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Emagnet Scraper v1.0


Current Version News Tested On
1.0 Run your own serer for emagnet Linux/MacOS/OpenWRT/Windows/Android


Emagnet Scraper is a monitor tool so we can grab all urls from and store all uploads on our own server and share to people

Setup your own server for emagnet and store both pastebin-api.txt (full api) && pastebin.txt (raw files)

Getting Started

Install apache2 or nginx and configure it after your needs:

,-> Create a folder in /var/www/html/emagnet/pastebin
|   From now you will have things stored like:
|   Recent uploads stored as raw format:            /var/www/html/emagnet/pastebin/yyy-mm-dd/pastebin.txt 
|   Recent uploads will also be stored in json: :   /var/www/html/emagnet/pastebin/yyy-mm-dd/pastebin.txt
|           For find your own urls or at emagnet server, you can do as below:
|           Print all urls:         curl -Lvs
'---------> Print all urls in json: curl -Lvs|jq


[Versions changelog](


**wuseman <>


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the []( file for details


If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions please contact me on *_wuseman@nr1.nu_  - For faster contact visit freenode irc network or the webchat and type '/msg wuseman hi!' in the input bar and I will reply you ASAP I will see the message.

Enter Freenodes network via your own client ' or use their new web client [here](