John: Password Cracking Techniques and Strategies
Explore various password cracking techniques and strategies using John the Ripper. Learn how to crack passwords using incremental mode, specific wordlists, external modes, and target specific hash formats.
Incremental mode (Brute-Force)
/usr/sbin/john --incremental mypasswd.txt
Using a specific wordlist
/usr/sbin/john --wordlist=customwordlist.txt mypasswd.txt
Using external mode
/usr/sbin/john --external=Wordlist mypasswd.txt
Cracking ZIP files
/usr/sbin/john --format=zip myziphash.txt
Cracking MD5 hashes
/usr/sbin/john --format=raw-md5 mymd5hash.txt
Using a specific cracking strategy
/usr/sbin/john --format=NT myhash.txt --rules=Jumbo
Cracking SSH private keys
/usr/sbin/john --format=ssh mysshkey
Restore a previous session
/usr/sbin/john --restore=sessionname
List available formats
/usr/sbin/john --list=formats
Specify a format for raw MD5 hashes
/usr/sbin/john --format=Raw-MD5 myrawmd5hash.txt
Run John with no log
/usr/sbin/john --nolog mypasswd.txt
Pause and resume a session
To pause:
kill -SIGTERM $(pgrep john)
To resume:
/usr/sbin/john --restore
Check for cracked passwords
/usr/sbin/john --show --format=raw-md5 mymd5hash.txt
Pot file manipulation (example: showing cracked passwords)
cat ~/.john/john.pot
Target a specific CPU core
taskset -c 0 /usr/sbin/john mypasswd.txt