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Message of the day

     ___    _     _______
    /   |  (_)___/_  __(_)__  _____
   / /| | / / ___// / / / _ \/ ___/
  / ___ |/ / /   / / / /  __(__  )
 /_/  |_/_/_/   /_/ /_/\___/____/

If system coredump is set to reboot=1 and you are enable airties without actually having any airties devices but still
want to test it out, see options, see what's going on if we had a `Mesh` system up and running and connected
it is required to set system coredump to **not** reboot.

Set System Coredump Reboot Option

  • Postmortem: Rebooting due to core dump and system.@coredump[0].reboot=1
ssh root@ 'uci system.@coredump[0].reboot=0; uci commit'



root@OpenWrt:/airties# airties_collect_logs 
+ airties_collect_logs
collecting logs under /tmp/airties_log
Running: date
Running: uptime
Running: fwversion
Running: wall_cli -c get_device_info
Running: brctl show
Running: ifconfig
Running: arp -n
Running: route -n
Running: df -h
Running: free
Running: cat /proc/meminfo
Running: ps
Running: top -b -n 3 -d 1
Running: cat /proc/loadavg
Running: wl -i wl0 status
Running: wl -i wl1 status
Running: wl -i wl0 counters
Running: wl -i wl1 counters
Running: wl -i wl0 pktq_stats
Running: wl -i wl0 pktq_stats
Running: wl -i wl1 pktq_stats
Running: wl -i wl1 pktq_stats
Running: wl -i wl0 assoclist
Running: wl -i wl1 assoclist
Running: wl -i wl0 sta_info all
Running: wl -i wl1 sta_info all
Running: wl -i wl0 wds_list
Running: wl -i wl1 wds_list
Running: wl -i wl0 wds
Running: wl -i wl1 wds
Running: cat /tmp/airtiesfs/aircdf-writable-config.xml.00
Running: steer-client --command dump --timeout 20000
Running: cat /tmp/steer-daemon.log
Running: cat /tmp/steer-daemon.log.1
Running: cat /tmp/steer-helper.log
Running: cat /tmp/steer-helper.log.1
Running: cat /tmp/steer-plugin-0.log
Running: cat /tmp/steer-plugin-0.log.1
Running: cat /tmp/steer-plugin-1.log
Running: cat /tmp/steer-plugin-1.log.1
Running: rm-client --command get-rt-configs
Running: rm-client --command dump-post-resps-queue
Running: rm-client --command dump-post-errs-queue
Running: ls -al /tmp/rm-ng
Running: aca-cli status
Running: cat /tmp/friendly-info.txt
Running: cat /tmp/launcher-start-stop.log
Running: cat /tmp/controller-activity.log
Running: cat /tmp/controller-activity.log.1
Running: cat /tmp/eventdispatcher-activity.log
Running: cat /tmp/eventdispatcher-activity.log.1
Running: cat /proc/mesh-ng-options
Running: cat /proc/mesh-ng-devconf
Running: cat /proc/mesh-ng-topology
Running: cat /proc/mesh-ng-route
Running: cat /proc/mesh-ng-island
Running: lsmod
Running: dmesg
/tmp/airties-log-2023-12-23_165024.tar.gz created.
/airties/usr/sbin/rm-client --command push-event --payload '{"data":"[1703344978] launcher aircdf-daemon died with 255"}
opkg uninstall airties_DGA4330; opkg list |grep -i airties; ls /usr/share/hom
8853 root      4268 R    /airties/usr/sbin/rm-client --command push-event --payload '{"data":"[1703345595] launcher aircdf-daemon died with 255"}'
8854 root      4364 R    /airties/usr/sbin/aircdf-daemon --parser.path_ro /airties/etc/config.xml --parser.path_xsd /airties/etc/cdf/data.xsd --parser.path_wr aircdf-writable-config.xml
9266 root      3324 S    {core-handler} /bin/sh /sbin/core-handler rm-client.9254.11.1703345600.core 9254
11571 root      3324 S    {core-handler} /bin/sh -x /sbin/core-handler rm-client.11484.11.1703345677.core 11484
./dpp_cli enrollee-0 get_credentials
initializing queue
target: 2
export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/airties/usr/bin:/airties/usr/sbin"
root@OpenWrt:/airties/usr/sbin# sh ./ 
WARNING: By running cloud agent this way, you accept that: 
         - Probably a running cloud agent instance will be killed.
         - Cloud agent will run independently hence no restarting if it is killed or dies.
         - Log levels are changed to something more elaborative than the defaults.
         - Even though the best effort is made to revert the log levels after the script finished its job, you have to ensure that they have the    default values.
         - It is your responsibility to make cloud agent run by a controller, e.g. PC on AirTies platforms, launcher on Licensing platforms after   running this script.  A reboot should do the job.
Current DaemonLogLevel='airdata-cli:' will be changed to => debug.
Current LibacaLogLevel='airdata-cli:' will be changed to => info.
Current XMPPLibLogLevel='airdata-cli:' will be changed to => debug.
Please write yes before proceeding.
./ line 65: set_config: not found
airdata-cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
air-cloud-agent: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Invalid 'level=airdata-cli:' for DaemonLogLevel.
Invalid 'level=airdata-cli:' for LibacaLogLevel.
Invalid 'level=airdata-cli:' for XMPPLibLogLevel.
root@OpenWrt:/airties/usr/sbin# ./airbus-client --help
./airbus-client: invalid option -- '-'
./airbus-client [-i identifier] [-q 'destination:query:payload'] [-c exit] [-s subscribe] [-s subscribe] ...
root@OpenWrt:/airties/etc# ls /airties/usr/sbin/ -1
root@OpenWrt:/airties/etc# ls /airties/usr/bin/ -1
Thu Mar  2 15:43:32 +03 2023
steer-client command is null!
./steer-client HELP
./steer-client version: 4.0.0
./steer-client source: HEAD [c6567a4ab1bffa71a7b85e4ed635ea0a44e68c0f]
./steer-client options:
steer-client --command guide --payload '{ "sta": "mac", "command": "command" , "ap": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF or wl0/1"}'
    This command is used to guide a STA to an AP in mesh network or, prevent any guiding on STA, thru "command" option
    "ap" parameter can be aither a MAC in mesh, or an intf on same AP
    "command" is one of below. If this parameter does not exist, defaulted to "kick_12"
        "guide_no_11v", "guide_11v", "kick_12", "kick_24": These are regular steering decisions.
        "cancel"   : Cancel a guide which is initiated thru this command.
        "no_guide" : Prevent normal steering to make a decision about this STA.
steer-client --command guide-history --payload '{ "sta": "mac", "start": linux_epoch, , "end": linux_epoch, "source": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" , "dest" : "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"'
    This command is used to get guide history of a STA
    Except "sta" parameter, all parameters are optional, if they exist, only appropriate guides are accouned

