
   21 root         0 SW<  [kblockd]
   22 root         0 SW   [skb_free_task]
   23 root         0 SW   [bcmFapDrv]
   24 root         0 SWN  [kswapd0]
   25 root         0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
   38 root         0 SW<  [kthrotld]
   39 root         0 SW   [cfinteractive]
   40 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:1]
   41 root         0 SW<  [linkwatch]
   42 root         0 SW<  [ipv6_addrconf]
   43 root         0 SW<  [deferwq]
   44 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:1]
   47 root         0 SW<  [kworker/1:1H]
   48 root         0 SW<  [kworker/0:1H]
   60 root         0 SWN  [jffs2_gcd_mtd2]
  189 root      2396 S    /sbin/ubusd
  190 root      2232 S    /sbin/askfirst /bin/restricted_shell
  236 root      5492 S    /usr/sbin/cgrulesengd -n -Q -u root
  321 root         0 SW   [kbdmf_shell]
  361 root         0 SW   [spdsvc_timer_th]
  373 root         0 SW   [spu_rx]
  380 root         0 SW   [bcmxtm_rx]
  403 root         0 SW   [bcmFlwStatsTask]
  416 root         0 SW   [bcmsw_rx]
  445 root         0 SW   [bcmsw]
  670 root         0 SW   [wl0-kthrd]
  711 root         0 SW   [wfd0-thrd]
 2945 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:2]
 3368 root      2024 S    /usr/sbin/watchdog-tch -c /var/etc/watchdog.conf --foreground
 3443 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:3]
 3550 root         0 SW   [scsi_eh_0]
 3552 root         0 SW<  [scsi_tmf_0]
 3554 root         0 SW   [usb-storage]
 3625 root      3724 S    {status-led-even} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/status-led-eventing.lua
 3631 root      5600 S    {ledfw.lua} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/ledfw.lua
 3691 root      2568 S    /sbin/logd -S 64
 3692 root      2604 S    /sbin/logread -f -F /etc/log/messages -p /var/run/ -S 1024
 3710 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
 3790 root     20836 S    /usr/bin/swmdk
 3914 root      2516 S    /usr/bin/bcmubusbridge
 3969 root      2408 S    /usr/bin/dhcpopassthrud
 4016 root      5856 S    lua /usr/bin/hostmanager.lua
 4032 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:2]
 4508 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:3]
 4595 root     49120 S    hostapd -bund -p /var/run/ -e /tmp/hostapd.env
 4728 root         0 SW   [dsl0]
 5135 root      2872 S    /sbin/netifd
 5191 root      2824 S <  /usr/sbin/conntrackd -C /etc/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf
 5429 root      5300 S    {mobiled.lua} /usr/bin/lua /lib/netifd/mobiled.lua -s 0 -p 1 -i wwan
 6946 root      8544 S    {wansensing.lua} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/wansensing.lua
 6991 root      2564 S    /usr/sbin/odhcpd
 7044 root      3452 S    /usr/sbin/crond -f -c /etc/crontabs -l 5
 7138 root      5576 S    lua /usr/bin/lcmd
 7176 root     28300 S    lua /usr/bin/transformer
 7282 root      2524 S    /usr/bin/dhcpsnooper -q 0
 7395 root      2368 S    /usr/bin/mcsnooper
 7452 root      2528 S    /usr/bin/neighmd -m 0x7
 7470 root      2268 S    odhcpc -p /var/run/ -s /lib/netifd/dhcp.script -f -o -t 0 -i eth4 -x hostname Telia WiFi-router Plus v3-CP1803RA8AM-18.3.0757-1441017 -V LongLeaseTime -C -R -O 1 -O 3     -O 6 -O 15 -O 33 -O 42 -O 43 -O 51 -O 121 -O 125 -O 249 -x 0x7c     000008ba48010e5247572d77616e2d636f6e666967020656424e542d48031131382e332e303735372d31343431303137040b435031383033524138414d0503455448060377616e070465746834 -O 212 -O 121
 7595 root      6828 S    {mobiled} /usr/bin/lua /usr/bin/mobiled
 8226 root      3324 S    {S70cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70cwmpd boot
 8229 root      3448 S    {cwmpd-boot-dela} /bin/sh /usr/bin/cwmpd-boot-delay
 8447 root      2840 S    /usr/bin/mldproxy
 9293 dnsmasq   2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
 9297 root      2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
 9837 root     12256 S    /usr/sbin/urlfilterd
10035 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
10091 root      3804 S    /usr/lib/ipsec/starter --daemon charon --nofork
10238 root      136m S    /usr/lib/ipsec/charon
10446 root      2572 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2002:d543:f07b::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
10473 root      2440 S    /usr/bin/fseventd -d
10514 root      3356 S    {time_change_mon} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/time_change_monitor.lua
10541 root     14188 S    /usr/bin/mvfs -o config=/tmp/.mvfs/mvfs.ini /var/mvfs -o l=2
10589 root     38436 S N  /usr/bin/mud -d -t /etc/mud/mud_file_type_config.ini -l 2
10649 root      3068 S    mmpbxfwctl
10807 root      3324 S <  /usr/sbin/ntpd -n -N -l -S /usr/sbin/ntpd-hotplug
11063 root      5096 S    lua /usr/sbin/lxc_monitor.lua
11064 root      2880 S    socat -d -ly -lplxc_ee_ubp UNIX-LISTEN://var/run/lcm_ipc_lxc_ee/ubus.sock,unlink-early,fork,su=lxc_telia UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/ubus.sock
11065 root      3044 S    lxc-start -F -n lxc_ee
11168 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2002:d543:f07b::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
11192 root      2200 S    /sbin/mountd -f
11245 root      3156 S    {init} /bin/sh /sbin/init
11354 root      5248 S    lua /usr/bin/pinholehelper.lua
11389 root      3192 S    sleep 10
11392 root         0 SW   [jbd2/sda2-8]
11393 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
11394 root         0 SW<  [ext4-rsv-conver]
11425 root      3156 S    {rcS} /bin/sh /etc/init.d/rcS S boot
11427 root      3024 S    sleep 10
11428 root      3156 S    {S05installer} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S05installer boot
11448 root      5252 S    lua /usr/bin/redirecthelper.lua
11453 root      4872 S    fw3 -q reload
11473 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11474 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11475 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11477 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11479 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11480 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11481 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11482 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11483 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
11666 root      5052 S    lua /usr/sbin/vpn.lua
11776 root      5356 S    nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g daemon off;
11821 nobody    6412 S    nginx: worker process
11832 root      3192 S    sleep 10
11960 root      2840 S    /usr/bin/igmpproxy
11972 root      3324 S N  {} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /lib/functions/ insert_partition_section sda2
11973 root         0 SW   [jbd2/sda1-8]
11974 root         0 SW<  [ext4-rsv-conver]
12065 root      3916 R    {mmpbxd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mmpbxd restart
12069 root      3652 S    lock /tmp/.execute.lock
12076 root      3652 S    {mwan} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mwan reload
12087 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
12090 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:4]
12123 root      3816 S    fw3 reload
12223 root      2188 R N  uci commit
12326 root      3780 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
12337 root      3688 S    fw3 -q network voip
12339 root      3652 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
12345 root      9024 S    /usr/bin/core-lcm
12348 root     18580 R    opkg install /etc/ipks/core_watchdog-2.1.9+uci-arm_cortex-a9.ipk
12352 root      3156 R    gzip -d -c
12443 root      2516 S    uci -P /var/state set mmpbx state NA
12446 root         0 Z    [gzip]
12451 root      3156 R    gzip -d -c
12474 root      3492 R    iptables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
12480 root      3492 S    iptables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
12490 root      3156 S    gzip -d -c
12492 root      3156 R    gzip -d -c
12496 root      2056 R N  /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export dlnad
12520 root      3156 R    gzip -d -c
12544 root      3156 S    gzip -d -c
12546 root      3156 S    gzip -d -c
12556 root      3696 R    iptables -t mangle --append OUTPUT --jump mwan_output
12619 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12620 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12621 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12622 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12623 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12624 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12625 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12626 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12627 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
12628 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12653 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12654 root      3192 S    sleep 10
12663 root      3024 S    sleep 10
12690 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12710 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12716 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n Guest1 -- start
12750 root      3156 S    gzip -d -c
12754 root      3156 R    gzip -d -c
12762 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n Guest1 -- start
12763 root      3324 S    find /lib /usr/lib -name* -exec strings {} ;
12764 root      3324 S    grep -im1 all_proxy
12767 root      3492 S    iptables -t nat -A fullcone_wan -p udp --dport 3074:3658 -j MASQUERADE --mode fullcone
12789 root      3156 S    {core-watchdog.p} /bin/sh //usr/lib/opkg/info/core-watchdog.postinst configure
12822 root     12348 S    /usr/bin/core-watchdog
12832 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12840 root      3156 R    {rcS} /bin/sh /etc/init.d/rcS S boot
12841 root      3828 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark     0x20000000/0xf0000000
12867 root      2100 S    odhcpc -i eth0 -s /usr/lib/ -h TeliaLXC -V TeliaLXC -r -p /var/dhcp-eth0
12869 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12906 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12909 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12930 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
12937 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/qos/ firewall start
12938 root      3324 S    sh
12949 root      3492 R    iptables -t raw -A helper_binds -p udp --dport 69 -j CT --helper tftp
12976 root      3828 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
12991 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/qos-generate-l2classify
13025 root      3192 S    sleep 10
13036 root      3324 R N  {} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /lib/functions/ insert_partition_section sda1
13048 root      3872 S    /usr/bin/qos -q reload
13056 root      3232 S    iptables -F timeofday_fw
13103 root      2188 R N  uci commit
13141 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
13142 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_ee
13175 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
13176 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_voip
13179 root      3828 S    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/    0xf0000000
13211 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
13212 root      2488 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
13225 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
13231 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup wan eth4
13232 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
13339 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp
13424 root      3568 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
13451 root      4004 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark   0x20000000/0xf0000000
13538 root      3780 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
13539 root      3656 S    grep CONNMARK restore mask
13696 root       832 R N  /usr/sbin/fileprofiler /tmp/run/mountd/sda1/technicolor/techinicolor-16.2.7732-2221002-20170502175933/mmpbx/
13733 root      2444 R    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2002:d543:f07b::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
13763 root      3192 S    sleep 10
13770 root      3024 S    sleep 10
13900 root      3564 R    iptables -t mangle --delete mwan_rules_hook --jump mwan_rules
14037 root      3828 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark     0x20000000/0xf0000000
14057 root      3192 S    sleep 10
14082 root      4020 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark     0x20000000/0xf0000000
14128 root      3700 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark     0x20000000/0xf0000000
14200 root      3828 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
14251 root      4752 D N  /usr/sbin/fileprofiler /tmp/run/mountd/sda1/technicolor/techinicolor-16.2.7732-2221002-20170502175933/mmpbx/
14347 root      3828 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark   0x20000000/0xf0000000
14415 root      3696 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_rules_hook
14580 root      3568 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
14644 root      3700 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
14665 root      3960 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/    0xf0000000
14686 root      3568 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/    0xf0000000
14780 root      3192 S    sleep 10
14784 root      3024 S    sleep 10
14817 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
14846 root      3784 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
14867 root      4752 R N  /usr/sbin/fileprofiler /tmp/run/mountd/sda1/technicolor/etc/mmpbx/
14952 root      3652 S    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd enabled
15063 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark     0x20000000/0xf0000000
15182 root      3192 S    sleep 10
15300 root      3504 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
15351 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/    0xf0000000
15370 dnsmasq   2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
15371 root      3456 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
15374 root      2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
15375 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ old 40:aa:56:14:5f:cc
15379 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/    0xf0000000
15406 root      3652 S    {xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/xtm reload
15418 root      3632 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/ 0xf0000000
15448 root      3652 S    lock /var/lock/xtm.lock
15459 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp
15494 root      3652 S    {network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/network reload
15511 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp
15597 root      2588 S    bcmswconfig reset
15609 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call neigh
15656 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ add 9e:c9:e7:9f:7e:95 s21
15662 root      2588 S    bcmswconfig load network
15687 root      4752 R N  /usr/sbin/fileprofiler /tmp/run/mountd/sda1/technicolor/etc/mmpbx/
15737 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
15754 root         0 RW   [fw3]
15762 root      4868 R    fw3 -q reload
15773 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15774 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15775 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15776 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15777 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15778 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15779 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15780 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15781 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
15784 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15788 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./ dhcp setup iptv {"proto":"dhcp","ip4table":"iptv","dnsset":"iptv","ifname":"vlan_iptv","auto":true,"reqopts":"1 3 6 15 33 42 43 51 121 249","release":true    ,"iface6rd":"0","vendorid":"IPTV_RGW_PRIV","igmpversion":2,"acceptlocal":true} vlan_iptv
15790 root      3324 D    {} /bin/sh ./ dhcp setup mgmt {"proto":"dhcp","ip4table":"mgmt","dnsset":"mgmt","ifname":"vlan_mgmt","auto":true,"initboot":true,"reqopts":"1 3 6 15 33 42 43 51 121 249    ","release":true,"iface6rd":"0"} vlan_mgmt
15814 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15815 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_iptv
15822 root      2268 S    odhcpc -p /var/run/ -s /lib/netifd/dhcp.script -f -o -t 0 -i vlan_mgmt -x hostname OpenWrt -C -R -O 1 -O 3 -O 6 -O 15 -O 33 -O 42 -O 43 -O 51 -O 121 -O 249 -O 121     -I /etc/udhcpc-vlan_mgmt.ip
15824 root      2268 S    odhcpc -p /var/run/ -s /lib/netifd/dhcp.script -f -o -t 0 -i vlan_iptv -x hostname OpenWrt -V IPTV_RGW_PRIV -C -R -O 1 -O 3 -O 6 -O 15 -O 33 -O 42 -O 43 -O 51 -O     121 -O 249 -O 121
15825 root      3324 S    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script deconfig
15829 root      3324 R    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script deconfig
15853 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15855 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
15856 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15865 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15898 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15923 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15925 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_mgmt
15952 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
15955 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
15978 root      3324 S    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16015 root      3324 S    {processlease} /bin/sh /usr/bin/processlease mgmt 3600
16115 root      3452 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
16128 root     10556 S    opkg install /tmp/run/mountd/sda1/ipkg//libopenssl_1.0.2t-1_arm_cortex-a9_neon.ipk
16132 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16154 root      3024 S    sleep 10
16168 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16170 root      3192 S    sleep 10
16178 root      3452 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
16198 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16231 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16244 root      3324 S    gzip -d -c
16248 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16276 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16279 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n wan -- start
16282 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2002:d543:f07b::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
16284 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -s -g -j -p -I 3600 -K 300 -T 3
16311 root      3324 S    gzip -d -c
16316 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16319 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n wan -- start
16321 root      3324 R    find /lib /usr/lib -name* -exec strings {} ;
16323 root      3324 S    grep -im1 all_proxy
16346 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16348 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16351 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -v 0 -S myddns_ipv4 -- start
16353 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16357 root      3324 R    sh /sbin/kernel-panic-handler
16383 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -v 0 -S myddns_ipv4 -- start
16384 root      3324 R    find /lib /usr/lib -name* -exec strings {} ;
16385 root      3324 S    grep -im1 all_proxy
16390 root      3652 S    {sysntpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/sysntpd restart
16394 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16437 root      3324 S    gzip -d -c
16440 root      3324 S    gzip -d -c
16451 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16490 root      3324 S    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16528 root      3192 S    sleep 10
16533 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16543 root      3324 R    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16552 root      3552 S <  /usr/sbin/ntpd -n -N -l -S /usr/sbin/ntpd-hotplug -p -p
16570 root      3324 R    {core-handler} /bin/sh /sbin/core-handler lua.16543.7.1702980350.core 16543
16592 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16625 root      3460 R    gzip -c
16670 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16677 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16706 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16711 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/qos/ firewall start
16712 root      3324 S    sh
16765 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/qos-generate-l2classify
16768 root      3844 R    ebtables -t nat -F QoS_l2classify
16809 root      3876 S    /usr/bin/qos -q reload
16835 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16838 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
16901 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
16960 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
16961 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_mgmt
16997 root      3192 D    /sbin/reboot
17099 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
17115 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup 6rd 6rd-6rd
17129 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
17318 root     10556 S    opkg install /tmp/run/mountd/sda1/ipkg//openssl-util_1.0.2t-1_arm_cortex-a9_neon.ipk
17325 root      3192 S    gzip -d -c
17420 root      3324 S    {processlease} /bin/sh /usr/bin/processlease iptv 21600
17427 root      3324 S    {K00lxc} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K00lxc shutdown
17486 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /lib/dhcpopassthrud/ lan v4 update 43
17487 root      3324 S    {K00watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K00watchdog-tch shutdown
17533 root         0 Z    [gzip]
17541 root      3324 R    gzip -d -c
17553 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /lib/dhcpopassthrud/ lan v4 update 43
17556 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /lib/dhcpopassthrud/ lan v4 update 43
17559 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark     0x20000000/0xf0000000
17609 root      3324 S    {K02mmpbxd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K02mmpbxd shutdown
17610 root      3324 S    {K04mvfs} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K04mvfs shutdown
17614 root      3192 S    lock /tmp/.execute.lock
17643 root      3324 S    gzip -d -c
17653 root      3324 S    gzip -d -c
17657 root      3024 S    sleep 10
17701 root      3192 S    sleep 1
17708 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ old 28:ee:52:60:39:f6 C100_6039F6
17712 root      3192 S    sleep 10
17765 root      3324 S    {K02mmpbxd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K02mmpbxd shutdown
17767 root      3456 R    ps
17768 root      3324 S    grep /usr/bin/mmpbxd
17769 root      3324 S    grep -v grep
17796 root      3500 S    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark    0x20000000/0xf0000000
17802 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp
