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Privacy Policy

Purpose of this Wiki

This website is developed and maintained by me, solely for educational purposes. My primary goal is to share my experiences, knowledge, and for my personal use.

Safety and Precautions

  • The commands and scripts found on this site can be extremely powerful. Some of them can result in data loss, device formatting, or factory resets, among other actions.
  • I provide warnings where necessary, and I strongly advise readers NOT to copy and paste any command or script without a thorough understanding of its function.
  • ALWAYS take necessary backups and be certain of the implications of a command before executing it.
  • I cannot be held responsible for any mishaps, data losses, or damage incurred due to the use of information from this website.


  • I value user privacy. No personal data is collected or stored from the visitors of this site.
  • For understanding website traffic and visitor count, Google Analytics is implemented. However, no individual-specific data is tracked or stored.

Content License:

  • All scripts that is availalbe (0 public while this is written) is licensed under the WTFPL License (see below) unless the header contains anything else. While not mandatory, if you reproduce, share, or use the content from this site, an attribution or link back to this wiki is appreciated. This helps more enthusiasts discover and dive deeper into security at low level.