steer-client --command rrm-meas-send --payload '{ "sta":"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF", "measurements":[{"ssid":"my_ssid"}] }'
    This command is used to send various radio measurements (for now, only beacon request) to an ASSOCIATED STA.
    Above payload is a simple one, and mostly will serve the purpose. But, more payload options are available for more 
    tuning. Full payload breakdown with description is available below:
    '{ "sta":"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF", //Contains MAC address of the associated STA which request will be sent.
       "rep_cnt":cnt,             //Contains repetition count for this measurement requests.(Optional, Default:0)
       "measurements": [{         //Contains an array of requested measurements
                         "type":"beacon",              //Indicates measurement request type (Optional, Default:"beacon")
                         "channel":36,                 //Indicates channel if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:sta_assoc_channel)
                         "op_class":80,                //Indicates op_class if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:calculated)
                         "duration":10,                //Indicates duration if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:5)
                         "mandatory":true/false,       //Indicates if duration is mandatory, if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:false)
                         "mode":"passive",             //Indicates beacon mode if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:"active")
                         "bssid":"11:22:33:44:55:66",  //Indicates target bssid if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:none)
                         "ssid":"my_ssid"              //Indicates target ssid if type is beacon request (Optional, Default:none)
                         "random":500                  //Indicates random interval before measurement (Optional, Default:0)