17874 root      3324 S    {K05fseventd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K05fseventd shutdown
17928 root      3324 S    {K06miniupnpd-tc} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K06miniupnpd-tch shutdown
17950 root      3324 S    {K10cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10cwmpd shutdown
18001 root      3324 S    {K10ddns} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10ddns shutdown
18003 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -- stop
18068 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -- stop
18069 root      3324 D    find /lib /usr/lib -name* -exec strings {} ;
18070 root      3324 S    grep -im1 all_proxy
18131 root      3192 S    sleep 10
18139 root      3324 D    {K10fhcd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10fhcd shutdown
18165 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
18190 root      3324 S    {K10iperf} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10iperf shutdown
18211 root      5052 S    fw3 reload
18222 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18223 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18225 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18226 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18228 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18232 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18233 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18234 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18235 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
18268 root      5104 S    {assistance-help} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/assistance-helper.lua
18269 root      3456 S    {K10ipsec} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10ipsec shutdown
18290 root      3456 S    wget -O -
18330 root      3324 S    {K10lcmd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10lcmd shutdown
18338 root      3456 S    /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null
18340 root     28948 S    lua /usr/bin/transformer
18348 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
18351 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /etc/
18379 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
18387 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
18388 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
18412 root      3324 S    {K10weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10weburl shutdown
18422 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
18424 root      3232 S    iptables -t nat -F fullcone_voip
18484 root      3452 S    {K10weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10weburl shutdown
18487 root      5104 S    lua -e dm=require'datamodel';r=dm.get('');              if r and r[1] then print(r[1].value) end
18501 root      3500 S    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/    0xf0000000
18550 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /etc/
18565 root      3452 S    {K10weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10weburl shutdown
18585 root      3232 S    ip6tables -t mangle -F urlfilter-clnt
18643 root      3360 R    find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1/ -name net
18687 root      3232 S    iptables -t raw -F helper_binds
18719 root      3492 S    iptables -t filter -D input_rule -p tcp --src --dst --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
18783 root      3232 S    ip6tables -t mangle -F urlfilter-skip
18906 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /etc/
18987 root      3232 S    ip6tables -t mangle -X urlfilter
19010 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
19011 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall enabled
19035 root      1980 S    flock 1000
19213 root      3324 S    {K10wifi-conduct} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10wifi-conductor shutdown
19239 root      3568 R    iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype   --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
19263 root      3324 S    {K10wifi-doctor-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K10wifi-doctor-agent shutdown
19292 root      3324 S <  {ntpd-hotplug} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ntpd-hotplug step
19301 root      3324 S <  {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call ntp
19323 root      3324 S    {K12redirecthelp} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K12redirecthelper shutdown
19336 root      3324 S <  {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call ntp
19338 root         0 RW<  [bulkdata]
19377 root      3324 S    {K12vpn} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K12vpn shutdown
19423 root      3324 S    {K19pinholehelpe} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K19pinholehelper shutdown
19474 root      3324 S    {K20transformer} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K20transformer shutdown
19533 root      3456 R    {K35nqe} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K35nqe shutdown
19618 root      3324 S    {K36igmpproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K36igmpproxy shutdown
19651 root       572 R    /usr/bin/cwmpd
19652 root      5052 R    lua /usr/bin/cwmpevents
19687 root      3836 R    iptables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
19715 root      3324 S    {K36mldproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K36mldproxy shutdown
19763 root      3324 R    {K44mcsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K44mcsnooper shutdown
19764 root      3324 R    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
19792 root      4180 R    fw3 -q reload
19803 root      3688 R    fw3 reload
19808 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call firewall
19809 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19810 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19811 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19812 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19813 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19814 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19815 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19816 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19817 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19818 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19819 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
19847 root      3324 R    {K50dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K50dropbear shutdown
19869 root      3324 S    {K70hostmanager} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K70hostmanager shutdown
19896 root      3324 S    {K74dhcpsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K74dhcpsnooper shutdown
19902 root      3192 S    sleep 10
19922 root      3232 S    iptables -t mangle -F dhcpsnooping
19956 root      3232 R    iptables -t raw -A helper_binds -p tcp --dport 5055 -j CT --helper rtsp
20017 root      3364 R    [iptables]
20021 root      3364 S    ip6tables -I zone_vpn_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
20073 root      3324 S    {K89conntrackd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K89conntrackd shutdown
20098 root      3324 S    {K89log} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K89log shutdown
20117 root      3324 S    {K89mwan} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K89mwan shutdown
20123 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ stop
20126 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
20157 root      3364 R    iptables -t mangle --flush mwan_rules
20174 root      3324 R    {load_balancer.s} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /usr/lib/mwan/ stop
20204 root      3324 S    {K90network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/K90network shutdown
20214 root      3324 S    {ifdown} /bin/sh /sbin/ifdown -a
20224 root      2348 R    ubus -S list network.interface.*
20243 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
20252 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
20254 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
20255 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
20267 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net    
Process List After First Reboot


Full VBNT-H bootlog with exec commands (2024-08-05)
   1 root      2840 S    /sbin/procd
   2 root         0 SW   [kthreadd]
   3 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
   4 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
   5 root         0 SW<  [kworker/0:0H]
   6 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
   7 root         0 SW   [rcu_preempt]
   8 root         0 SW   [rcu_sched]
   9 root         0 SW   [rcu_bh]
  10 root         0 SW   [migration/0]
  11 root         0 SW   [migration/1]
  12 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/1]
  13 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:0]
  14 root         0 SW<  [kworker/1:0H]
  15 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
  16 root         0 SW<  [netns]
  17 root         0 SW<  [writeback]
  18 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
  19 root         0 SW<  [crypto]
  20 root         0 SW<  [bioset]
  21 root         0 SW<  [kblockd]
  22 root         0 SW   [skb_free_task]
  23 root         0 SW   [bcmFapDrv]
  24 root         0 SWN  [kswapd0]
  25 root         0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
  38 root         0 SW<  [kthrotld]
  39 root         0 SW   [cfinteractive]
  40 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:1]
  41 root         0 SW<  [linkwatch]
  42 root         0 SW<  [ipv6_addrconf]
  43 root         0 SW<  [deferwq]
  44 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:1]
  47 root         0 SW<  [kworker/1:1H]
  48 root         0 SW<  [kworker/0:1H]
  60 root         0 SWN  [jffs2_gcd_mtd2]
 172 root      2396 S    /sbin/ubusd
 173 root      3452 S    /bin/ash
 219 root      5492 S    /usr/sbin/cgrulesengd -n -Q -u root
 299 root      3192 D    cat /dev/rgs_logger
 304 root         0 SW   [kbdmf_shell]
 306 root      3324 S    {S10boot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10boot boot
 310 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:1]
 313 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- char-major-3022
 351 root      2492 R    /sbin/kmodloader
 389 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 393 root       656 R    ls /etc/hotplug.d/net/00-sysctl /etc/hotplug.d/net/01-qos /etc/hotplug.d/net/10_ethoam /etc/hotplug.d/net/20-smp-tune /etc/hotplug.d/net/50-pppoe-relay-tch /etc/hotplug.d/net/70-broadcom_wds
 410 root         0 RW   [hotplug-call]
 411 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 416 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event tunl0
 425 root         0 SW   [spdsvc_timer_th]
 451 root         0 SW   [spu_rx]
 452 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 454 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
 455 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 456 root         0 SW   [bcmxtm_rx]
 480 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 505 root         0 SW   [bcmFlwStatsTask]
 506 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:1]
 507 root         0 DW   [kworker/u4:1]
 515 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 530 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 531 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event gre0
 552 root         0 SW   [bcmsw_rx]
 563 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 589 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 595 root         0 SW   [bcmsw]
 607 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 610 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event gretap0
 643 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 646 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
 647 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 649 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 651 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 669 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 688 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 691 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event ip6gre0
 721 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 724 root      3192 R    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
 759 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 778 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 779 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event bcmsw
 807 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 811 root      2188 R    uci get network @globals[0] default_ps
 813 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 834 root      3324 R    lock -u /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
 840 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 851 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:2]
 856 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 857 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth0
 885 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 890 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
 907 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 930 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 931 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth1
 965 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 968 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
 969 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 970 root         0 RW   [hotplug-call]
 986 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 991 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
 994 root      3192 R    logger -t sysctl
1002 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1003 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth2
1042 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1047 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1048 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1067 root         0 SW   [wl0-kthrd]
1076 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1090 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1091 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth3
1123 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1137 root         0 SW   [wfd0-thrd]
1149 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1166 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1167 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth4
1188 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1202 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1209 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1211 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
   1 root      2840 S    /sbin/procd
   2 root         0 SW   [kthreadd]
   3 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
   4 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
   5 root         0 SW<  [kworker/0:0H]
   6 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
   7 root         0 SW   [rcu_preempt]
   8 root         0 SW   [rcu_sched]
   9 root         0 SW   [rcu_bh]
  10 root         0 SW   [migration/0]
  11 root         0 SW   [migration/1]
  12 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/1]
  13 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:0]
  14 root         0 SW<  [kworker/1:0H]
  15 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
  16 root         0 SW<  [netns]
  17 root         0 SW<  [writeback]
  18 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
  19 root         0 SW<  [crypto]
  20 root         0 SW<  [bioset]
  21 root         0 SW<  [kblockd]
  22 root         0 SW   [skb_free_task]
  23 root         0 SW   [bcmFapDrv]
  24 root         0 SWN  [kswapd0]
  25 root         0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
  38 root         0 SW<  [kthrotld]
  39 root         0 SW   [cfinteractive]
  40 root         0 RW   [kworker/1:1]
  41 root         0 SW<  [linkwatch]
  42 root         0 SW<  [ipv6_addrconf]
  43 root         0 SW<  [deferwq]
  44 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:1]
  47 root         0 SW<  [kworker/1:1H]
  48 root         0 SW<  [kworker/0:1H]
  60 root         0 SWN  [jffs2_gcd_mtd2]
 172 root      2396 S    /sbin/ubusd
 173 root      3452 S    /bin/ash
 219 root      5492 S    /usr/sbin/cgrulesengd -n -Q -u root
 304 root         0 SW   [kbdmf_shell]
 306 root      3324 S    {S10boot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10boot boot
 351 root      3976 D    /sbin/kmodloader
 425 root         0 SW   [spdsvc_timer_th]
 451 root         0 SW   [spu_rx]
 456 root         0 SW   [bcmxtm_rx]
 505 root         0 SW   [bcmFlwStatsTask]
 552 root         0 SW   [bcmsw_rx]
 595 root         0 SW   [bcmsw]
 851 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:2]
1067 root         0 SW   [wl0-kthrd]
1137 root         0 SW   [wfd0-thrd]
1149 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1202 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1209 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1211 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1215 root         0 RW   [hotplug-call]
1237 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1243 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
1246 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1246 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1275 root      3192 R    sort -n
1276 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
1277 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1277 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1278 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth5
1278 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event eth5
1304 root      3328 R    sort -n
1314 root      1836 R    readlink /etc/init.d/ethoam
1325 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1334 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
1335 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ts_kmp
1334 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
1335 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ts_kmp
1341 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1352 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1353 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1361 root      3324 R    [hotplug-call]
1380 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
1381 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nf_conntrack-2
1391 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1400 root         0 RW   [ls]
1380 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:0]
1381 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nf_conntrack-2
1391 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1404 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1422 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1423 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event wl0
1430 root      3328 S    sort -n
1422 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1423 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event wl0
1474 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1483 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
1484 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1492 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1495 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1499 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1509 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get network pppoerelay
1515 root      3324 R    [grep]
1517 root      3324 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
1528 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1530 root      3192 S    sleep 1
1528 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1530 root      3192 S    sleep 1
1542 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1544 root      3324 R    sysctl -e -p -
1560 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1561 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event dsl0
1571 root      3192 R    readlink /etc/init.d/ethoam
1560 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1561 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event dsl0
1574 root      3192 R    basename /etc/init.d/ethoam
1597 root         0 XW   [ps]
1603 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1624 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1630 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1631 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1634 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1624 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1630 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
1631 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
1716 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
1786 root       520 R    [grep]
1788 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
1813 root      3324 R    {S10boot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10boot boot
1813 root      3324 R    {S10boot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10boot boot
1829 root         0 Z    [ps]
1853 root      3324 R    {S10boot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10boot boot
1853 root      3324 R    {S10boot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10boot boot
1884 root         0 RW   [ls]
1893 root      3324 S    {reload_config} /bin/sh /sbin/reload_config
1893 root      3324 S    {reload_config} /bin/sh /sbin/reload_config
2005 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
2023 root         0 RW   [ps]
2057 root      2188 R    uci show ipping
2086 root      2056 R    uci show lcmd
2133 root      2188 R    uci show mmpbx
2256 root      2056 R    uci show portmirror
2285 root      2056 R    uci show ra
2341 root      3192 R    sort -n
2423 root      3324 R    [realtime-monito]
2462 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
2462 root      3324 R    {S10cgevent} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10cgevent boot
2493 root      3192 R    readlink /etc/rc.d/S10cgevent
2502 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
2503 root      3192 R    basename
2532 root       680 R    /sbin/validate_data cgevent cgevent generic enable:bool:1
2532 root       680 R    /sbin/validate_data cgevent cgevent generic enable:bool:1
2571 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
2574 root      3324 S    {S10cgevent} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10cgevent boot
2575 root      3324 R    {S10cgevent} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10cgevent boot
2589 root      3324 S    {cgevent} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cgevent running
2590 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
2601 root      3192 R    sort -n
2589 root      3324 S    {cgevent} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cgevent running
2590 root      3108 R    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2630 root      3328 R    sort -n
2631 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
2654 root      3324 D    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2654 root      3324 R    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2700 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
2751 root      1920 R    ethctl eth0 media-type 100FD
