Match pkgname
qkeyword --matchpkg <arg>
Match catname
qkeyword --matchcat <arg>
Match maintainer email from metadata.xml (slow)
qkeyword --matchmaint <arg>
Show selected arch from profile configuration
List packages that can be marked stable for <arch>
List packages that have dropped keywords for <arch>
List packages that have ~arch versions, but no stable versions for <arch>
Display statistics about the portage tree
List packages that have at least one version keyworded for <arch>
List packages that aren't keyworded for <arch>
List latest stable version per package for <arch>
List latest testing version per package for <arch>
Set the ROOT env var
Report full package versions, emit more elaborate output
Tighter output; suppress warnings
Don't output color
Force color in output
Print this help and exit
Print version and exit