steer-client --command events
steer-client --command topology
steer-client --debug level
   Valid levels are: none, error, notice, info, debug, trace
steer-client --command wps-start
steer-client --command wps-end
steer-client --command wps-cancel
steer-client --command cac-start
steer-client --command cac-stop
steer-client --command cac-complete
steer-client --command reset
steer-client --command redirect-logs
steer-client --command redirect-logs-cancel
steer-client --command interface-add --payload '{ "name": "wl0", "band": 2, "radio_name" : "wl0", "wds_capable" : 0  }'
steer-client --command interface-add --payload '{ "name": "wl1", "band": 5, "radio_name" : "wl1", "wds_capable" : 1  }'
steer-client --command interface-del --payload '{ "name": "wl0" }'
steer-client --command interface-del --payload '{ "name": "wl1" }'
steer-client --command interface-get
steer-client --command permanent-untouchable-add --payload '{ "sta": "mac" }'
steer-client --command permanent-untouchable-del --payload '{ "sta": "mac" }'
steer-client --command dump
steer-client --command dump --payload '{ "sta": "mac" }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "debug.dmesg.enabled": value }'
steer-client --getall
   Long form can be used also: steer-client --command config --payload '{ "get": "all" }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "dry": 0 }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "zombie": 0 }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "gwmode": 1 }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "fallback": 1 }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "wdsaddr": "mac" }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "cli.port": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "dump_stas_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "dump_blacklist_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "dump_ssid_cap_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "migrate_defer": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.migrate.interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "deauthenticate_defer": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "ssid_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "nodes.monitor_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.remove_silent_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.remove_silent_threshold": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.remove_idle_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.remove_auth_during_guide_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.remove_auth_during_guide_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.unconnected.auth_rssi_threshold": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.unconnected.activate_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "blacklist.remove_gw_bias": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "delete_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "kick.max_fail_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "kick.max_lost_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "kick.fail_lost_check_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "ssid_hide_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "wps_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "cac_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "dynamic_untouch.allowed": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "stas.max_client_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "stas.max_stored_client_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "stas.ssid_cap_reset_timeout": value(second) }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "monitor.idle_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "monitor.associate_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "monitor.monitor_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "monitor.monitor_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "message.announce_sta_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "message.announce_wds_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "message.monitored_rssi_timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "message.threshold_guide_tsms": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "message.threshold_guide_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "message.use_loopback_intf": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "decide.decide_interval": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_mid_rssi": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_low_rssi": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_high_rssi": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.timeout_no_stamon": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_mid_rssi_no_stamon": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_low_rssi_no_stamon": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_high_rssi_no_stamon": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.cnt_diff_band": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.low_rssi_2G": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.high_rssi_2G": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.low_rssi_5G": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.smoothing.high_rssi_5G": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "decide.threshold_guide_count": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "decide.threshold_guide_tsms": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "kick.min_sample_required": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.infer.timeout": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.infer.allow_2_4_to_5": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.infer.allow_5_to_2_4": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.infer.min_rssi_2_4_to_5": value }'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "guide.allow_unknown_ssid": value }'  
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "measurement.beacon_request_check_interval": value_in_msec}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.meas_duration": value_in_msec}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.mode": value}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.noreport_count": value}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.timeout": value_in_msec}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.timeout_off_chan": value_in_msec}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.udp_thr_5G_5G": value}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.snr_thr_5G_2G": value}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.snr_thr_2G_2G": value}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.min_time_bw_requests": value_in_msec}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.max_interval_per_channel": value_in_msec}'
steer-client --command config --payload '{ "rrm.beacon_report.assoc_rssi_diff_to_resend": value}'
root@OpenWrt:/airties# cat etc/cloud/aca.conf 
  "server_certs_dir": "certs",
  "client_certs_dir": "client_certs",
  "ca_pathnames": {
    "xmpp.clientauth": "XMPP.ClientAuthentication",
    "xmpp.connreq": "XMPP.ConnectionRequest",
    "xmpp.domain": "XMPP.Domain",
    "xmpp.password": "XMPP.Password",
    "xmpp.policy": "XMPP.Policy",
    "xmpp.username": "XMPP.Username",
    "xmpp.prereg.retry_period": "XMPP.PreRegistration.RetryPeriod",
    "xmpp.prereg.retry_interval": "XMPP.PreRegistration.RetryInterval",
  "ca_diversions": [
      "DataModelVersion": "1.0"
  "other_pathnames": {
    "mac_addr": "Device.X_AIRTIES_Obj.PrimaryMACAddress",
    "serial_number": "Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber",
    "fwversion": "Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion",
    "gwy_mac_addr": "Device.X_AIRTIES_Obj.Topology.Gateway.MACAddress"
  "other_diversions": [
      "DataModelVersion": "1.0"