2755 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
2777 root      3324 S    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2777 root      3324 S    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2780 root      3324 S    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2781 root      3324 R    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2806 root      3324 S    [realtime-monito]
2851 root      3324 R    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2876 root      3324 S    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2880 root      3324 S    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2876 root      3324 S    {S10phypower} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10phypower boot
2918 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
2918 root         8 R    [procd]
3018 root         0 XW   [ps]
3034 root      3324 R    date -k
3034 root      3324 R    date -k
3103 root      3324 R    {system} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/system running
3106 root      3324 R    {S10watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10watchdog-tch boot
3103 root      3324 S    {system} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/system running
3106 root      3324 S    {S10watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10watchdog-tch boot
3158 root      3324 R    ls /lib/network/ /lib/network/ /lib/network/
3162 root      3192 R    sort -n
3163 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
3170 root       660 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
3194 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export network
3225 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
3252 root         0 Z    [sort]
3253 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
3291 root      2348 R    ubus -S call network.interface.adsl_dk status
3314 root      2216 R    ubus -S call network.interface.vdsl_se status
3318 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
3341 root      2056 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export watchdog
3369 root      3452 S    {S10watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10watchdog-tch boot
3369 root      3452 S    {S10watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S10watchdog-tch boot
3425 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
3427 root      3324 R    {watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/watchdog-tch running
3429 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
3425 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
3427 root      3324 R    {watchdog-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/watchdog-tch running
3429 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
3486 root      2344 R    insmod bcm_usb usb3_enable=1
3486 root      2344 R    insmod bcm_usb usb3_enable=1
3542 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
3617 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
3648 root         0 RW   [grep]
3650 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
3671 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call platform
3672 root      2344 R    insmod xhci-hcd
3671 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call platform
3672 root      2344 R    insmod xhci-hcd
3695 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3695 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3721 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3734 root      2344 R    insmod ohci-hcd
3745 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3746 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3745 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3746 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3767 root      2344 R    insmod ohci-pci
3796 root      3324 R    {S11platform-gpl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11platform-gpl boot
3788 root         0 Z    [realtime-monito]
3796 root      3324 R    {S11platform-gpl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11platform-gpl boot
3829 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
3849 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
3850 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
3852 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3849 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
3850 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
3852 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3876 root      3324 S    {S11platform-gpl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11platform-gpl boot
3915 root      3324 R    {S11platform-gpl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11platform-gpl boot
3948 root      3324 S    [S11platform-gpl]
3977 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3978 root      3324 S    {S11platform-gpl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11platform-gpl boot
3992 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
3992 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4003 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4034 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4038 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4059 root         0 SW   [scsi_eh_0]
4063 root         0 SW<  [scsi_tmf_0]
4034 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4038 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4059 root         0 SW   [scsi_eh_0]
4063 root         0 SW<  [scsi_tmf_0]
4065 root         0 SW   [usb-storage]
4065 root         0 SW   [usb-storage]
4132 root      2936 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4133 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4138 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
4132 root      3068 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4133 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4138 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
4150 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4150 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4183 root      3324 S    {S11restore} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11restore boot
4183 root      3324 S    {S11restore} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11restore boot
4185 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4188 root      3324 R    {S11restore} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11restore boot
4206 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4208 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4188 root      3324 R    {S11restore} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11restore boot
4206 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4208 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4232 root      3324 S    {S11sysctl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11sysctl boot
4244 root      3324 R    sysctl -p -e
4251 root      3324 R    {S11warmboot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11warmboot boot
4251 root      3324 R    {S11warmboot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11warmboot boot
4279 root      2408 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4280 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4281 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4279 root     10880 S    /sbin/usbmode -s
4280 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4305 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4309 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
4305 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4309 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
4330 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4332 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4348 root      3324 S    {S11warmboot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11warmboot boot
4350 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -q get system @system[0] hw_reboot_count
4330 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4332 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4387 root      3324 R    {S11warmboot} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S11warmboot boot
4389 root      3324 S    {S12ledfw} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S12ledfw boot
4413 root      2804 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4414 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4415 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4421 root       660 R    expr substr 9/0/0 1 2
4389 root      3324 S    {S12ledfw} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S12ledfw boot
4413 root      2804 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4414 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4415 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4421 root       660 R    expr substr 9/0/0 1 2
4435 root      3324 R    start-stop-daemon -S -x status-led-eventing.lua -p /var/run/ -m -b
4436 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4439 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4443 root      3324 D    start-stop-daemon -S -x ledfw.lua -p /var/run/ -m -b
4452 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4435 root      3324 R    start-stop-daemon -S -x status-led-eventing.lua -p /var/run/ -m -b
4436 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4439 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4443 root      3324 D    start-stop-daemon -S -x ledfw.lua -p /var/run/ -m -b
4452 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4456 root         0 Z    [ps]
4541 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4541 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4570 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4579 root         0 RW   [seq]
4608 root      2392 R    /sbin/validate_data system system cfg01e48a log_file:string log_size:uinteger log_hostname:string log_ip:ipaddr log_remote:bool:1 log_port:port:514 log_proto:or("tcp", "udp"):udp log_trailer_null:bool:0 log_prefix:string
4619 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4620 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4640 root         0 RW   [sort]
4641 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
4619 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4620 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4676 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4677 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4678 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4679 root      3324 R    {log} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/log running
4676 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4677 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4678 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4679 root      3324 S    {log} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/log running
4680 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
4689 root      2672 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4690 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4680 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
4689 root      3068 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4690 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4710 root      3324 R    [realtime-monito]
4715 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4715 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4742 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4743 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4746 root      3324 D    sysctl -p /etc/sysctl-tch.conf -e
4742 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4743 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4746 root      3324 R    sysctl -p /etc/sysctl-tch.conf -e
4786 root      3324 S    {S12syslog_fwd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S12syslog_fwd boot
4786 root      3324 R    {S12syslog_fwd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S12syslog_fwd boot
4795 root      2936 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
4796 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4795 root     10880 S    /sbin/usbmode -s
4796 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
4820 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4831 root      3324 R    ls /etc/hotplug.d/usb/ /etc/hotplug.d/usb/12-tch_usb /etc/hotplug.d/usb/20-usb_mode /etc/hotplug.d/usb/21-samba-printer /etc/hotplug.d/usb/50-mobiled
4832 root      2056 R    [uci]
4820 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4851 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4863 root      2604 S    logread -f
4865 root      3324 S    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
4851 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4863 root      2604 S    logread -f
4865 root      3324 D    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
4895 root      3324 S    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
4895 root      3324 S    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
4913 root      3324 R    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
4914 root      3324 S    grep AN
4913 root       444 D    ethswctl -c lanwan -p 1
4914 root      3324 S    grep AN
4937 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4938 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4937 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
4938 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
4981 root      2188 R    uci get env rip eth_mac
4985 root      3324 R    start-stop-daemon -q -S -x /usr/bin/swmdk
4985 root      3324 D    start-stop-daemon -q -S -x /usr/bin/swmdk
5013 root      3068 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5014 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5013 root      3068 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5014 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5022 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5037 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5022 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5037 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5063 root     18788 S    /usr/bin/swmdk
5067 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5075 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5084 root      3324 S    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
5063 root     18788 S    /usr/bin/swmdk
5067 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5075 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5155 root      2936 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5156 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5155 root      3068 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5156 root      3324 D    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5179 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5184 root      3324 S    {S15swmdk} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S15swmdk boot
5179 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5215 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5233 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5235 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5233 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5235 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5282 root      3324 R    {S17bcmubusbridg} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S17bcmubusbridge boot
5282 root      3324 R    {S17bcmubusbridg} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S17bcmubusbridge boot
5303 root      2408 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5304 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5305 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5309 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
5304 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5323 root      3324 S    {S18dhcpopassthr} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18dhcpopassthrud boot
5326 root      3324 R    start-stop-daemon -q -S -b -m -p /var/run/ -x /usr/bin/bcmubusbridge
5331 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5323 root      3324 S    {S18dhcpopassthr} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18dhcpopassthrud boot
5326 root      3324 R    start-stop-daemon -q -S -b -m -p /var/run/ -x /usr/bin/bcmubusbridge
5331 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5341 root      3192 R    readlink /etc/rc.d/S18dhcpopassthrud
5342 root      1848 R    flock 1000
5346 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5354 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5346 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call usb
5354 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5380 root      3452 R    logger -t dhcpopassthrud Starting DHCP option transfer daemon
5387 root      3324 D    ls /lib/dhcpopassthrud/init/
5409 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5387 root      3324 D    ls /lib/dhcpopassthrud/init/
5409 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode start
5425 root      2804 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5428 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5425 root      2936 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
5428 root      3324 S    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
5436 root         0 RW   [ps]
5444 root      3192 R    readlink /etc/init.d/usbmode
5506 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
5508 root      3324 R    {dhcpopassthrud} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dhcpopassthrud running
5510 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
5506 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
5508 root      3324 R    {dhcpopassthrud} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dhcpopassthrud running
5510 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
5573 root      3324 S    {S18hostmanager} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18hostmanager boot
5631 root      2348 R    ubus call service set { "name": "hostmanager", "script": "\/etc\/rc.d\/S18hostmanager", "instances": { "instance1": { "command": [ "\/usr\/bin\/hostmanager.lua" ], "respawn": [ "3600", "5", "5" ] } }, "triggers": [ [ "config.change", [ "if", [ "eq", "package", "hostmanager" ], [ "run_script", "\/etc\/init.d\/hostmanager", "reload" ] ], 1000 ] ], "data": { } }
5635 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
5636 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
5637 root      3324 S    {hostmanager} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/hostmanager running
5639 root      3324 S    {S18ipset} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18ipset boot
5636 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
5637 root      3324 S    {hostmanager} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/hostmanager running
5639 root      3324 S    {S18ipset} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18ipset boot
5685 root      3324 D    {S18ipset} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18ipset boot
5690 root      3328 R    sort -n
5685 root      3324 R    {S18ipset} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18ipset boot
5714 root      3192 R    sort -n
5738 root      3192 R    sort -n
5791 root       508 D    /usr/sbin/ipset -exist -
5791 root       508 D    /usr/sbin/ipset -exist -
5846 root      2196 S    /usr/sbin/ipset -exist -
5848 root      3328 R    sort -n
5849 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
5846 root      2196 S    /usr/sbin/ipset -exist -
5897 root      2216 R    ubus call service set { "name": "ipset", "script": "\/etc\/rc.d\/S18ipset", "instances": { }, "triggers": [ [ "config.change", [ "if", [ "eq", "package", "ipset" ], [ "run_script", "\/etc\/init.d\/ipset", "reload" ] ], 1000 ] ], "data": { } }
5907 root      3324 S    {ipset} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ipset running
5908 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
5917 root      3192 R    readlink /etc/init.d/ipset
5907 root      3324 S    {ipset} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ipset running
5908 root      3192 R    {S18quantenna} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18quantenna boot
5976 root      3324 S    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
5987 root      3324 S    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
5976 root      3324 S    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
5987 root      3324 S    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
5992 root      3324 D    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
5993 root      3324 S    grep addq
5994 root      3324 S    grep wred
5992 root      3324 R    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
5993 root      3324 S    grep addq
5994 root      3324 S    grep wred
6025 root         0 RW   [tee]
6067 root      2896 R    lua -e require('setuptm')
6067 root      2896 D    lua -e require('setuptm')
6090 root      3192 R    sort -n
6091 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
6114 root      3328 R    sort -n
6115 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
6134 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/xtm.lock
6144 root      3324 S    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
6134 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/xtm.lock
6144 root      3324 S    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
6145 root      3324 R    {S18xtm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S18xtm boot
6146 root      3324 S    grep -q Showtime
6145 root       576 D    xdslctl info
6146 root      3324 S    grep -q Showtime
6199 root      1944 R    xtmctl start
6244 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
6244 root      3324 R    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6301 root      3324 R    pidof khubd
6423 root      3324 R    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6423 root      3324 R    pidof bcmsw_rx
6473 root      3324 R    pidof spu_rx
6474 root         0 RW   [ps]
6536 root      3324 R    pidof wfd0-thrd
6563 root      3324 S    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6564 root      3456 R    ps
6565 root      3324 S    grep wfd1-thrd
6588 root      3324 R    pidof wl0-kthrd
6614 root      3324 S    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6615 root      3456 R    ps
6616 root      3324 S    grep wl1-kthrd
6617 root      3328 S    head -1
6618 root      3324 S    cut -d   -f3
6649 root      3324 S    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6652 root      3456 R    ps
6653 root      3324 R    grep dhd0_dpc
6654 root      3328 S    head -1
6655 root      3324 S    cut -d   -f3
6680 root      3324 S    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6681 root      3456 R    ps
6682 root      3324 S    grep dhd1_dpc
6683 root      3328 S    head -1
6680 root      3324 S    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6681 root         0 RW   [ps]
6707 root      3324 S    {S19brcm_kthrd_p} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19brcm_kthrd_prios boot
6708 root      3324 R    pidof wl1-kthrd
6740 root      3324 R    pidof dhd0_dpc
6772 root      3456 S    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
6772 root      3456 S    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
6827 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export dhcp
