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OpenRazer Gentoo Installation Guide

Unlock the full potential of your Razer devices on Gentoo with OpenRazer. Follow this simple guide to install OpenRazer seamlessly and explore additional software options for enhanced device customization.


Install OpenRazer on Gentoo:

emerge -av --autounmask sys-apps/openrazer

Load Modules

Unload the Razermouse module for Razer Mamba Elite mouse:

modprobe -r razermouse

Unload the Razerkbd module for Razer Ornata V2 keyboard:

modprobe -r razerkbd

Additional Software

OpenRazer can be used as a backend for the following packages:

  • sys-apps/razercommander: A UI OpenRazer client application
  • sys-apps/polychromatic: A feature-rich GUI configuration tool with CLI interface and system tray icon
  • sys-apps/razer-cli: A minimal CLI-only OpenRazer client

Install Razercommander

gpasswd -a wuseman plugdev
emerge --ask sys-apps/razercommander

Install Polychromatic Frontend

eselect repository enable vifino-overlay
emaint sync -r vifino-overlay
emerge app-misc/polychromatic

For more information, refer to the following resources