Insmod airties

 insmod /airties/lib/modules/airties/air-clock.ko

Remove module air-clock

rmmod air-clock
[  965.707601] air-clock: Bye..
root@OpenWrt:/airties/etc# /airties/usr/sbin/aca-cli 
This is mostly a developer's utility, hence, you need to be aware of the consequences.  Use with caution.
Note-1: Intended to be used on the localhost.
Note-2: Not performance centric while processing cloud json rpc request but instead it is used for testing purposes.
Usage: aca-cli <message>
  Message can be one of those:
        an event: unregister, xmpp_idle, xmpp_connreq, xmpp_reconn, xmpp_query_service, aca_exit, aca_ping, aca_hang_toggle
        a topology: topology, routes, friendly, steer, cca, cca2g
        a diag: config, status, reqtrack, msgtrack, actorstates
        a cloud json rpc request: cjrpc 'JSON_RPC_REQ'
        an async json bcast message: bmsg 'JSON_PUBSUB_MSG'
        an async json ucast message: umsg 'JSON_PUBSUB_MSG'
        a json message to a remote device: rjmsg 'JSON_MSG'
Example usage: aca-cli xmpp_reconn
Example usage: aca-cli topology
Example usage: aca-cli status
Example usage: aca-cli cjrpc 'JSON_RPC_REQ'
Example usage: aca-cli bmsg 'JSON_PUBSUB_MSG'
Example usage: aca-cli umsg 'JSON_PUBSUB_MSG'
Example usage: aca-cli rjmsg 'JSON_MSG'
Example usage: aca-cli jsonrpc2 'JSON_MSG'

!!! Example ""

root@OpenWrt:/airties/etc# /airties/usr/sbin/aca-cli status
[2023-12-23 15:41:54] [info] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,send_msg-269: Sending status to acaclisrv actor.
[2023-12-23 15:41:54] [info] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,send_msg-299: Successfully send the message (8 bytes) to acaclisrv actor.
[2023-12-23 15:41:54] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,receive_msg-328: Can't receive the message from acaclisrv actor in its entirety (ret=-1, msglen=8).
[2023-12-23 15:41
root@OpenWrt:/airties/etc# /airties/usr/sbin/aca-cli topology
[2023-12-23 15:42:16] [info] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,send_msg-269: Sending topology to acaclisrv actor.
[2023-12-23 15:42:16] [info] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,send_msg-299: Successfully send the message (8 bytes) to acaclisrv actor.
[2023-12-23 15:42:16] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,receive_msg-328: Can't receive the message from acaclisrv actor in its entirety (ret=-1, msglen=8).
[2023-12-23 15:42:16] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,receive_udp_msg-525: Can't get the message header.
[2023-12-23 15:42:16] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,process_msg-582: Failed to receive the response.
[2023-12-23 15:42:16] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,main-612: Failed to exchange the msg.
:54] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,receive_udp_msg-525: Can't get the message header.
[2023-12-23 15:41:54] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,process_msg-582: Failed to receive the response.
[2023-12-23 15:41:54] [error] [aca-cli] aca-cli.c,main-612: Failed to exchange the msg.
root@OpenWrt:/airties# airties_hapd_reload_config --help
[/airties/usr/bin/airties_hapd_reload_config] IFACE: --help
Invalid arguments
BusyBox v1.23.2 (2021-08-07 22:14:41 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: grep [-HhnlLoqvsriwFE] [-m N] [-A/B/C N] PATTERN/-e PATTERN.../-f FILE [FILE]...

Search for PATTERN in FILEs (or stdin)

        -H      Add 'filename:' prefix
        -h      Do not add 'filename:' prefix
        -n      Add 'line_no:' prefix
        -l      Show only names of files that match
        -L      Show only names of files that don't match
        -c      Show only count of matching lines
        -o      Show only the matching part of line
        -q      Quiet. Return 0 if PATTERN is found, 1 otherwise
        -v      Select non-matching lines
        -s      Suppress open and read errors
        -r      Recurse
        -i      Ignore case
        -w      Match whole words only
        -x      Match whole lines only
        -F      PATTERN is a literal (not regexp)
        -E      PATTERN is an extended regexp
        -m N    Match up to N times per file
        -A N    Print N lines of trailing context
        -B N    Print N lines of leading context
        -C N    Same as '-A N -B N'
        -e PTRN Pattern to match
        -f FILE Read pattern from file