6904 root      3456 S    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
6904 root      3456 S    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
6905 root      3456 D    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
6906 root      3324 S    grep -m1 Compile time options:
6907 root      3324 S    cut -d: -f2
6905 root      3456 R    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
6906 root      3324 S    grep -m1 Compile time options:
6907 root      3324 S    cut -d: -f2
7018 root      3456 R    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
7018 root      3456 R    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
7047 root      3192 R    basename
7071 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
7082 root      3192 R    sort -n
7084 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
7106 root      3324 R    pidof dnsmasq
7266 root      3456 S    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
7269 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -q get system @service[0] respawn_threshold
7266 root      3456 S    {S19dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dnsmasq boot
7269 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -q get system @service[0] respawn_threshold
7429 root      2676 R    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
7432 root      3456 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
7436 root      3324 R    {S19dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dropbear boot
7429 root      2676 R    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
7432 root      3456 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
7436 root      3324 R    {S19dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19dropbear boot
7499 root      2392 R    /sbin/validate_data dropbear dropbear mgmt PasswordAuth:bool:1 enable:bool:1 Interface:string GatewayPorts:bool:0 RootPasswordAuth:bool:1 RootLogin:bool:1 rsakeyfile:file BannerFile:file Port:list(port):22 SSHKeepAlive:uinteger:300 IdleTimeout:uinteger:0 MaxAuthTries:uinteger:3 RecvWindowSize:uinteger:0 AllowLocalForwarding:bool:1 AllowRemoteForwarding:bool:1 mdns:bool:1
7500 root      2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
7500 root      2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
7574 root         0 RW   [validate_data]
7606 root      3324 R    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
7600 root         0 RW   [ps]
7607 root      3324 S    {S19firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19firewall boot
7606 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
7607 root      3324 S    {S19firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19firewall boot
7667 root      3324 R    {S19firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19firewall boot
7667 root      3324 R    {S19firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19firewall boot
7867 root      3232 R    ip6tables -t raw -N helper_binds
7873 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
7874 root      3232 R    ip6tables -t raw -A PREROUTING -j helper_binds
7919 root      3328 S    sort -n
7920 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
7999 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
8045 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -N fullcone_iptv
8070 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -I postrouting_voip_rule -m comment --comment Fullcone -j fullcone_voip
8141 root         0 RW   [tee]
8181 root         0 Z    [sort]
8182 root         0 RW   [tail]
8291 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -A fullcone_wan -p udp --dport 88 -j MASQUERADE --mode fullcone
8317 root      3232 R    iptables -t raw -F helper_binds
8348 root      1836 R    sort -n
8349 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
8391 root         0 RW   [iptables]
8397 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
8445 root      3232 R    iptables -t raw -A helper_binds -p tcp --dport 554 -j CT --helper rtsp
8500 root         0 RW   [uci]
8550 root      3328 R    sort -n
8551 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
8582 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
8647 root      3324 R    [realtime-monito]
8648 root         0 RW   [ip6tables]
8675 root      3232 R    iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype ! --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
8678 root      3192 R    sort -n
8679 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
8675 root      3492 R    iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype ! --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
8731 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export firewall
8823 root         0 Z    [realtime-monito]
8835 root      3496 R    iptables -I zone_lan_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
8850 root      3232 R    iptables -I zone_Guest1_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
8862 root      3232 R    ip6tables -I zone_Guest1_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
8873 root      3496 R    iptables -I zone_Guest1_5GHz_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
8890 root      3192 R    sort -n
8891 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
8893 root         8 R    [realtime-monito]
8901 root      3232 R    iptables -I zone_vpn_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
9033 root      2188 R    uci get firewall fwdassist reload
9081 root      3364 R    iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -p udp --dport 67 -j dhcpsnooping
9146 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
9147 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -N MINIUPNPD
9157 root      3816 R    fw3 -q network wan
9188 root      3364 R    iptables -t nat -S zone_wan_prerouting
9215 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
 9248 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -N MMPBX
 9294 root      3688 R    fw3 -q network wan
 9320 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
 9348 root      3232 R    iptables -t filter -I zone_wan_input -j MMPBX
 9356 root      3364 R    ip6tables -t filter -C zone_wan_input -j MMPBX
 9402 root         0 RW   [sort]
 9403 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state set system mmpbx_udp ports 5060
 9448 root      3688 R    fw3 -q network mgmt
 9486 root         0 RW   [iptables]
 9507 root      3784 R    ip6tables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src 2001:2011:c001::/48 --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
 9537 root      3232 R    iptables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
 9566 root      3756 R    iptables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
 9592 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -I zone_wan_prerouting -p tcp -m tcp --dport 60022 -m comment --comment DMZ_Exception_Dropbear -j ACCEPT
 9588 root         0 RW   [ps]
 9592 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -I zone_wan_prerouting -p tcp -m tcp --dport 60022 -m comment --comment DMZ_Exception_Dropbear -j ACCEPT
 9612 root         0 RW   [ip6tables]
 9669 root      3324 R    tail -n 1
 9696 root      3328 S    sort -n
 9697 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
 9717 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall running
 9718 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
 9717 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall running
 9718 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
 9772 root      3324 R    {S19hostapd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19hostapd boot
 9770 root         0 RW   [ps]
 9772 root      3324 R    {S19hostapd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19hostapd boot
 9884 root      2188 R    uci get wireless wl2_3
 9908 root      3324 R    {fix_uci_config.} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9908 root      3324 R    {fix_uci_config.} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9957 root      3324 S    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9968 root      3324 R    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9957 root      3324 S    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9968 root      3324 S    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9972 root      3324 R    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9973 root      3324 S    cut -d   -f 2
 9978 root      3332 S    tr (  
 9979 root      3332 S    tr )  
 9972 root      3324 R    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
 9973 root      3324 S    cut -d   -f 2
 9978 root      3332 S    tr (  
 9979 root      3332 S    tr )  
10039 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
10061 root         0 RW   [grep]
10062 root      3324 R    [grep]
10063 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
10127 root         0 RW   [ps]
10170 root      2592 R    wl -i wl0 country E0/41
10171 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:2]
10171 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:2]
10201 root      3324 S    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
10243 root      3324 D    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
10243 root      3324 R    {init_broadcom.s} /bin/sh /lib/wireless/
10315 root      2592 D    wl -i wl1 nar 0
10321 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10322 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
10315 root      2592 D    wl -i wl1 nar 0
10321 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10322 root      2644 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
10347 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10349 root      2372 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
10347 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10349 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
10370 root      2592 D    wl -i wl2 nar 0
10377 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10370 root      2592 D    wl -i wl2 nar 0
10377 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10381 root      2348 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl2
10400 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10402 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl2
10400 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10402 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl2
10430 root       488 R    wl -i wl0 phylist
10430 root       488 R    wl -i wl0 phylist
10433 root      2592 D    wl -i wl1 phylist
10442 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10443 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
10433 root      2592 D    wl -i wl1 phylist
10442 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10443 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
10468 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10471 root      2480 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
10468 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10471 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
10484 root      3452 R    [ps]
10516 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ /tmp/hostapd.env
10539 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ /tmp/hostapd.env
10516 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ /tmp/hostapd.env
10572 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ /tmp/hostapd.env
10570 root         0 RW   [ps]
10572 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ /tmp/hostapd.env
10576 root      3324 R    {} uci get env.var.prod_friendly_name
10604 root      2056 R    uci get env.var.ssid_prefix
10598 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
10604 root         0 RW   [uci]
10652 root      3324 D    {S19hostapd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19hostapd boot
10652 root      3324 D    {S19hostapd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19hostapd boot
10682 root      3192 R    sort -n
10776 root      5088 D    hostapd -bund -p /var/run/ -e /tmp/hostapd.env
10777 root      3192 S    sleep 1
10776 root      5088 D    hostapd -bund -p /var/run/ -e /tmp/hostapd.env
10777 root      3192 S    sleep 1
10796 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10799 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
10824 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10824 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10825 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
10854 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10855 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl2
10854 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10855 root      2484 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl2
10876 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10877 root         0 RW   [modprobe]
10950 root      3328 S    sort -n
10951 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
10967 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10968 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
10969 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl0_1
10967 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
10968 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
10969 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl0_1
10982 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
10984 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event wl0_1
10991 root      3192 S    sleep 1
10991 root      3192 S    sleep 1
11019 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11023 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
11028 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl0_1
11039 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11046 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
11047 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11049 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11053 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11023 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
11028 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl0_1
11039 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11046 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
11047 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11049 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11167 root      3192 S    sleep 1
11167 root      3192 S    sleep 1
11176 root      3324 S    [realtime-monito]
11257 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
11306 root      3328 S    sort -n
11308 root         0 RW   [tail]
11332 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
11346 root      3192 S    sleep 1
11346 root      3192 S    sleep 1
11426 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
11467 root         0 RW   [tail]
11523 root      3324 S    {S19pre-mwan} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19pre-mwan boot
11523 root      3324 S    {S19pre-mwan} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19pre-mwan boot
11542 root      3324 R    {S19pre-mwan} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19pre-mwan boot
11542 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ boot
11574 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
11574 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
11663 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:3]
11663 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:3]
11706 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state set mwan mgmt_only id 4
11726 root      2056 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state set mwan.mgmt_only.nfmark=0x40000000
11759 root      2188 R    uci get network iptv ip4table
11790 root      2056 R    uci get network.mgmt.ip4table
11816 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ boot
11819 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan iptv_only nfmark
11816 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ boot
11844 root         0 RW   [ps]
11879 root      3324 S    {S19spu} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19spu boot
11900 root      3324 D    {S19spu} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19spu boot
11879 root      3324 S    {S19spu} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19spu boot
11900 root      3324 R    {S19spu} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19spu boot
11926 root      3328 S    [sort]
11927 root         0 RW   [tail]
11964 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11976 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11982 root      3324 R    logger -t sysctl
11964 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
11991 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
11998 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12001 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event spu_us_dummy
12002 root      3324 R    [realtime-monito]
11991 root      3324 S    {S19xdsl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19xdsl boot
11998 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12001 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event spu_us_dummy
12051 root      2940 R    xdslctl start --up --mod dlt2empv --profile 8a 8b 8c 8d 12a 12b 17a --phycfg 0x90447a 0x90447a 0 0x390000 0x390000 0x19060003 0x19060003 0x01200800 0x01200600 0x0 0x0
12051 root      2940 R    xdslctl start --up --mod dlt2empv --profile 8a 8b 8c 8d 12a 12b 17a --phycfg 0x90447a 0x90447a 0 0x390000 0x390000 0x19060003 0x19060003 0x01200800 0x01200600 0x0 0x0
12057 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12058 root      3192 R    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
12062 root         0 Z    [realtime-monito]
12092 root         0 SW   [dsl0]
12092 root         0 SW   [dsl0]
12096 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12121 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12122 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event spu_ds_dummy
12096 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12121 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12122 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event spu_ds_dummy
12162 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12172 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
12173 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12181 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12162 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
12172 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
12362 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12363 root      3004 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-br-lan
12383 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12384 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
12383 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12384 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
12418 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12419 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth5
12418 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12419 root      2484 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth5
12449 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12450 root      2372 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth5
12449 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
12450 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth5
12478 root      3324 R    {S19xdsl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19xdsl boot
12478 root      3324 R    {S19xdsl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S19xdsl boot
12525 root      3192 R    sort -n
12554 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
12595 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
12595 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
12613 root      3080 R    lua -e require('setuptm')
12645 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
12646 root      2024 R    ethswctl getifname 0 1
12695 root      3324 R    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
12783 root      3324 R    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
12783 root      3324 R    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
12828 root       404 R    /usr/bin/tmctl porttmuninit --devtype 0 --if eth0
12922 root      2572 R    /usr/bin/tmctl porttminit --devtype 0 --if eth0 --flag 0x0001
12952 root      2440 R    /usr/bin/tmctl porttmuninit --devtype 0 --if eth2
12976 root      3184 R    sort -n
12977 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
12983 root      2572 R    /usr/bin/tmctl porttminit --devtype 0 --if eth3 --flag 0x0001
13012 root      2572 R    /usr/bin/tmctl porttminit --devtype 0 --if eth4 --flag 0x0001
13042 root      3192 R    sort -n
13043 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
13053 root      2572 R    /usr/bin/tmctl porttminit --devtype 0 --if eth5 --flag 0x0001
13076 root      3324 S    [sh]
13138 root      3100 R    lua /usr/bin/setuprunner lan
13150 root      2896 R    lua -e local setuptm = require('setuptm')                     setuptm.enable_logging(false)                     setuptm.enable_tmctl_logging(false) ; setuptm.reload('ethernet')
13150 root      3184 R    lua -e local setuptm = require('setuptm')                     setuptm.enable_logging(false)                     setuptm.enable_tmctl_logging(false) ; setuptm.reload('ethernet')
13244 root         0 RW   [tmctl]
13244 root         0 RW   [tmctl]
13272 root      3324 R    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13291 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
13272 root      3324 R    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13342 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13346 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13349 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13351 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13352 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13355 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13342 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13346 root      3324 D    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13349 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13352 root      3324 R    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13355 root      3324 S    {S20ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20ethernet boot
13481 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
13483 root         0 RW   [modprobe]
13481 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
13483 root         0 RW   [modprobe]
13510 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
13535 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
13536 root      2760 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth5
13510 root      3324 R    {S20network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20network boot
13535 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
13536 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth5
13651 root         0 RW   [tee]
13673 root      3452 D    {S20network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20network boot
13673 root      3452 R    {S20network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20network boot
13726 root      3192 R    sort -n
13727 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
13742 root      3452 R    {S20network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20network boot
