Emagnet Scraper v1.0
- Download: emagnet-scraper.sh
Current Version | News | Tested On |
1.0 | Run your own serer for emagnet | Linux/MacOS/OpenWRT/Windows/Android |
Emagnet Scraper is a monitor tool so we can grab all urls from scrape.pastebin.com/api_scrape.php and store all uploads on our own server and share to people
Setup your own server for emagnet and store both pastebin-api.txt (full api) && pastebin.txt (raw files)
Getting Started
Install apache2 or nginx and configure it after your needs:
,-> Create a folder in /var/www/html/emagnet/pastebin
| From now you will have things stored like:
| Recent uploads stored as raw format: /var/www/html/emagnet/pastebin/yyy-mm-dd/pastebin.txt
| Recent uploads will also be stored in json: : /var/www/html/emagnet/pastebin/yyy-mm-dd/pastebin.txt
| For find your own urls or at emagnet server, you can do as below:
| Print all urls: curl -Lvs https://nr1.nu/emagnet/pastebin/yyy-mm-dd/pastebin.txt
'---------> Print all urls in json: curl -Lvs https://nr1.nu/emagnet/pastebin/yyy-mm-dd/pastebin-api.txt|jq
[Versions changelog](CHANGELOG.md).
**wuseman <wuseman@nr1.nu>
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details
If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions please contact me on *_wuseman@nr1.nu_ - For faster contact visit freenode irc network or the webchat and type '/msg wuseman hi!' in the input bar and I will reply you ASAP I will see the message.
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