[/airties/usr/bin/airties_hapd_reload_config] Reloading config for: 2260: 
+ BOOTID_FILE=/data/airties_bootid.bin
+ AIRTIES_DISABLE_FILE=/data/airties_disable
+ AIRTIES_DEBUG_FILE=/data/airties_debug
+ STORAGE_COMPRESSED_FILE=/data/airties_config.bin
+ [ -f /airties/etc/profile_config ]
+ source /airties/etc/profile_config
+ [ -f /etc/platform_params ]
    /bin/sh -x /sbin/core-handler rm-client.11484.11.1703345677.core 11484
    + [ 2 -lt 2 ]
    + exec
    + exec
    + . /lib/
    + N=
    + _C=0
    + NO_EXPORT=1
    + LOAD_STATE=1
    + LIST_SEP= 
    + reset_cb
    + [ -z  -a -f /lib/config/ ]
    + . /lib/config/
    + filename=rm-client.11484.11.1703345677.core
    + pid=11484
    + uci_get system @coredump[0] action nocore
    + local PACKAGE=system
    + local CONFIG=@coredump[0]
    + local OPTION=action
    + local DEFAULT=nocore
    + local STATE=
    + /sbin/uci -q get system.@coredump[0].action
    + RET=0
    + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
    + return 0
    + action=compress
    + uci_get system @coredump[0] path /tmp
    + local PACKAGE=system
    + local CONFIG=@coredump[0]
    + local OPTION=path
    + local DEFAULT=/tmp
    + local STATE=
    + /sbin/uci -q get system.@coredump[0].path
    + RET=0
    + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
    + return 0
    + path=/root
    + uci_get system @coredump[0] reboot 1
    + local PACKAGE=system
    + local CONFIG=@coredump[0]
    + local OPTION=reboot
    + local DEFAULT=1
    + local STATE=
    + /sbin/uci -q get system.@coredump[0].reboot
    + RET=0
    + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
    + return 0
    + reboot=0
    + action_option=system.@coredump[0].action
    + reboot_option=system.@coredump[0].reboot
    + [ -f /sbin/core-handler-lxc ]
    + . /sbin/core-handler-lxc
    + crashed_in_container
    + pid_namespace self
    + readlink /proc/self/ns/pid
    + local root_ns=pid:[4026531836]
    + pid_namespace 11484
    + readlink /proc/11484/ns/pid
    + local pid_ns=
    + [ pid:[4026531836] !=  ]
    + handle_crash_in_container
    + local coredump_action
    + local coredump_reboot
    + config_load lxc
    + [ -n  ]
    + uci_load lxc
    + local PACKAGE=lxc
    + local DATA
    + local RET
    + local VAR
    + _C=0
    + [ -z  ]
    + export -n CONFIG_LIST_STATE=
    + export -n CONFIG_SECTIONS=
    + export -n CONFIG_NUM_SECTIONS=0
    + export -n CONFIG_SECTION=
    + /sbin/uci -P /var/state -S -n export lxc
    + DATA=package lxc
    config lxc 'global'
            option enabled '1'
    config lxc_instance 'lxc_ee'
            option enabled '1'
            option lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus '1'
            option lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us '50000'
            option lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes '100M'
            option lxc_uts_name 'TeliaLXC'
            option ubus_proxy 'use_ipc'
            option ubus_user 'lxc_telia'
            option ubus_createuser '1'
            option config_dir_path '/etc/telia_app_config'
            option coredump_reboot '0'
            option coredump_action 'compress'
            list includes '/usr/share/lxc/include.conf'
            list includes '/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config'
            option lxc_net_0_type 'veth'
            option lxc_net_0_link 'br-lan'
            option lxc_net_0_name 'eth0'
            option lxc_net_0_flags 'up'
            option lxc_net_0_hwaddr 'A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7'
            option lxc_net_0_veth_pair 'vethA4F7VV'
    + RET=0
    + [ 0 != 0 -o -z package lxc
    config lxc 'global'
            option enabled '1'
    config lxc_instance 'lxc_ee'
            option enabled '1'
            option lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus '1'
            option lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us '50000'
            option lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes '100M'
            option lxc_uts_name 'TeliaLXC'
            option ubus_proxy 'use_ipc'
            option ubus_user 'lxc_telia'
            option ubus_createuser '1'
            option config_dir_path '/etc/telia_app_config'
            option coredump_reboot '0'
            option coredump_action 'compress'
            list includes '/usr/share/lxc/include.conf'
            list includes '/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config'
            option lxc_net_0_type 'veth'
            option lxc_net_0_link 'br-lan'
            option lxc_net_0_name 'eth0'
            option lxc_net_0_flags 'up'
            option lxc_net_0_hwaddr 'A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7'
            option lxc_net_0_veth_pair 'vethA4F7VV' ]
    + eval package lxc
    config lxc 'global'
            option enabled '1'
    config lxc_instance 'lxc_ee'
            option enabled '1'