13742 root      3452 R    {S20network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20network boot
13774 root      3324 R    [grep]
13775 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
13867 root      2260 S    bcmswconfig load network
13867 root      2260 S    bcmswconfig load network
13968 root         0 RW   [mdkshell]
14053 root      3452 R    {S20network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20network boot
14053 root      2524 R    /sbin/validate_data network atm-bridge  unit:uinteger:0 vci:range(32, 65535):35 vpi:range(0, 255):8 atmdev:uinteger:0 encaps:or("llc", "vc"):llc payload:or("bridged", "routed"):bridged
14111 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
14112 root      3324 S    {network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/network running
14121 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
14111 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
14112 root      3324 S    {network} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/network running
14121 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
14175 root      3324 D    {S20power} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20power boot
14179 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14175 root      3324 R    {S20power} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20power boot
14179 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14220 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14220 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14238 root      3324 S    {S20usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20usbmode boot
14238 root      3324 S    {S20usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S20usbmode boot
14253 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14261 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
14288 root      2540 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
14289 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
14290 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
14288 root      2936 R    /sbin/usbmode -s
14289 root      3324 R    {usbmode} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/usbmode running
14290 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
14292 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14343 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14374 root      3324 R    {S21conntrackd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S21conntrackd boot
14343 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14373 root      3324 S    [realtime-monito]
14389 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
14390 root      3324 S    {conntrackd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/conntrackd running
14394 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
14389 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
14390 root      3324 S    {conntrackd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/conntrackd running
14394 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
14438 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
14442 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
14438 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
14453 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
14458 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export mwan
14453 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
14464 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14466 root      2344 D    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-br-lan
14464 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14466 root      2368 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-br-lan
14523 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14524 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
14547 root      2056 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state set mwan.iptv_only.nfmark=0x20000000
14551 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14554 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth5
14578 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14580 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth5
14592 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14593 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nfnetlink-subsys-1
14601 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14617 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14601 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14617 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14621 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nfnetlink-subsys-1
14622 root      2348 S    ubus call network.interface dump
14621 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nfnetlink-subsys-1
14622 root      2348 S    ubus call network.interface dump
14645 root      3328 S    sort -n
14646 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
14648 root      3192 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14663 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14664 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nfnetlink-subsys-1
14648 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14663 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
14664 root      2420 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- nfnetlink-subsys-1
14725 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
14818 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
14833 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14885 root      3460 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14885 root      3460 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14910 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
14931 root      2128 R    jshn -w
14937 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14970 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
14970 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15031 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15031 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15130 root         0 RW   [tee]
15148 root      3192 R    sort -n
15149 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
15211 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15263 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15263 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15317 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15317 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15362 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15369 root      3192 R    sort -n
15370 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
15381 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./  dump
15399 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15400 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth0
15418 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15419 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth0
15434 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15436 root      2360 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth1
15434 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15436 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth1
15476 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15477 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth1
15476 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15477 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth1
15492 root         0 RW   [ps]
15496 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15497 root      2360 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
15522 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15523 root      2212 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth2
15496 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15497 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
15522 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15523 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth2
15563 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15565 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth2
15563 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15565 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth2
15593 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
15604 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15612 root      2372 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth3
15640 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15641 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_eth5
15661 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15662 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_eth5
15679 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15680 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-ptm0
15679 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15680 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-ptm0
15703 root      3192 R    sort -n
15717 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15718 root      2360 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ptm0
15717 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15718 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ptm0
15752 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15754 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-phy_eth4
15752 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15754 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-phy_eth4
15769 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15771 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- phy_eth4
15840 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15841 root      2484 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlane_data_dk
15840 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15841 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlane_data_dk
15868 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15869 root      2348 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan
15889 root      3192 R    sort -n
15890 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
15868 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15869 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan
15907 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15908 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_iptv
15924 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15925 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_iptv
15939 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15944 root      2368 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_voip
15939 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15944 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_voip
15974 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15975 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_mgmt
15996 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
15998 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- vlan_mgmt
16025 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16026 root      2212 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
16025 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16026 root      2372 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- br-lan
16032 root         0 RW   [grep]
16033 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
16064 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16067 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1_1
16064 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16067 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1_1
16108 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16109 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1_1
16108 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16109 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1_1
16146 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16147 root      2352 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_dk
16146 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16147 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_dk
16183 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16184 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_dk
16198 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16199 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_fi
16224 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16225 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_fi
16224 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16225 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_fi
16262 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16282 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16283 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_ee
16282 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16283 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_ee
16310 root         0 RW   [grep]
16312 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
16327 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
16329 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-vlan_data
16359 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16359 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16391 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16392 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./ mobiled setup wwan {"auto":true,"metric":10,"proto":"mobiled","session_id":0,"profile":"1"}
16393 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./ broadcom setup radio_2G {"config":{"channel":"auto"},"interfaces":{"0":{"bridge":"br-lan","config":{"mode":"ap","state":1,"ssid":"Telia-EC7351","mode":"ap","network":["lan"]}},"1":{"config":{"mode":"ap","state":1,"ssid":"Guest-EC7351","mode":"ap","network":["Guest1"]}}}}
16394 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
16395 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16398 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event br-lan
16391 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16392 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./ mobiled setup wwan {"auto":true,"metric":10,"proto":"mobiled","session_id":0,"profile":"1"}
16393 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./ broadcom setup radio_2G {"config":{"channel":"auto"},"interfaces":{"0":{"bridge":"br-lan","config":{"mode":"ap","state":1,"ssid":"Telia-EC7351","mode":"ap","network":["lan"]}},"1":{"config":{"mode":"ap","state":1,"ssid":"Guest-EC7351","mode":"ap","network":["Guest1"]}}}}
16394 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
16395 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16398 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event br-lan
16400 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./ dhcp setup wan {"proto":"dhcp","ip4table":"main","dns_metric":0,"ifname":"eth4","auto":true,"reqopts":"1 3 6 15 33 42 43 51 121 125 249","release":true,"iface6rd":"6rd","mtu6rd":"1480","vendorid":"LongLeaseTime","hostname":"Telia WiFi-router Plus v3-CP1724SA9TG-18.3.0757-1441017","sendopts":["0x7c:000008ba48010e5247572d77616e2d636f6e666967020656424e542d48031131382e332e303735372d31343431303137040b43503137323453413954470503455448060377616e070465746834"],"igmpversion":2} eth4
16406 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16431 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state set network loopback up 1
16400 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh ./ dhcp setup wan {"proto":"dhcp","ip4table":"main","dns_metric":0,"ifname":"eth4","auto":true,"reqopts":"1 3 6 15 33 42 43 51 121 125 249","release":true,"iface6rd":"6rd","mtu6rd":"1480","vendorid":"LongLeaseTime","hostname":"Telia WiFi-router Plus v3-CP1724SA9TG-18.3.0757-1441017","sendopts":["0x7c:000008ba48010e5247572d77616e2d636f6e666967020656424e542d48031131382e332e303735372d31343431303137040b43503137323453413954470503455448060377616e070465746834"],"igmpversion":2} eth4
16406 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16458 root      3252 D    {mobiled.lua} /usr/bin/lua /lib/netifd/mobiled.lua -s 0 -p 1 -i wwan
16459 root      3236 D    iptables -t mangle --new-chain mwan_rules_hook
16464 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16458 root      3252 R    {mobiled.lua} /usr/bin/lua /lib/netifd/mobiled.lua -s 0 -p 1 -i wwan
16482 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16483 root      2752 D    /sbin/netifd
16493 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
16494 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16483 root      2752 D    /sbin/netifd
16506 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16506 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
16532 root         0 RW   [hotplug-call]
16537 root      3324 R    {mwan} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mwan enabled
16538 root      3324 R    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
16538 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
16541 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16541 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16567 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
16571 root      3236 D    iptables -t mangle --new-chain mwan_output
16567 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
16583 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
16595 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16596 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth0
16603 root      2268 R    odhcpc -p /var/run/ -s /lib/netifd/dhcp.script -f -o -t 0 -i eth4 -x hostname Telia WiFi-router Plus v3-CP1724SA9TG-18.3.0757-1441017 -V LongLeaseTime -C -R -O 1 -O 3 -O 6 -O 15 -O 33 -O 42 -O 43 -O 51 -O 121 -O 125 -O 249 -x 0x7c 000008ba48010e5247572d77616e2d636f6e666967020656424e542d48031131382e332e303735372d31343431303137040b43503137323453413954470503455448060377616e070465746834 -O 212 -O 121
16583 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
16595 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16596 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth0
16603 root      2268 R    odhcpc -p /var/run/ -s /lib/netifd/dhcp.script -f -o -t 0 -i eth4 -x hostname Telia WiFi-router Plus v3-CP1724SA9TG-18.3.0757-1441017 -V LongLeaseTime -C -R -O 1 -O 3 -O 6 -O 15 -O 33 -O 42 -O 43 -O 51 -O 121 -O 125 -O 249 -x 0x7c 000008ba48010e5247572d77616e2d636f6e666967020656424e542d48031131382e332e303735372d31343431303137040b43503137323453413954470503455448060377616e070465746834 -O 212 -O 121
16611 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --new-chain mwan_post
16662 root      3236 D    iptables -t mangle --append mwan_pre --jump CONNMARK --restore-mark --nfmask 0xf0000000 --ctmask 0xf0000000
16668 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16678 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
16679 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16662 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append mwan_pre --jump CONNMARK --restore-mark --nfmask 0xf0000000 --ctmask 0xf0000000
16668 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16678 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
16679 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16686 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16714 root         0 RW   [ps]
16729 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16729 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16764 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append mwan_post --jump CONNMARK -m mark ! --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --save-mark --nfmask 0xf0000000 --ctmask 0xf0000000
16769 root      2528 R    /sbin/validate_data dropbear dropbear afg PasswordAuth:bool:1 enable:bool:1 Interface:string GatewayPorts:bool:0 RootPasswordAuth:bool:1 RootLogin:bool:1 rsakeyfile:file BannerFile:file Port:list(port):22 SSHKeepAlive:uinteger:300 IdleTimeout:uinteger:0 MaxAuthTries:uinteger:3 RecvWindowSize:uinteger:0 AllowLocalForwarding:bool:1 AllowRemoteForwarding:bool:1 mdns:bool:1
16774 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16775 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth1
16774 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16775 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth1
16845 root      3452 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
16851 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append mwan_output --jump mwan_rules_hook -m conntrack --ctdir ORIGINAL -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000
16852 root      2060 R    /sbin/uci -q get system.@service[0].respawn_threshold
16853 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16864 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
16866 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16877 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
16878 root      3328 S    grep mwan_post
16880 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16881 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list INPUT
16853 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16864 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
16888 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append INPUT --jump mwan_post
16906 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
16907 root      3328 S    grep mwan_post
16909 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16911 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list POSTROUTING
16922 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16909 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16940 root      3324 S    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16946 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16948 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth2
16955 root      3324 R    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16940 root      3324 S    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16946 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
16948 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth2
16955 root      3324 R    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
16999 root      3452 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
17000 root      2136 R    jshn -p procd -w
17014 root      3236 D    iptables -t mangle --new-chain new_mwan_rules
17018 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17021 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
17022 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
17029 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
17034 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17035 root      3456 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
17040 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17049 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./ dhcpv6 setup wan6 {"ifname":"@wan","proto":"dhcpv6","dns_metric":1,"auto":true,"reqopts":"23 25","noslaaconly":"1","iface_464xlat":"0"} eth4
17021 root       520 D    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
17022 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
17035 root      3456 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
17049 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh ./ dhcpv6 setup wan6 {"ifname":"@wan","proto":"dhcpv6","dns_metric":1,"auto":true,"reqopts":"23 25","noslaaconly":"1","iface_464xlat":"0"} eth4
17057 root      3324 R    {dhcp.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcp.script bound
