#level: classified
Sagemcom Fast3890
This is also a router from a Swedish Internet operator to find back doors and to see what is under the hood.
I got this router mailed to me as a donation from @anotherman 2022-12-03 - I really have a lot to do but I will check these routers properly this week finally (Week1, 2023). - Thanks alot @anotherman
I saw that there was some information about this router and I tried: Sagemcom F@ast v3890 Exploit but unfortunately without results, and I'm not the best at python so I'll have to try my own way eventually, does anyone know if there's already a way to get root on this device then I'd be grateful if you told me how then I'm extremely interested in entering Sagemcom's units.
Here is few things I have checked so far, I will return to this repo asap to get root!! To be continued.
Default User Login
Username: admin
BlockedUser: guest
Maintheme: styles/themes/comhem-main.css
FeatureAccessz: acs, admin, expert, internal, sagemcom
firmwareUpgrade: Device/gen3890v3
Get HW info
Get Device Name
Priunt CPU Load Usage
Print Driver Version
Print Hardware Version
Print Model Name
Print Model NUmber
Print Product Class
Print Serial NUmber
Print uptime
Print Software Versin
Print current DNS in use
Print bootfile names (try download these later)
$.xmo.setValuesTree('test', 'Device/DHCPv4/Server/Pools/Pool[@uid="1"]/BootFileName')
Download backup works fine from anywhere on webui
var a = $.xmo.client.newRequest();
$.config.modules.backupConfigurationAllBackup === !0 ? a.downloadSpecificFile($.xpaths.mySagemcomBox.maintenance.saveRestore.save, "device.cfg", 1, function() {}, function(a) {}) : a.downloadFile($.xpaths.mySagemcomBox.maintenance.saveRestore.save, function() {}, function(a) {}),
Get all settings via xpath
$.xmo.getValuesTree($.xpaths.rpc.firmwareUpgrade); (SAME AS xmo.device)
$.xmo.setValuesTree('false', $.xpaths.accessControl.firewall.enable);
List all settiings for all users
Get role status by login
Get role status by uid
List all settings for all users, maxdepth 1
List all settings for all users by user
```javascript $.xmo.getValuesTree("Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/Profiles/Profile[@uid='2']");
List all settings for all users maxdepth 1, maxdepth 1>= sorted by name device_useraccounts1.png
### List profiles by username
List profiles by username
List profiles for all users
List remoteaccess for uid 3
List Functionalities for uid 3
Capture all traffic during documentation
# Author: wuseman
tsharkDate=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
tshark -i wlan0 -w investigation_sagemcom__3890v3_ch_comhem-${tsharkDate}.pcap
Capture all GET requests from file
tshark -r investigation_sagemcom__3890v3_ch_comhem-.pcap -T json \
Capture all POSt requests from file
tshark -r investigation_sagemcom__3890v3_ch_comhem-.pcap -T json \
Capture all POST / GET / PUT requests from file
tshark -i wlan0 -T json \
"http.request.method==POST" or "http.request.method==GET" or "http.request.method==PUT"
Capture all hosts from file
tshark -r investigation_sagemcom__3890v3_ch_comhem-.pcap \
-Tfields \
-e tshark \
-r investigation_sagemcom__3890v3_ch_comhem-.pcap \
-T json "http.request.method==POST" or "http.request.method==GET" \
|cut -d'"' -f2 \
|sort \
|uniq \
|sed 's/^/tshark -r investigation_sagemcom__3890v3_ch_comhem-.pcap \
-Tfields \
-e /ghttp.host
Capture Post and GET requests in realtime
tshark -i wlan0 -f 'port 80 and
(tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2):4] = 0x504F5354 or
tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2):4] = 0x47455420)' -Ttext -z "follow,tcp,ascii,0" -w pcap
Developer Console
Get all settings for device from developer console
Get all settings for device and values
- Do
use semicolon when run multiple commands
- Do
use semicolon when run multiple commands
- Settings: : 50
- Settings: 50
- Settings: : 398
- Settings: 698
- Settings: 2562
- Settings: 3557
- Settings: 957
- Settings: 680
- Settings: 33
- Settings: 22 (last)
Astrix + Dot"
Get capabilitys
- Settings: N/A
* Settings: 398
- Settings: 1618
- Settings: 957
- Settings: 680
- Settings 33
- Settings: 22
Get configs