            option lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus '1'
            option lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us '50000'
            option lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes '100M'
            option lxc_uts_name 'TeliaLXC'
            option ubus_proxy 'use_ipc'
            option ubus_user 'lxc_telia'
            option ubus_createuser '1'
            option config_dir_path '/etc/telia_app_config'
            option coredump_reboot '0'
            option coredump_action 'compress'
            list includes '/usr/share/lxc/include.conf'
            list includes '/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config'
            option lxc_net_0_type 'veth'
            option lxc_net_0_link 'br-lan'
            option lxc_net_0_name 'eth0'
            option lxc_net_0_flags 'up'
            option lxc_net_0_hwaddr 'A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7'
            option lxc_net_0_veth_pair 'vethA4F7VV'
    + package lxc
    + return 0
    + config lxc global
    + local cfgtype=lxc
    + local name=global
    + export -n CONFIG_NUM_SECTIONS=1
    + name=global
    + append CONFIG_SECTIONS global
    + local var=CONFIG_SECTIONS
    + local value=global
    + local sep= 
    + eval export -n -- "CONFIG_SECTIONS=${CONFIG_SECTIONS:+${CONFIG_SECTIONS}${value:+$sep}}$value"
    + export -n -- CONFIG_SECTIONS=global
    + [ -n  ]
    + config_cb lxc global
    + return 0
    + export -n CONFIG_SECTION=global
    + export -n CONFIG_global_TYPE=lxc
    + option enabled 1
    + local varname=enabled
    + shift
    + local value=1
    + export -n CONFIG_global_enabled=1
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb enabled 1
    + return 0
    + config lxc_instance lxc_ee
    + local cfgtype=lxc_instance
    + local name=lxc_ee
    + export -n CONFIG_NUM_SECTIONS=2
    + name=lxc_ee
    + append CONFIG_SECTIONS lxc_ee
    + local var=CONFIG_SECTIONS
    + local value=lxc_ee
    + local sep= 
    + eval export -n -- "CONFIG_SECTIONS=${CONFIG_SECTIONS:+${CONFIG_SECTIONS}${value:+$sep}}$value"
    + export -n -- CONFIG_SECTIONS=global lxc_ee
    + [ -n  ]
    + config_cb lxc_instance lxc_ee
    + return 0
    + export -n CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_TYPE=lxc_instance
    + option enabled 1
    + local varname=enabled
    + shift
    + local value=1
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_enabled=1
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb enabled 1
    + return 0
    + option lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus 1
    + local varname=lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus
    + shift
    + local value=1
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus=1
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_cgroup_cpuset_cpus 1
    + return 0
    + option lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us 50000
    + local varname=lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us
    + shift
    + local value=50000
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us=50000
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_us 50000
    + return 0
    + option lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes 100M
    + local varname=lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes
    + shift
    + local value=100M
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes=100M
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_cgroup_memory_limit_in_bytes 100M
    + return 0
    + option lxc_uts_name TeliaLXC
    + local varname=lxc_uts_name
    + shift
    + local value=TeliaLXC
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_uts_name=TeliaLXC
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_uts_name TeliaLXC
    + return 0
    + option ubus_proxy use_ipc
    + local varname=ubus_proxy
    + shift
    + local value=use_ipc
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_ubus_proxy=use_ipc
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb ubus_proxy use_ipc
    + return 0
    + option ubus_user lxc_telia
    + local varname=ubus_user
    + shift
    + local value=lxc_telia
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_ubus_user=lxc_telia
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb ubus_user lxc_telia
    + return 0
    + option ubus_createuser 1
    + local varname=ubus_createuser
    + shift
    + local value=1
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_ubus_createuser=1
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb ubus_createuser 1
    + return 0
    + option config_dir_path /etc/telia_app_config
    + local varname=config_dir_path
    + shift
    + local value=/etc/telia_app_config
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_config_dir_path=/etc/telia_app_config
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb config_dir_path /etc/telia_app_config
    + return 0
    + option coredump_reboot 0
    + local varname=coredump_reboot