17083 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17057 root      3324 S    {processlease} /bin/sh /usr/bin/processlease wan 1200
17083 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17092 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17105 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
17125 root      2876 R    /sbin/netifd
17125 root      2876 R    /sbin/netifd
17144 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17152 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -q -p /var/state get qos state
17164 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17165 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth3
17164 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17165 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth3
17176 root      3324 R    {dhcpv6.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script eth4 started
17177 root      3324 S    {processpassthro} /bin/sh /usr/bin/processpassthrough wan 0104ffffff0003044e47c301060802f8f80202f8f8f83304000004b03604c21000007c4d000008ba48010e5247572d77616e2d636f6e666967020656424e542d48031131382e332e303735372d31343431303137040b43503137323453413954470503455448060377616e070465746834
17176 root      3324 R    {dhcpv6.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script eth4 started
17246 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17277 root      2544 R    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --version
17278 root      3324 S    grep -osqE ^Compile time options:.* DHCPv6( |$)
17281 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
17294 root      3324 R    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd enabled
17300 root      2068 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "lan",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "br-lan",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "loopback",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 0,    "l3_device": "lo",    "proto": "static",    "device": "lo",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 
17294 root      3324 S    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd enabled
17304 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17304 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17349 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17350 root      3324 S    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam ifadd_event vlan_eth5
17378 root      2204 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 6,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [         ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false
17382 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
17416 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17418 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
17416 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call net
17422 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
17424 root      3328 R    pidof dnsmasq
17476 root      2260 S    odhcp6c -R -s /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script -P0 -S -r23 -r25 -t120 eth4
17476 root      2260 S    odhcp6c -R -s /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script -P0 -S -r23 -r25 -t120 eth4
17556 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
17580 root      2204 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 6,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [         ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false
17668 root      3328 S    {} /bin/sh /bin/ 24 2 59
17668 root      3328 S    {} /bin/sh /bin/ 24 2 59
17797 root      3452 R    [ps]
17826 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
17930 root      3572 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
17931 root      2064 R    /sbin/uci -q get system.@service[0].respawn_threshold
17932 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
17987 root         0 RW   [iptables]
18020 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18068 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18102 root      3324 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
18103 dnsmasq   2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
18095 root         0 RW   [ps]
18102 root      3324 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
18103 dnsmasq   2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
18106 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18108 root      3572 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
18109 root      2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
18110 root      3572 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
18109 root      2912 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.dnsmasq -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/
18111 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ arp-add f4:39:09:3f:88:c9
18111 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ arp-add f4:39:09:3f:88:c9
18240 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18326 root         0 RW   [iptables]
18326 root         0 RW   [iptables]
18348 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18378 root         0 RW   [ps]
18492 root      2200 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "lan",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "br-lan",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "loopback",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 0,    "l3_device": "lo",    "proto": "static",    "device": "lo",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 
18494 root         0 RW   [grep]
18496 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
18515 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18515 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18546 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18546 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
18574 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
18574 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
18600 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18629 root         0 RW   [iptables]
18655 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18656 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan mgmt_only nfmark
18695 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18863 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18864 root      3328 S    grep CONNMARK restore mask
18868 root      3444 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_output
18913 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18915 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan iptv_only nfmark
18944 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
18968 root      3192 R    sort -n
18969 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
18970 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --new-chain new_mwan_rules
19020 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
19023 root      3324 S    {dhcpv6.script} /bin/sh /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script eth4 bound
19024 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
19051 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19051 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19083 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19102 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19187 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19223 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
19241 root      2200 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "lan",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "br-lan",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "loopback",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 0,    "l3_device": "lo",    "proto": "static",    "device": "lo",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 
19223 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
19259 root      1048 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19263 root      3328 R    sort -n
19264 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
19273 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
19292 root      3328 S    sort -n
19293 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19294 root      2216 R    ubus call network.interface dump
19295 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
19293 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19303 root      3192 R    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
19353 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19354 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 19,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1188,      "valid": 1188,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
19367 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 19,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1188,      "valid": 1188,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
19371 root      2068 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "lan",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "br-lan",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "loopback",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 0,    "l3_device": "lo",    "proto": "static",    "device": "lo",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 
19389 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19393 root      3452 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
19463 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 19,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1188,      "valid": 1188,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
19533 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
19534 root      2060 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan.main_only.nfmark
19535 root       316 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export dropbear
19567 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
19568 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
19571 root         0 RW   [grep]
19572 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
19597 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2042:6802:f180::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
19599 root      3324 R    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
19600 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -s -g -j -p 2001:2040:c00f:68::343a:60022 -I 3600 -K 300 -T 3
19591 root         0 RW   [ps]
19597 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2042:6802:f180::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
19599 root      3324 R    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
19600 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -s -g -j -p 2001:2040:c00f:68::343a:60022 -I 3600 -K 300 -T 3
19633 root         0 RW   [iptables]
19664 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19741 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19751 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19814 root         0 RW   [iptables]
19895 root      3452 R    [ps]
19928 root      3496 D    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
19981 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20009 root         0 RW   [ps]
20030 root         0 RW   [iptables]
20064 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20090 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20165 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
20166 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
20236 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20282 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20282 root      3636 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20334 root      3640 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20362 root      3640 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
20368 root         0 XW   [iptables]
20403 root         0 RW   [iptables]
20434 root         0 RW   [ps]
20436 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
20436 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
20463 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --delete-chain mwan_rules
20515 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
20516 root      1976 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan.mgmt_only.nfmark
20637 root      2068 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "lan",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "br-lan",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "loopback",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 0,    "l3_device": "lo",    "proto": "static",    "device": "lo",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 
20722 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
20723 root      3196 R    grep mwan_pre
20752 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
20753 root      3328 S    grep CONNMARK restore mask
20752 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
20753 root      3328 S    grep CONNMARK restore mask
20777 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
20778 root      3328 S    grep mwan_post
20781 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list POSTROUTING
20978 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21012 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21040 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21040 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21091 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21091 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21122 root         0 RW   [iptables]
21122 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21239 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21373 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21422 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21422 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21423 root         0 RW   [ps]
21455 root      3228 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21455 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21619 root         0 RW   [ps]
21677 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21761 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
21761 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
21813 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21869 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21896 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21896 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21927 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21925 root         0 RW   [ps]
21927 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
21951 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
21954 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
21951 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
21981 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
21981 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22008 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22115 root         0 RW   [iptables]
22115 root         0 RW   [iptables]
22280 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --delete-chain mwan_rules
22308 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22311 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
22398 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22399 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan voip_only nfmark
22403 root         0 RW   [grep]
22405 root      3324 S    tee -a /tmp/bootlog.log
22428 root      2192 R    uci get network wan ip4table
22485 root      3444 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_pre
22481 root         0 RW   [ps]
22485 root         0 Z    [iptables]
22512 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22513 root      3328 S    grep CONNMARK restore mask
22537 root         0 RW   [ps]
22680 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22682 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
22680 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22709 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22709 root      3496 D    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22733 root         0 RW   [ps]
22737 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22737 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22761 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
22785 root         0 Z    [realtime-monito]
22817 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22817 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
22870 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23013 root      3496 D    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23041 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23092 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23120 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23128 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23163 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23210 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23256 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23316 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
23316 root      3228 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23342 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
23365 root         0 RW   [ps]
23370 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23370 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23398 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23421 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
23449 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23481 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23592 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23616 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23679 root      3628 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23703 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23733 root      3324 S    [grep]
23734 root         0 RW   [tee]
23751 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23782 root      3496 D    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23805 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23805 root      3628 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23839 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23853 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23921 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
23977 root      2068 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "vlane_data_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "iptv",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "lan",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "br-lan",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "loopback",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 0,    "l3_device": "lo",    "proto": "static",    "device": "lo",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 
24004 root         0 Z    []
24032 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
24056 root      3368 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
24064 root      3236 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
24084 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
24088 root      3496 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
24142 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
24197 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
24200 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan voip_only nfmark
24197 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ start
24198 root         0 RW   [ps]
24200 root      2192 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan voip_only nfmark
24225 root      2192 R    uci get network iptv ip4table
24303 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
24305 root      3324 R    {load_balancer.s} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /usr/lib/mwan/ start
24303 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
24305 root      3324 S    {load_balancer.s} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /usr/lib/mwan/ start
24347 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state revert mwan main_only id
24354 root      2056 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export mwan
24415 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
24415 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
24450 root      3324 S    {ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethernet softswitch
24450 root      3324 S    {ethernet} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethernet softswitch
24455 root      3184 R    lua -e require('setuptm')
24481 root         0 RW   [uci]
24514 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
24514 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
24537 root      3440 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_output
24577 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
24578 root      3324 S    grep CONNMARK save mask
24580 root      3232 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_post
24609 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
24610 root      3324 S    grep mwan_output
24613 root      3232 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list OUTPUT
24614 root      3232 R    iptables -t raw -X dosprotect
24609 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
24610 root      3324 S    grep mwan_output
24613 root      3232 S    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list OUTPUT
24638 root         0 RW   [ip6tables]
24670 root      2056 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export dosprotect
24667 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
24725 root      3324 R    {dosprotect} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dosprotect running
24726 root      3324 R    {S30wansensing} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S30wansensing boot
24725 root      3324 R    {dosprotect} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dosprotect running
24726 root      3324 S    {S30wansensing} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S30wansensing boot
24841 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
24842 root      3324 R    {wansensing} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/wansensing running
24845 root      3324 R    {S35odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S35odhcpd boot
24841 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
24842 root      3324 R    {wansensing} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/wansensing running
24845 root      3324 R    {S35odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S35odhcpd boot
24880 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
24881 root      3324 S    grep mwan_post
24925 root      3364 R    iptables -t mangle --append mwan_rules_hook --jump new_mwan_rules
24958 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 44,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1163,      "valid": 1163,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
24959 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
24960 root      3324 S    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd running
24961 root      3324 R    {S49lxc.mount} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S49lxc.mount boot
24992 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
24959 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
24960 root      3324 S    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd running
