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emerge -av app-portage/eix
eix --print-all-useflags \ 
  |grep -o "\-.*" \
  |grep -v "_" \
  |grep -v "+"
echo "$((`eix --only-names -I ยด \
    |wc -l` * 100 / `eix --only-names \ 
    |wc -l`))% of 100% packages from Gentoo Linux is installed"

Search for cached package

eix package

Download remote database

eix-remote update1

Create/Sync remote database

eix-remote add1

Search for custom overlays

eix -R foo

Sync Portage Tree

eix > /dev/null 2>&1
if eix_status=$?; then
  emerge --sync
eix -c --installed-overlay

List Upgradeable Packages

eix --installed --upgrade | grep -o '\[U].*'

Preview All Packages That Has Been Installed From An Overlay

eix -c --installed-overlay; exit

Dump variables to stdout

eix --dump                

Dump default values of variables

eix --dump-defaults      
eix --print              
eix --known-vars          
eix --print-all-eapis     
eix --print-all-useflags  
eix --print-all-keywords  
eix --print-all-slots     
eix --print-all-licenses  
eix --print-all-depends   
eix --print-world-sets    
eix --print-profile-paths 
eix --256                 
eix --256d                
eix --256d0               
eix --256d1               
eix --256l                
eix --256l0               
eix --256l1               
eix --256b    

Match packages installed in several versions

eix --multi-installed 

Match duplicated packages

eix --dup-packages    

Match packages with duplicated versions

eix --dup-versions    

Match packages with a nontrivial slot

eix --slotted         

Match packages with two different slots

eix --slots           

Match packages without best slotted version

  • +: settings from LOCAL_PORTAGE_CONFIG=true
  • -: settings from LOCAL_PORTAGE_CONFIG=false
eix --upgrade[+-]

Match packages with a stable version

eix --stable[+-]          

Match packages with a testing or stable version

eix --testing[+-]         

Match packages with a non-masked version

eix --non-masked[+-]      

Match @system packages

eix --system[+-]          

Match @profile packages

eix --profile[+-]         

Match packages with a non-stable installed version

eix --installed-unstable  

Match packages with a testing installed version

eix --installed-testing   

Match packages with a masked installed version

eix --installed-masked    

Match packages of world file or @system

eix --world-file         

Match packages of a world set or @system

eix --world-set           

Match packages of @world (file, set or @system)

eix --world              

Match packages of world file

eix --selected-file      

Match packages of a world set

eix --selected-set       

Match packages of @selected (world file or set)

eix --selected           

Match packages with *.tbz2, *.gpkg.tar, or *.xpak

eix --binary             

Match packages with at least NR --binary files

eix --multi-binary NR    

Match packages from nonvirtual overlays

eix --nonvirtual                   

Match packages from virtual overlays

eix --virtual                      

Match packages from overlays

eix --overlay                  

Match packages from OVERLAY

eix --in-overlay OVERLAY            

Match packages only in OVERLAY

eix --only-in-overlay OVERLAY      

Installed from overlays

eix --installed-overlay Match packages 

Packages installed from OVERLAY

eix --installed-from-overlay OVERLAY 

Packages with an installed version provided by some overlay

eix --installed-in-some-overlay 

Packages with an installed version provided from OVERLAY

eix --installed-in-overlay OVERLAY   

Match packages with RESTRICT=fetch

eix --restrict-fetch          

Match packages with RESTRICT=mirror

eix --restrict-mirror         

Match packages with RESTRICT=primaryuri

eix --restrict-primaryuri     

Match packages with RESTRICT=binchecks

eix --restrict-binchecks      

Match packages with RESTRICT=strip

eix --restrict-strip          

Match packages with RESTRICT=test

eix --restrict-test           

Match packages with RESTRICT=userpriv

eix --restrict-userpriv       

Match packages with RESTRICT=installsources

eix --restrict-installsources 

Match packages with RESTRICT=bindist

eix --restrict-bindist       

Match packages with RESTRICT=parallel

eix --restrict-parallel       

Match packages with PROPERTIES=interactive

eix --properties-interactive  

Match packages with PROPERTIES=live

eix --properties-live         

Match packages with PROPERTIES=virtual

eix --properties-virtual      

Match packages with PROPERTIES=set

eix --properties-set          


Test non matching

Before other output, print non-matching entries of /etc/portage/package.* and non-matching names of installed packages; this option is best combined with -T to clean up /etc/portage/package.*

eix -t  --test-non-matching 

Don't read unguessable slots of installed packages

eix --quick

Always read slots of installed packages

eix --care            

Always read deps of installed packages

eix --deps-installed  

Use another cache-file instead of /var/cache/eix/portage.eix

eix --cache-file      

Use remote cache-file /var/cache/eix/remote.eix

eix --remote

Use remote cache-file /var/cache/eix/remote2.eix

eix --remote2