    + shift
    + local value=0
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_coredump_reboot=0
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb coredump_reboot 0
    + return 0
    + option coredump_action compress
    + local varname=coredump_action
    + shift
    + local value=compress
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_coredump_action=compress
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb coredump_action compress
    + return 0
    + list includes /usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + local varname=includes
    + shift
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + local len
    + config_get len lxc_ee includes_LENGTH 0
    + eval export -n -- len=${CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes_LENGTH:-${4}}
    + export -n -- len=0
    + [ 0 = 0 ]
    + append CONFIG_LIST_STATE lxc_ee_includes
    + local var=CONFIG_LIST_STATE
    + local value=lxc_ee_includes
    + local sep= 
    + eval export -n -- "CONFIG_LIST_STATE=${CONFIG_LIST_STATE:+${CONFIG_LIST_STATE}${value:+$sep}}$value"
    + export -n -- CONFIG_LIST_STATE=lxc_ee_includes
    + len=1
    + config_set lxc_ee includes_ITEM1 /usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + local section=lxc_ee
    + local option=includes_ITEM1
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + local old_section=lxc_ee
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + option includes_ITEM1 /usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + local varname=includes_ITEM1
    + shift
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes_ITEM1=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb includes_ITEM1 /usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + return 0
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + config_set lxc_ee includes_LENGTH 1
    + local section=lxc_ee
    + local option=includes_LENGTH
    + local value=1
    + local old_section=lxc_ee
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + option includes_LENGTH 1
    + local varname=includes_LENGTH
    + shift
    + local value=1
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes_LENGTH=1
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb includes_LENGTH 1
    + return 0
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + append CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes /usr/share/lxc/include.conf  
    + local var=CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + local sep= 
    + eval export -n -- "CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes=${CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes:+${CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes}${value:+$sep}}$value"
    + export -n -- CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + list_cb includes /usr/share/lxc/include.conf
    + return 0
    + list includes /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + local varname=includes
    + shift
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + local len
    + config_get len lxc_ee includes_LENGTH 0
    + eval export -n -- len=${CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes_LENGTH:-${4}}
    + export -n -- len=1
    + [ 1 = 0 ]
    + len=2
    + config_set lxc_ee includes_ITEM2 /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + local section=lxc_ee
    + local option=includes_ITEM2
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + local old_section=lxc_ee
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + option includes_ITEM2 /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + local varname=includes_ITEM2
    + shift
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes_ITEM2=/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb includes_ITEM2 /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + return 0
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + config_set lxc_ee includes_LENGTH 2
    + local section=lxc_ee
    + local option=includes_LENGTH
    + local value=2
    + local old_section=lxc_ee
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + option includes_LENGTH 2
    + local varname=includes_LENGTH
    + shift
    + local value=2
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes_LENGTH=2
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb includes_LENGTH 2
    + return 0
    + CONFIG_SECTION=lxc_ee
    + append CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config  
    + local var=CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes
    + local value=/usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + local sep= 
    + eval export -n -- "CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes=${CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes:+${CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes}${value:+$sep}}$value"
    + export -n -- CONFIG_lxc_ee_includes=/usr/share/lxc/include.conf /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + list_cb includes /usr/share/lxc/includes/curl.config