24961 root      3324 S    {S49lxc.mount} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S49lxc.mount boot
24992 root      3452 S    []
25011 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25027 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25011 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25147 root      3324 R    /usr/sbin/crond -f -c /etc/crontabs -l 5
25148 root      3324 S    {cron} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cron running
25150 root      3324 S    {S50ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50ethoam boot
25147 root      3452 S    /usr/sbin/crond -f -c /etc/crontabs -l 5
25148 root      3324 S    {cron} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cron running
25150 root      3324 S    {S50ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50ethoam boot
25196 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25197 root      2188 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export ethoam
25196 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25225 root         0 RW   [ps]
25230 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25262 root      3324 R    {ethoam} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ethoam running
25263 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25263 root      3324 R    {S50intercept} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50intercept boot
25292 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25353 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
25376 root      3324 S    {intercept} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/intercept running
25378 root      3324 S    {S50lcmd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50lcmd boot
25376 root      3324 S    {intercept} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/intercept running
25378 root      3324 S    {S50lcmd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50lcmd boot
25435 root      3372 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25451 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25452 root      3324 R    {lcmd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/lcmd running
25454 root      3324 S    {S50pppoe-relay} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50pppoe-relay boot
25451 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25452 root      3324 S    {lcmd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/lcmd running
25454 root      3324 S    {S50pppoe-relay} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50pppoe-relay boot
25498 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25509 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25509 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25532 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25556 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
25618 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
25620 root      3324 R    {transformer} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/transformer running
25625 root      3324 R    {S50xinetd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50xinetd boot
25618 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
25620 root      3324 R    {transformer} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/transformer running
25622 root         0 RW   [ps]
25625 root      3324 D    {S50xinetd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S50xinetd boot
25650 root      3324 D    start-stop-daemon -q -S -p /var/run/ -x /usr/sbin/xinetd -- -pidfile /var/run/
25650 root      3324 D    start-stop-daemon -q -S -p /var/run/ -x /usr/sbin/xinetd -- -pidfile /var/run/
25715 root      3060 D    /usr/sbin/xinetd -pidfile /var/run/
25716 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
25715 root      3188 S    /usr/sbin/xinetd -pidfile /var/run/
25716 root      3324 D    {S60dhcpsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60dhcpsnooper boot
25806 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
25868 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
25869 root      3324 S    {dhcpsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dhcpsnooper running
25868 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
25870 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
25870 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26002 root         0 RW   [iptables]
26013 root      3324 S    {lte-doctor-logg} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/lte-doctor-logger running
26014 root      3324 S    {S60mcsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60mcsnooper boot
26013 root      3324 S    {lte-doctor-logg} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/lte-doctor-logger running
26014 root      3324 S    {S60mcsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60mcsnooper boot
26108 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
26139 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26159 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26160 root      3324 D    {mcsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mcsnooper running
26161 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26159 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26160 root      3324 S    {mcsnooper} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mcsnooper running
26161 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
26173 root      3500 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26193 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
26234 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26234 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26235 root      3192 R    basename
26296 root         0 RW   [iptables]
26333 root      3504 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26336 root         0 XW   [ubus]
26333 root      3504 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26337 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
26338 root      3324 S    {neighm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/neighm running
26344 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26337 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
26338 root      3324 S    {neighm} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/neighm running
26344 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26456 root      2076 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 44,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1163,      "valid": 1163,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
26523 root      3324 R    {nqe} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/nqe running
26525 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -i br-lan -s -d -p tcp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x10000000/0xf0000000
26523 root      3456 D    {nqe} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/nqe running
26545 root      3192 R    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26545 root      3324 R    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26584 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
26586 root      3324 S    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26587 root      3240 R    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
26593 root      3324 S    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26584 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/pppoe-relay-tch.lock
26586 root      3324 S    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26593 root      3324 S    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26630 root      3500 D    iptables -t mangle --append new_mwan_rules --jump MARK -s -d -p udp --sport 0:65535 --dport 0:65535 -m mark --mark 0x0/0xf0000000 --set-xmark 0x40000000/0xf0000000
26677 root      3324 S    grep -i f4:39:09:3f:88:c9
26687 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
26691 root      2196 R    /sbin/uci -P /var/state -q get mwan main_only nfmark
26676 root      1980 R    brctl showmacs br-lan
26677 root      3324 S    grep -i f4:39:09:3f:88:c9
26700 root      3444 S    {S60pppoe-relay-} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S60pppoe-relay-tch boot
26725 root      3324 D    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
26732 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
26737 root         0 RW   [readlink]
26725 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
26732 root      3324 R    {S65mobiled} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S65mobiled boot
26766 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup loopback lo
26768 root      2196 R    [uci]
26786 root      3816 R    fw3 reload
26786 root      3988 R    fw3 reload
26834 root      3360 D    {S65mobiled} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S65mobiled boot
26865 root      3324 S    {S65mobiled} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S65mobiled boot
26871 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
26871 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
26889 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall enabled
26894 root      3324 S    [realtime-monito]
26889 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall enabled
26909 root      3192 R    cp /etc/tr143.default /etc/config/tr143
26909 root      3192 R    cp /etc/tr143.default /etc/config/tr143
26918 root      1980 S    flock 1000
26920 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26921 root      3324 R    {mobiled} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mobiled running
26922 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26918 root      1980 S    flock 1000
26920 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
26921 root      3324 S    {mobiled} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mobiled running
26922 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
26968 root      3324 R    {S65qos} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S65qos boot
26971 root      3324 S    sh
26968 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/qos/ firewall start
26971 root      3324 S    sh
27045 root      3492 R    iptables -t nat -A fullcone_wan -p udp --dport 88 -j MASQUERADE --mode fullcone
27155 root       380 D    ebtables -t nat -L --Lx
27156 root      3324 S    grep  -[Nj] \(QoS\)
27157 root      3324 S    grep -v  -A \(QoS\)
27158 root      3324 S    sed -e / -N /{s/ -N / -X /;H;s/ -X / -F /} -e s/ -A / -D / -e ${p;g}
27160 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/qos-generate-l2classify
27187 root      3232 R    iptables -t raw -A helper_binds -p udp --dport 5060 -j CT --helper sip
27155 root       380 D    ebtables -t nat -L --Lx
27156 root      3324 S    grep  -[Nj] \(QoS\)
27157 root      3324 S    grep -v  -A \(QoS\)
27158 root      3324 S    sed -e / -N /{s/ -N / -X /;H;s/ -X / -F /} -e s/ -A / -D / -e ${p;g}
27160 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/qos-generate-l2classify
27269 root      3712 R    ebtables -t nat -N QoS_l2classify -P RETURN
27308 root      3652 R    iptables -F timeofday_fw
27309 root      3324 R    {S65qos} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S65qos boot
27309 root      1248 R    /usr/bin/qos -q start
27363 root      3232 R    ip6tables -t mangle -F timeofday_fw
27390 root      3232 R    ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype ! --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
27430 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27434 root      2356 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan
27430 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27434 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan
27464 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27464 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27465 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan
27486 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27489 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_fi
27486 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27489 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_fi
27508 root      3652 R    iptables -I zone_lan_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
27509 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27510 root      2344 D    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_fi
27509 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27510 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_fi
27536 root      3364 R    ip6tables -I zone_Guest1_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
27537 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27569 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27571 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_dk
27569 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27571 root      2480 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_dk
27614 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27617 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_ee
27614 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27617 root      2356 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_ee
27667 root      3816 R    fw3 -q network wan
27668 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:3]
27671 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27673 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_ee
27668 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:3]
27671 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27673 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_ee
27703 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ add e2:b9:e5:ec:73:59 TG799TSvacXtream-AP-EC735A
27714 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27703 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp
27714 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27716 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_mgmt
27742 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:4]
27749 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27752 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_mgmt
27742 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:4]
27778 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27779 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_iptv
27799 root      3556 R    fw3 -q network wan
27823 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27824 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_voip
27823 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27824 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_voip
27852 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27857 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_voip
27866 root      3496 R    ip6tables -t filter -C zone_wan_input -j MMPBX
27876 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27881 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-ptm0
27905 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27906 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ptm0
27937 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27938 root      2364 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
27937 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27938 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
27959 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27965 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
27968 root         0 RW   [iptables]
27988 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
27989 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1_1
28017 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
28018 root      2972 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1_1
28041 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28041 root      3324 R    {S70cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70cwmpd boot
28054 root      3688 R    fw3 -q network wan6
28107 root      3324 S    {S70cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70cwmpd boot
28108 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28109 root      3324 D    {S70cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70cwmpd boot
28120 root      3556 R    fw3 -q network lan
28107 root      3324 S    {S70cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70cwmpd boot
28108 root      3324 R    {S70igmpproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70igmpproxy boot
28109 root      3324 R    {S70cwmpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70cwmpd boot
28143 root         0 RW   [realtime-monito]
28206 root      3816 R    fw3 -q network wan
28221 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28221 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28305 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28306 root      3324 S    {igmpproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/igmpproxy running
28308 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28311 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28305 root       456 D    /usr/bin/igmpproxy
28308 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28311 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28320 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
28320 root      3324 R    {S70iperf} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70iperf boot
28403 root      3192 S    sleep 10
28409 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 64,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1143,      "valid": 1143,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
28403 root      3192 S    sleep 10
28431 root      3332 D    {miniupnpd-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/miniupnpd-tch restart
28431 root      3332 D    {miniupnpd-tch} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/miniupnpd-tch restart
28446 root      3324 S    {iperf} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/iperf running
28447 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28446 root      3324 S    {iperf} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/iperf running
28447 root      3324 R    {S70iqos} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70iqos boot
28478 root      3324 R    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
28478 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
28485 root      3324 R    {S70iqos} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70iqos boot
28485 root       384 D    iqctl remport --proto 0 --dport 8080 --ent 1
28518 root      3192 R    readlink /etc/init.d/firewall
28539 root      3816 R    fw3 reload
28539 root      4132 R    fw3 reload
28555 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28556 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28558 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28559 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28560 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28561 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28555 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28556 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28558 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28559 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28560 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28561 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
28611 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 64,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1143,      "valid": 1143,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
28687 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28690 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28691 root      3332 D    start-stop-daemon -q -S -b -p /var/run/ -x /usr/sbin/miniupnpd-igdv1 -- -f /var/etc/miniupnpd-tch.conf -d
28687 root      3324 R    {S70mldproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S70mldproxy boot
28690 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28691 root      3332 D    start-stop-daemon -q -S -b -p /var/run/ -x /usr/sbin/miniupnpd-igdv1 -- -f /var/etc/miniupnpd-tch.conf -d
28712 root      3192 R    tail -n 1
28729 root      3324 S    {pppoe-relay} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/pppoe-relay enabled
28765 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28765 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28789 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28789 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
28836 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28837 root      3324 R    {mldproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mldproxy running
28836 root      2292 D    /usr/bin/mldproxy
28837 root      3324 S    {mldproxy} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mldproxy running
28856 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28856 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
28918 root      3324 S    {S80mosquitto} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80mosquitto boot
28942 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n loopback -- start
28945 root      3324 D    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n loopback -- start
28918 root      3324 R    {S80mosquitto} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80mosquitto boot
28942 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n loopback -- start
28945 root      3324 D    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n loopback -- start
28946 root      3324 S    grep -F https
28946 root      3324 S    grep -F https
29020 root      4600 D    mosquitto -c /tmp/mosquitto.generated.conf
29021 root      3324 S    {mosquitto} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mosquitto running
29022 root      3324 S    {S80nginx} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80nginx boot
29020 root      4600 D    mosquitto -c /tmp/mosquitto.generated.conf
29021 root      3324 S    {mosquitto} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mosquitto running
29022 root      3324 S    {S80nginx} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80nginx boot
29050 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n loopback -- start
29051 root      3324 D    find /lib /usr/lib -name* -exec strings {} ;
29052 root      3324 S    grep -im1 all_proxy
29050 root      3324 S    {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/ddns/ -n loopback -- start
29051 root      3324 R    find /lib /usr/lib -name* -exec strings {} ;
29052 root      3324 S    grep -im1 all_proxy
29118 root      3324 R    {S80nginx} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80nginx boot
29118 root      3324 R    {S80nginx} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80nginx boot
29175 root      3232 R    ip6tables -N timeofday_fw
29179 root      3328 S    sort -n
29180 root      3324 S    tail -n 1
29216 root      3324 D    sed -i /^$/d /etc/crontabs/root
29228 root      3324 D    {add-assistance-} /bin/sh /etc/
29235 root      3232 R    iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype ! --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
29228 root      3324 D    {add-assistance-} /bin/sh /etc/
29265 root      3324 S    {cron} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cron start
29265 root      3324 S    {cron} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cron start
29305 root      3324 D    ls /etc/crontabs/
29360 root      3324 S    {cron} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/cron running