    + return 0
    + option lxc_net_0_type veth
    + local varname=lxc_net_0_type
    + shift
    + local value=veth
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_net_0_type=veth
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_net_0_type veth
    + return 0
    + option lxc_net_0_link br-lan
    + local varname=lxc_net_0_link
    + shift
    + local value=br-lan
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_net_0_link=br-lan
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_net_0_link br-lan
    + return 0
    + option lxc_net_0_name eth0
    + local varname=lxc_net_0_name
    + shift
    + local value=eth0
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_net_0_name=eth0
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_net_0_name eth0
    + return 0
    + option lxc_net_0_flags up
    + local varname=lxc_net_0_flags
    + shift
    + local value=up
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_net_0_flags=up
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_net_0_flags up
    + return 0
    + option lxc_net_0_hwaddr A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7
    + local varname=lxc_net_0_hwaddr
    + shift
    + local value=A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_net_0_hwaddr=A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_net_0_hwaddr A6:91:B1:43:C8:C7
    + return 0
    + option lxc_net_0_veth_pair vethA4F7VV
    + local varname=lxc_net_0_veth_pair
    + shift
    + local value=vethA4F7VV
    + export -n CONFIG_lxc_ee_lxc_net_0_veth_pair=vethA4F7VV
    + [ -n  ]
    + option_cb lxc_net_0_veth_pair vethA4F7VV
    + return 0
    + unset DATA
    + config_cb
    + return 0
    + return 0
    + pid_namespace 11484
    + readlink /proc/11484/ns/pid
    + find_container
    + local pid_ns=
    + list_containers
    + config_foreach lxc_instance_add lxc_instance
    + local ___function=lxc_instance_add
    + [ 2 -ge 1 ]
    + shift
    + local ___type=lxc_instance
    + [ 1 -ge 1 ]
    + shift
    + local section cfgtype
    + [ -z global lxc_ee ]
    + config_get cfgtype global TYPE
    + eval export -n -- cfgtype=${CONFIG_global_TYPE:-${4}}
    + export -n -- cfgtype=lxc
    + [ -n lxc_instance -a xlxc != xlxc_instance ]
    + continue
    + config_get cfgtype lxc_ee TYPE
    + eval export -n -- cfgtype=${CONFIG_lxc_ee_TYPE:-${4}}
    + export -n -- cfgtype=lxc_instance
    + [ -n lxc_instance -a xlxc_instance != xlxc_instance ]
    + eval lxc_instance_add "$section" "$@"
    + lxc_instance_add lxc_ee
    + _ALL_CONTAINERS= lxc_ee
    + echo lxc_ee
    + container_pid_ns lxc_ee
    + local lxc=lxc_ee
    + lxc-attach -n lxc_ee -- readlink /proc/self/ns/pid
    + local ns=pid:[4026533602]
    + [ pid:[4026533602] =  ]
    + local lxc=
    + [ -z ]
    + log crash in unknown container, using global coredump settings
    + echo crash in unknown container, using global coredump settings
    + logger -t postmortem
    + tee /dev/console
    + return 0
    + [ compress = upload ]
    + find /root -maxdepth 1 -type f -name *.*.*.*.core.gz
    + xargs rm -f
    + log core dumped to /root/rm-client.11484.11.1703345677.core.gz
    + echo core dumped to /root/rm-client.11484.11.1703345677.core.gz
    + tee /dev/console
    + logger -t postmortem
    + gzip -c
    gzip: compressed data not read from terminal, use -f to force it
    + [ 0 -eq 1 ]


EyeSaaS is a suite of hosted services tailored to the needs of ISPs. EyeSaaS Carat is developed by

AirTies Companion Application


Checking the Version Using a Web Browser

If you do not have the app or prefer to use a Web browser:

Open a Web browser on your PC or tablet while connected to your wireless AirTies network. Go to the address http://air4920.local (or http://air4930.local) and sign in. If you have never signed in before, your password is blank. (We recommend that you change this and write down your new password.) Find the firmware version in the middle of the page that is displayed after signing in. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the addresses http://air4920-2.local and http://air4920-3.local (or http://air4930-2.local and so on) to check each device in the network — continue to-4 and-5 if you have a larger mesh.

Updates from Firmware Server

Airties troubleshoot and test

  • Download the full pdf from here
If you have an older firmware version than expected, you can request the latest version from the AirTies firmware server:

Restart the device using the Power button on the back.
Go to http://air4920.local or http://air4930.local
Using the menu on the left-hand side, navigate to Advanced Settings > Tools > Firmware Update.
Make sure that the setting Enable auto firmware upgrade is turned on so that you receive new updates in the future.
Click Check for Updates Now to contact the AirTies server.
Repeat step 1-4 with all units in the mesh network (http://air4920-2.local, http://air4920-3.local, and so on).