29377 root      3468 R    iptables -I zone_lan_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
29390 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
29391 root      3324 S    {nginx} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/nginx running
29392 root      3108 R    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
29390 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
29391 root      3324 S    {nginx} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/nginx running
29392 root      3324 R    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
29450 root      3660 R    iptables -I zone_vpn_forward -m comment --comment Time-of-Day -j timeofday_fw
29474 root      3452 S    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
29479 root      3492 D    iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --sport 80 -j urlfilter-svr
29474 root      3452 S    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
29496 root      3688 R    fw3 -q network wan
29530 root      3232 S    iptables -t mangle -F urlfilter
29539 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -S zone_wan_prerouting
29530 root      3232 S    iptables -t mangle -F urlfilter
29601 root      3816 R    fw3 -q network wan
29646 root      3232 R    iptables -t filter -C zone_wan_input -j MMPBX
29681 nobody    5504 D    nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g daemon off;
29681 nobody    5504 D    nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -g daemon off;
29743 root      3452 S    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
29749 root      3492 D    ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --sport 80 -j urlfilter-svr
29757 root      3492 R    iptables -t nat -I zone_mgmt_prerouting -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment DMZ_Exception_Dropbear -j ACCEPT
29743 root      3452 S    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
29800 root      3492 S    ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j urlfilter-clnt
29807 root      3232 R    ip6tables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src 2001:2011:c001::/48 --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
29800 root      3492 S    ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j urlfilter-clnt
29834 root      3492 R    iptables -t filter -I zone_mgmt_input -p tcp -m tcp --src --dport 22 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
29910 root      3492 R    ip6tables -t filter -I zone_wan_input -p tcp -m tcp --src 2001:7d0:d000:0003::/64 --dport 60022 -m comment --comment Allow_Dropbear_Conn -j ACCEPT
29967 root      3324 R    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
29967 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
29990 root         0 RW   [ip6tables]
30040 root      3452 D    {S80weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S80weburl boot
30024 root      2896 R    {assistance-help} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/assistance-helper.lua
30089 root      3192 S    sleep 10
30089 root      3192 S    sleep 10
30122 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
30123 root      3324 R    {weburl} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/weburl running
30124 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30122 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30124 root      3324 S    {S85ra} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S85ra boot
30158 root      3452 D    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear reload
30193 root      3324 S    {S85ra} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S85ra boot
30195 root      2188 R    uci show web
30196 root      3324 S    grep web.state_.*\.enabled=1
30225 root      3324 S    [realtime-monito]
30256 root      3324 R    {ra} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ra running
30258 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30256 root      3324 R    {ra} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ra running
30258 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30342 root      3324 S    {bcm_spdsvc} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/bcm_spdsvc running
30344 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30342 root      3324 S    {bcm_spdsvc} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/bcm_spdsvc running
30344 root      3324 R    {S90fhcd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S90fhcd boot
30422 root      3456 S    {S90ipsec} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S90ipsec boot
30424 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
30422 root      3456 S    {S90ipsec} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S90ipsec boot
30424 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
30427 root      3456 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
30427 root      3456 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
30477 root      3324 D    sed -i \_/var/ipsec/ipsec.conf_d /etc/ipsec.conf
30477 root      3324 D    sed -i \_/var/ipsec/ipsec.conf_d /etc/ipsec.conf
30534 root      3324 D    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30534 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30624 root      3324 S    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd enabled
30624 root      3324 S    {odhcpd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/odhcpd enabled
30684 root      3324 R    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30684 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30748 root      3332 R    pidof dnsmasq
30791 root      2356 S    ubus call service set { "name": "ipsec", "script": "\/etc\/rc.d\/S90ipsec", "instances": { "instance1": { "command": [ "\/usr\/lib\/ipsec\/starter", "--daemon", "charon", "--nofork" ], "file": [ "\/etc\/ipsec.conf", "\/etc\/ipsec.secrets", "\/etc\/strongswan.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon-logging.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/kernel-netlink.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/nonce.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/openssl.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/socket-default.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/stroke.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/updown.conf" ], "respawn": [ "3600", "5", "5" ] } }, "triggers": [ [ "config.change", [ "if", [ "eq", "package", "ipsec" ], [ "run_script", "\/etc\/init.d\/ipsec", "reload" ] ], 1000 ], [ "interface.*", [ "if", [ "eq", "interface", "wan" ], [ "run_script", "\/etc\/init.d\/ipsec", "reload" ] ], 1000 ] ], "data": { } }
30796 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30791 root      2356 S    ubus call service set { "name": "ipsec", "script": "\/etc\/rc.d\/S90ipsec", "instances": { "instance1": { "command": [ "\/usr\/lib\/ipsec\/starter", "--daemon", "charon", "--nofork" ], "file": [ "\/etc\/ipsec.conf", "\/etc\/ipsec.secrets", "\/etc\/strongswan.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon-logging.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/kernel-netlink.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/nonce.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/openssl.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/socket-default.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/stroke.conf", "\/etc\/strongswan.d\/charon\/updown.conf" ], "respawn": [ "3600", "5", "5" ] } }, "triggers": [ [ "config.change", [ "if", [ "eq", "package", "ipsec" ], [ "run_script", "\/etc\/init.d\/ipsec", "reload" ] ], 1000 ], [ "interface.*", [ "if", [ "eq", "interface", "wan" ], [ "run_script", "\/etc\/init.d\/ipsec", "reload" ] ], 1000 ] ], "data": { } }
30796 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30809 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30821 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30823 root      3456 S    {ipsec} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ipsec running
30825 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
30821 root       432 R    /usr/lib/ipsec/starter --daemon charon --nofork
30823 root      3456 S    {ipsec} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/ipsec running
30825 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
30842 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30842 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
30851 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/qos/ firewall start
30852 root      3324 S    sh
30851 root      3324 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/qos/ firewall start
30852 root      3324 S    sh
30887 root      3324 S    {ipsec} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ipsec status
30920 root      3332 S    {} /bin/sh /bin/ 24 64 179
30955 root      3324 R    {l2tp-ipsec-serv} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/l2tp-ipsec-server running
30955 root      3324 S    {l2tp-ipsec-serv} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/l2tp-ipsec-server running
30958 root      3324 R    {S95done} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S95done boot
30970 root      3580 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
30958 root      3324 R    {S95done} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S95done boot
31002 root      3324 R    {S95done} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S95done boot
31013 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/qos-generate-l2classify
31002 root      3324 R    {S95done} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S95done boot
31013 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/qos-generate-l2classify
31089 root      3712 R    ebtables -t nat -I POSTROUTING --mark 0/30720 -j QoS_l2classify
31112 root      3324 D    sh /etc/rc.local
31112 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31115 root      3876 S    /usr/bin/qos -q reload
31115 root      3876 S    /usr/bin/qos -q reload
31160 root      2436 R    modprobe ah4
31161 root      3324 D    sed -i -e s/#// -e s#askconsole:.*$#askconsole:/bin/ash# /etc/inittab
31178 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31179 root         0 RW   [uci]
31178 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31180 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31181 root      3324 S    sed -n -e s/\(.\+\).name='.\+'$/ /p
31182 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31184 root      4008 R    fw3 -q print
31186 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31191 root      2972 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan
31192 root      3324 S    egrep iptables -t filter -A zone_lan_input -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment "!fw3: .+" -j DROP
31193 root      3324 S    sed -n -e s/^iptables.\+fw3: \(.\+\)".\+/ /p
31203 root      2372 R    modprobe esp4
31180 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31181 root      3324 S    sed -n -e s/\(.\+\).name='.\+'$/ /p
31182 root      3324 S    sh /etc/rc.local
31184 root      4140 R    fw3 -q print
31192 root      3324 S    egrep iptables -t filter -A zone_lan_input -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment "!fw3: .+" -j DROP
31193 root      3324 S    sed -n -e s/^iptables.\+fw3: \(.\+\)".\+/ /p
31203 root      2480 R    modprobe esp4
31218 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31219 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan
31234 root      2344 R    modprobe ipcomp
31235 root      3324 R    [realtime-monito]
31218 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31219 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan
31234 root      2436 R    modprobe ipcomp
31259 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31264 root      2384 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_fi
31259 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31264 root      2488 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_fi
31277 root      2344 R    modprobe xfrm4_tunnel
31277 root      2484 R    modprobe xfrm4_tunnel
31302 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31304 root      2372 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_fi
31302 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31304 root      2484 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_fi
31322 root      2476 R    modprobe xfrm_user
31336 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31338 root      2356 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_dk
31336 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31338 root      2480 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_dk
31344 root      2188 D    uci commit dropbear
31350 root      3804 R    /usr/lib/ipsec/starter --daemon charon --nofork
31350 root      3764 R    /usr/lib/ipsec/charon
31369 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31369 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31370 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_dk
31399 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31401 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_wan_ee
31422 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31426 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_wan_ee
31452 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31452 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31456 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_mgmt
31501 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31507 root      2568 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- atm_mgmt
31514 root      3324 R    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
31523 root      3580 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
31514 root      3456 S    {dnsmasq} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dnsmasq running
31538 root      3324 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dnsmasq/ old e2:b9:e5:ec:73:59 TG799TSvacXtream-AP-EC735A
31539 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
31544 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31545 root      2492 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_iptv
31546 root      2188 D    uci commit system
31538 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp
31539 root      3324 S    {firewall} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/firewall reload
31546 root      2188 D    uci commit system
31578 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31581 root         0 RW   [modprobe]
31597 root      3816 R    fw3 reload
31599 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear enable
31597 root      4132 R    fw3 reload
31599 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear enable
31610 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31612 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31613 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31614 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31615 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31616 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31617 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31622 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-atm_voip
31610 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31612 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31613 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31615 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31616 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31617 root         0 Z    [hotplug-call]
31669 root      3324 R    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear restart
31669 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear restart
31678 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31715 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31716 root      3192 S    sleep 10
31717 root      2344 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ptm0
31715 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31716 root      3192 S    sleep 10
31717 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- ptm0
31753 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31754 root      2436 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
31753 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31754 root      2552 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- netdev-wl1
31793 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31795 root      2508 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
31793 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31795 root      2476 R    /sbin/modprobe -q -- wl1
31822 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31838 root         0 SW   [kworker/u4:2]
31843 root         0 RW   [modprobe]
31868 root      3232 R    iptables -t nat -F fullcone_voip
31873 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
31873 root      3324 S    {hotplug-call} /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug-call iface
31906 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup lan br-lan
31932 root      2208 R    jsonfilter -s {  "interface": [   {    "interface": "Guest1",    "up": true,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "uptime": 85,    "l3_device": "wl0_1",    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl0_1",    "updated": [     "addresses"    ],    "metric": 0,    "dns_metric": 0,    "delegation": true,    "ipv4-address": [     {      "address": "",      "mask": 25     }    ],    "ipv6-address": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix": [         ],    "ipv6-prefix-assignment": [     {      "address": "2001:2042:6802:f101::",      "mask": 64,      "preferred": 1122,      "valid": 1122,      "local-address": {             }     }    ],    "route": [         ],    "dns-server": [         ],    "dns-search": [         ],    "inactive": {     "ipv4-address": [           ],     "ipv6-address": [           ],     "route": [           ],     "dns-server": [           ],     "dns-search": [           ]    },    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "Guest1_5GHz",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": true,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "static",    "device": "wl1_1",    "data": {         },    "errors": [     {      "subsystem": "interface",      "code": "NO_DEVICE"     }    ]   },   {    "interface": "adsl_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_dk",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_ee",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_ee",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "adsl_fi",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": false,    "autostart": false,    "dynamic": false,    "proto": "dhcp",    "device": "atm_wan_fi",    "data": {         }   },   {    "interface": "eth_dk",    "up": false,    "pending": false,    "available": true,    "autostart": 
31933 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
31935 root      3492 R    iptables -t nat -A fullcone_wan -p udp --dport 3074:3658 -j MASQUERADE --mode fullcone
31906 root      3452 R    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup lan br-lan
31933 root      3192 S    lock /var/lock/LCK.mwan
32040 root      3492 R    ip6tables -t raw -A helper_binds -p udp --dport 69 -j CT --helper tftp
32067 root      3492 R    iptables -t raw -A helper_binds -p tcp --dport 1723 -j CT --helper pptp
32111 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -s -g -j -p 2001:2040:c00f:68::343a:60022 -I 3600 -K 300 -T 3
32112 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2042:6802:f180::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
32113 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
32136 root      3192 D    rm /overlay/bank_1/etc/rc.local
32111 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -s -g -j -p 2001:2040:c00f:68::343a:60022 -I 3600 -K 300 -T 3
32112 root      2444 S    /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/ -p -p 2001:2042:6802:f180::1:22 -I 600 -K 300 -T 3
32113 root      3324 S    {dropbear} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/dropbear running
32136 root      3192 D    rm /overlay/bank_1/etc/rc.local
32177 root      3232 S    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_pre
32177 root      3232 S    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_pre
32183 root      3324 R    {S95fseventd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S95fseventd boot
32183 root      3324 R    {S95fseventd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S95fseventd boot
32278 root       392 D    /usr/bin/fseventd -d
32279 root      3324 S    {fseventd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/fseventd running
32300 root      3324 R    {S96led} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S96led boot
32278 root       392 R    /usr/bin/fseventd -d
32279 root      3324 S    {fseventd} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/fseventd running
32300 root      3324 R    {S96led} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/rc.d/S96led boot
32327 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
32327 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
32347 root      3232 R    iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype ! --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
32347 root      3568 S    iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype   --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
32364 root      3232 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list mwan_post
32398 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup lan br-lan
32399 root      3324 S    grep mwan_pre
32400 root      3364 R    iptables -t mangle --numeric --verbose --list PREROUTING
32411 root      2440 S    /usr/bin/fseventd -d
32412 root      3452 S    {} /bin/sh /usr/lib/mwan/ ifup lan br-lan
32413 root      3324 S    grep mwan_output
32411 root      2440 S    /usr/bin/fseventd -d
32486 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
32487 root      3324 S    {mvfs} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mvfs running
32488 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
32486 root       952 D    /usr/bin/mvfs -o config=/tmp/.mvfs/mvfs.ini /var/mvfs -o l=2
32487 root      3324 S    {mvfs} /bin/sh /etc/rc.common /etc/init.d/mvfs running
32488 root      2840 R    /sbin/procd
32556 root      3568 S    ip6tables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype   --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
32556 root      3568 S    ip6tables -t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m addrtype   --dst-type LOCAL -j timeofday_fw
32586 root      3356 S    {time_change_mon} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/time_change_monitor.lua
32590 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
32592 root      3184 D    {tod.lua} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/tod.lua
32624 root      3324 R    find /sys/bus/usb/drivers -name 2-2:*
32625 root      3324 S    cut -d / -f 6
32586 root      3356 S    {time_change_mon} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/time_change_monitor.lua
32590 root      2840 D    /sbin/procd
32592 root      3184 D    {tod.lua} /usr/bin/lua /sbin/tod.lua
32633 root      3192 S    sleep 10
32633 root      3192 S    sleep 10
32720 root     14188 S    /usr/bin/mvfs -o config=/tmp/.mvfs/mvfs.ini /var/mvfs -o l=2
32720 root     14188 S    /usr/bin/mvfs -o config=/tmp/.mvfs/mvfs.ini /var/mvfs -o l=2